Furuncle: symptoms, treatment, complications and prevention
Furunculosis is a common inflammatory skin disease in which multiple boils can develop. According to
What is glycerin for? Areas of application of liquid glycerin
Glycerin for internal use. Recommendations for use
Glycerin application of the substance Glycerin is universal, which is why it is so widely used in all industries
Lidaza: instructions for use in injections, features of the product, its pros and cons
Lidase is a drug that can have a targeted effect on enzyme reactions in human
Internal hemorrhoids in women
Why hemorrhoids are dangerous for women: main signs and treatment methods
Internal hemorrhoids are quite common in women. The cause may be childbirth and pregnancy, sedentary
Ringing in the ears after shooting: causes and ways to get rid of unpleasant sensations
Ringing in the ears is an unpleasant phenomenon. When it occurs temporarily and does not affect
Causes of acne
Acne on the face of an adult - causes and treatment
Acne, pimples, rashes and skin lesions of various types are a problem not only for teenagers, but
The course of bone cancer, possible treatment methods and the likelihood of recovery
One of the oncological diseases that is difficult to treat and can lead to the death of the patient is
Chronic vaginitis - photo
Causes of vaginitis, types of disease and their symptoms, treatment
Chronic vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, usually of infectious origin, characterized by a long course. According to
The first symptoms of diabetes in women and girls: the beginning of primary signs
What signs of diabetes in women should you pay attention to? Our readers write Topic:
Diet for gallbladder disease - nutrition during exacerbation
When the gallbladder becomes inflamed, specialists diagnose cholecystitis. It usually appears due to eating disorders,
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