Third stage of alcoholism
Alcohol addiction is... Symptoms, stages of alcoholism, treatment methods, reviews
Many people use alcohol, as they put it, “to warm up.” Indeed, under the influence of alcohol, vessels
Typhus rash
Typhus – how to identify and effectively treat a dangerous disease?
Typhus is an infectious disease characterized by a cyclical course, severe intoxication, the appearance of a rash,
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Topographic anatomy, structure and physiology of the bladder in women and men
Even from school, many people know where the bladder is located, what it looks like and what it is like.
aplastic anemia
What is aplastic anemia, diagnosis and treatment
Aplastic anemia is an extremely unpleasant disease that can cause, in addition to health problems,
Submandibular lymphadenitis: causes, stages and symptoms, treatment, prevention
In the jaw lymph nodes, the lymph circulating in the cells and capillaries of the oral cavity is processed
Types of intrauterine devices
Intrauterine device ingrained symptoms. Indications for removal of the intrauterine device
What is an intrauterine device and how does it work Intrauterine devices are contraceptives, means,
Leukoplakia of the cervix: whether cancer starts is up to you
Leukoplakia of the cervix is ​​a complex and at the same time complex gynecological disease.
All about foot fungus: symptoms and effective treatment with modern drugs
Fungus, or another name for mycosis, is a viral infection with the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, which
Hemophilia - what is it and how to avoid critical complications?
Historical facts Hemophilia is one of the historically known diseases, it is called the “royal disease”.
Mumiyo beneficial properties and uses
Shilajit: beneficial properties and contraindications, what it helps with
Mumiyo beneficial properties and contraindications Mumiyo consists of many useful components. That's why it
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