Types of hemangioma
What is hemangioma, signs and treatment of a benign tumor
Disturbances in the functioning of small blood vessels often lead to the development of hemangioma. The disease refers to
fibrosis treatment
Liver fibrosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis
Fibrosis (fibrogenesis) develops as a consequence of other diseases that affect the liver. This disease is one
Increased testosterone in women: causes, symptoms, consequences, treatment
Increased testosterone in women can be observed due to physiological and pathological reasons. This violation is reflected
Everyone has experienced diarrhea. This condition, expressed in frequent loose stools, brings a lot of anxiety. And under certain circumstances it can cause significant harm to the body.
Neosmectin - instructions for use, indications, doses, analogues
Category: Published 02/17/2017 · Comments: · Reading time: 4 min · Views: 1,719
The effect of beta blockers on the heart and hypertension - how it works
There are many different drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, but the most effective of them are considered
Functional, follicular retention cyst of the ovary
Follicular cyst - causes and symptoms. Treatment of follicular cysts with medications and folk remedies
A follicular ovarian cyst is called functional, probably because it occurs as a consequence of hormonal disorders
Illness in a child
Serous meningitis in children and adults: symptoms and treatment
Meningitis is an extremely serious and serious disease. Inflammation is localized mainly in the membranes of the brain
Folk healer “from the windowsill”: aloe is a plant that cures 100 diseases. Medicinal properties and uses
At first glance, this healing herb does not seem like some kind of unusual, extremely useful plant. No wonder they call
What is pneumatosis intestinalis? Diagnosis, treatment, diet
Causes of intestinal pneumatosis The main cause of the development of pneumatosis is disorders in the digestive system, as a result
Ambrohexal - instructions, features of the use of tablets, syrup and solution for inhalation. 3 best analogues
Colds in children are almost always accompanied by a cough. This is the body's natural response to inflammation.
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