multiple personality syndrome
What is multiple personality syndrome? Symptoms and examples of the disorder
It's hard to believe that there are people who seriously consider themselves either an eighteen-year-old striptease dancer or
Follicular tonsillitis: symptoms, photos and treatment regimen
Sore throat (acute tonsillitis) is an inflammatory disease of the tonsils. It is characterized by an acute course and occurs with
Adenomyosis - what it is (in plain language), causes and standard treatment
The connection between adenomyosis and endometriosis Adenomyosis is a type of endometriosis, a disease that is characterized by reproduction
Causes of atrial fibrillation, symptoms and treatment, complications and life prognosis
Atrial fibrillation or atrial fibrillation (AF) is a heart rhythm disorder that
A Baker's cyst develops in the popliteal fossa, usually due to injury or overuse of the knee joint.
Baker's cyst of the knee: causes, symptoms, treatment
Prevention Video Baker's cyst (Becker, popliteal fossa) is an accumulation of joint fluid in a stretched
Photo Methyluracil suppositories for hemorrhoids
Methyluracil suppositories for hemorrhoids reviews, instructions for use, use during pregnancy
Rectal suppositories are prescribed at any stage of development of hemorrhoidal disease. These remedies quickly remove everything
Ingrown nail plate
Ingrown toenail - what to do with it?
(1 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5) Home » Fungal diseases For the problem of ingrown toenails
Initial stage of diabetic foot: causes, symptoms and treatment
Description of diabetic foot syndrome, why it occurs in patients with diabetes. Common symptoms listed
Signs of the disease
How to promptly recognize and treat rubella in a child
Rubella is considered the most common infectious disease among children. The name appeared due to the reddish rash
Strong headache
What to do if you have a headache: causes of pain and treatment methods
Every person has experienced discomfort caused by headaches. Sometimes the headache is so bad that
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