Diagnosis of conjunctivitis
The best antibacterial eye drops - name and description
List of popular antibacterial drugs List of popular antibacterial drops for adults: Penicillin in powder form,
A complete overview of arthritis symptoms: pain, stiffness, redness, swelling and more
Each type of disease of the human musculoskeletal system has its own symptoms, manifestations, consequences, limitations and methods
Sedative Materia medica Tenoten for children - reviews
Synonyms: Tenoten The homeopathic drug Tenoten for children has a sedative effect. Approved for use by children from
What is a cerebral aneurysm and its consequences?
A cerebral aneurysm (also called an intracranial aneurysm) appears as a small abnormal formation in the
List of choleretic drugs
Cholekinetics. Drugs, list of the best, mechanism of action
What are cholekinetics? Thanks to drugs in this category, it is possible to prevent the possible development of pathologies associated with
burn on hand
How to treat burns in children and adults at home
Every day, each of us is exposed to the danger of getting a burn to the skin or mucous membranes. Any careless movement
Ointments for hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids: how to recognize, causes and treatment methods
An integral part of the treatment of inflamed venous plexuses of the rectum are ointments against hemorrhoids. Thanks to the achievements
Adrenaline in sports is considered doping
Biochemistry of happiness (PART 5). Adrenaline (epinephrine) is a stress hormone that can give you joy in life
Hello friends. This is the last article in the “biochemistry of happiness” series. It is completed by the stress hormone adrenaline.
Treatment of ringworm with ointments
Causes, symptoms, treatments and prevention of ringworm
Microsporia or ringworm is a highly contagious fungal disease that develops on the nails and skin
Pregnant woman
Liver hemangioma - what is it? Treatment and symptoms
Classification There are 3 types of this tumor in the liver: Cavernous. They consist of several large
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