Medicines for pain in the stomach, pancreas, gastritis. List of the best
At least once in a lifetime, every person has encountered such a rather unpleasant symptom as
APILAK Grindeks ointment for external use - reviews
APILAK Grindeks ointment for external use - reviews
Dermatological diseases affect many people. They are most often associated with exposure to unfavorable factors,
A girl gargles with a glass of solution in her hand
Gargling solution - composition and proportions for sore throat, popular folk recipes with comments
Category: ENT + pulmonology, Medicines Sore throat is an infection of the tonsils caused by pathogenic microorganisms. IN
How to treat rosacea
Rosacea on the face: photos, symptoms, treatment and causes
Rosacea is a skin disease of chronic, non-infectious origin, characterized by skin redness (vessels
Celiac disease
Gluten intolerance. Symptoms in adults, diagnosis and treatment, diet
Gluten enteropathy (Celiac disease) is a type of autoimmune reaction to gluten. Malfunction of the digestive tract
Erectile dysfunction: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Classification Erectile dysfunction is usually classified according to the degree of severity: mild; average; moderate to severe
Consequences of alcohol abuse on the human body
Depending on the stage of the bad habit, the main symptoms manifest themselves differently. There are several stages
lung abscess
Lung abscess - forms, symptoms and treatment, complications, prognosis
Lung abscess is an inflammatory disease, otherwise called abscess pneumonia. Infectious lung diseases –
bloating in the intestines
Pneumothorax - what is it, why is it dangerous and how to provide emergency care
Pneumothorax is defined as the presence of air or gas in the pleural cavity, for example, in the space between
Urethritis in women: causes and diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease
Symptoms and treatment of urethritis in women can vary significantly depending on individual characteristics
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