External hemorrhoids: how to recognize, causes and treatment methods

An integral part of the treatment of inflamed venous plexuses of the rectum are ointments against hemorrhoids. Thanks to the achievements of modern pharmacology, each case of the disease has its own ointment for hemorrhoids. The advantages of ointment forms are ease of use, quick therapeutic effect, and the possibility of use in any conditions. In addition to ointments, there are external agents in the form of creams, gels, liniments, and balms. Ointment preparations almost do not enter the general bloodstream. Ointment for hemorrhoids is an effective and safe remedy for all categories of patients.

Ointments for external nodes

External hemorrhoids feel like soft, leathery sacs around the anus. The hemorrhoids become inflamed and the pain makes it difficult to sit normally.

Ointments for the treatment of external hemorrhoids should:

  • contain active substances that penetrate the skin and mucous membranes;
  • have a light texture that adheres firmly to the body;
  • have an easy-to-use release form.

Ointment for external hemorrhoids is used after perineal hygiene. With clean hands, apply the drug to the anus. Carefully coat the outer protruding buds. You can soak a cotton pad with ointment for external hemorrhoids and apply it to the sore spot.

Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky

Developed in 1927 by Alexander Vishnevsky, the castor oil-based balm contains birch tar and bismuth salts. Inexpensive and effective product for external use. The balm destroys microbes, relieves inflammation and swelling. However, the use of Vishnevsky ointment has its own characteristics. Apply a pea-sized dose of liniment to a cotton pad. Apply the tampon to the anal area for 30-45 minutes. It is not recommended to leave it for a long time due to its strong irritating effect. Vishnevsky's liniment can be used as an ointment for external hemorrhoids within 10-14 days. The advantages of the drug include its natural composition, as well as the price of about 50 rubles per 30 g package. The disadvantage is the strong smell, liniment stains the laundry and does not wash off.


Representative of the modern class of ointments for external use. The action of Procto-Glivenol is based on tribenoside and lidocaine. Tribenoside tones the venous walls, reduces vascular permeability. Lidocaine, as a local anesthetic, eliminates pain. The manufacturer claims Procto-Glyvenol as a cream for hemorrhoids. The cream base is not as greasy as the ointment; it contains water.

The cream is quickly absorbed from tissues and mucous membranes, reducing pain and size of hemorrhoids. Apply it in acute cases in the morning and evening. In the chronic stage without pronounced symptoms - at night.


Stellanin is an ointment only for external hemorrhoids. It is strictly prohibited to administer it inside. The iodine-containing product is a powerful stimulator of tissue regeneration. Apply after bowel movements and cool washes only to the skin around the anus in the morning and evening.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, childhood, simultaneous treatment with iodine tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages of ointments

Ointments relieve not only external hemorrhoids, but also the internal type of the disease. The active substances act locally, therefore reducing the intensity of local symptoms. Another strong point of the drugs is minimal entry into the bloodstream, so such drugs are allowed to be used to eliminate hemorrhoids in the presence of allergies, during pregnancy and after childbirth.

However, there are also disadvantages to using ointment:

  • they are used only as part of complex therapy, since by themselves they do not have sufficient impact;
  • they cause some inconvenience: the products are not completely absorbed, so they can stain the laundry.

Ointments for internal hemorrhoids

Ointments for internal hemorrhoids are widely used in complex treatment. Internal nodules during inflammation of hemorrhoids are located in the cavity of the anal canal. To reach them, the medicine is administered using a special applicator. For rectal use, 1-2 g of the drug is sufficient.

An applicator is attached to the tube of medicine; it is supplied by the manufacturer along with the packaging. The tip of the applicator can be lubricated with sterile Vaseline. Carefully insert the applicator into the anus, press on the tube, squeeze out the product and remove it just as carefully. Use medications after each bowel movement, after washing the perineum with cold water and soap and drying with a napkin.


An effective ointment for hemorrhoids with complex action. The hormonal ingredient prednisolone helps against non-infectious inflammation. Lidocaine in ointment for hemorrhoids will block pain impulses 2-3 minutes after application. Dexpanthenol exhibits an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect. Aurobin, according to reviews from proctologist patients, is on the list of the best ointments for the external and internal forms of the disease.

To treat hemorrhoids with Aurobin ointment, apply a pea-sized amount of the product into the rectum 2 to 4 times a day. The course of ointment therapy is within 5-7 days.


The popular Indian-made ointment against hemorrhoids Proctosedyl has the following in its recipe:

  • anesthetics benzocaine and butamben;
  • hydrocortisone hormone;
  • antibiotic framycetin;
  • natural-based component – ​​esculoside.

If you anoint hemorrhoids at home with Proctosedyl, then after a few minutes the pain and itching will stop. Within a week of treatment, acute inflammation is relieved and node pain is reduced. Long-term use of Proctosedyl is undesirable due to addiction to hydrocortisone.

According to proctologists, Proctosedil is considered one of the best ointments for hemorrhoids.


A cheap domestic ointment, created for the disinfection and healing of wounds, has taken its rightful place in proctological practice. The antibiotic chloramphenicol is active against typical wound microbes. The synthetic immunostimulant methyluracil stimulates tissue metabolism and accelerates healing. Since Levomekol is an inexpensive ointment for hemorrhoids, an applicator is not included with it. The medicine is injected into the anus, drawing 2 ml with an insulin syringe (without a needle) or soaking a gauze turunda. The tip of the rolled gauze swab is left outside for easy removal.

List of effective antihemorrhoidal suppositories

In the early stages of the disease, drug treatment is carried out with topical drugs. Rectal suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. They reduce pain, relieve inflammation and stop bleeding.

Procto Glyvenol

The composition of Procto-Glivenol suppositories includes the substances tribenoside and lidocaine. Lidocaine quickly eliminates pain. Tribenoside reduces inflammation, eliminates venous congestion, and reduces the permeability of veins and capillaries.


The Olestesin suppository contains 3 active components. Sea buckthorn oil has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Sulfaethidol has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. Benzocaine reduces pain.


The combination drug Proctosedyl includes hydrocortisone, framycetin, heparin, esculoside and benzocaine. Glucocorticoid, hydrocortisone and the antibiotic framycetin quickly stop the inflammatory reaction. Heparin reduces blood clotting and increases blood flow. It causes blood clots to dissolve. Esculoside helps stop bleeding.


The active substance in Relief suppositories is the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine. It eliminates pain, itching and swelling during exacerbation of hemorrhoids. The suppositories also contain shark liver oil, which has an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.


The combined drug Proctosan contains bufexamac, the anesthetic lidocaine, titanium dioxide and bismuth subgalate. Bufexamak helps to quickly eliminate the inflammatory reaction. Titanium dioxide and bismuth subgalate stop bleeding and reduce swelling.


Anuzol suppositories contain xeroform, belladonna extract and zinc sulfate. Xeroform and zinc sulfate have an antiseptic and drying effect. Belladonna extract helps eliminate pain and inflammation.


The drug Prostopin contains bee products - propolis, royal jelly, beebread, mountain honey and pollen. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Suppositories stimulate local immunity and have a regenerating effect.


The basis of the drug Natalsid is sodium alginate. It is obtained from brown seaweed. Sodium alginate has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects.


Proctonis suppositories contain yarrow herb, coriander fruit, licorice root, senna leaves and shark cartilage powder. During an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the drug relieves inflammation and stops bleeding. It enhances intestinal motility, preventing feces from accumulating in the rectum.

Gepatrombin G

The combined drug Hepatrombin G contains heparin, prednisolone and polidocanol (lauromacrogol). The glucocorticoid prednisolone effectively reduces pain and stops the inflammatory process. Polidocanol accelerates the healing of anal fissures.

Neo Anuzol

The ranking of the best remedies for hemorrhoids includes Neo-Anuzol. It includes 6 active ingredients: bismuth nitrate, zinc oxide, tannin, iodine, methylene blue and resorcinol. The drug has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Ointments for hemorrhoids with cracks

Frequent companions of hemorrhoids are cracks in the anal mucosa. Cracks hurt, become inflamed, and cause additional anxiety.

An external remedy for cracks provides:

  • fight inflammation;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • restoration of the barrier function of the mucosa.

Ointments for hemorrhoids and fissures have a fatty base - lanolin, petroleum jelly, in which the active substances are uniformly dissolved. After application to the body, the oil base creates a protective film on the mucous membrane.


Homeopathic Chinese ointment for cracks and hemorrhoids. Bezornil's formulation is based on biologically active substances of natural origin:

  • musk;
  • pearl extract;
  • calcium hydrogen phosphate, whose name in the recipe is “bezoar”;
  • camphor precursor borneol;
  • zinc carbonate;
  • lanolin;
  • petrolatum.

Bezornil heals cracks, reduces swelling, and stops capillary bleeding due to its astringent properties. Apply morning and night for 2 weeks. Among homeopathic remedies, Bezornil is the best remedy for hemorrhoids.


Russian ointment for hemorrhoids and fissures. Having a high regenerative potential, Methyluracil is available at a price of 30-70 rubles per 25 g tube. It is often used during the recovery period after excision of hemorrhoids. To treat anal fissures, the product is applied in a thin layer to the cracked mucosa, or applied rectally using a tampon twice a day. Helps heal mucosal defects in 2-4 weeks.

How much do ointments cost?

The price of a drug for hemorrhoids depends on the composition, package size, status of the manufacturer and the policy of the retail chain. You don't have to buy the most expensive products.

Inexpensive and effective agents have excellent antihemorrhoidal effects: heparin, Vishnevsky ointment, salicylic, streptocidal, boric, sulfuric, hydrocortisone ointment will cost 40-50 rubles, a small tube is enough for 3-4 courses of treatment. These ointments can relieve inflammation of hemorrhoids, remove irritation, slightly dry the tissue, and speed up the healing of small tears and cuts.

Ointments and creams are an effective and affordable remedy for the treatment of all forms of hemorrhoids. They are suitable for women and men and can be used for preventive purposes. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor; to enhance the effect, it is recommended to alternate the drugs.

Ointments for prolapsed nodes

At stages 2-4 of the disease, hemorrhoids extend beyond the anal ring. Properties of the best ointment for hemorrhoids with prolapse of nodes:

  • strengthening the venous wall;
  • restoration of venous outflow;
  • blood clot dissolution;
  • elimination of swelling, pain, spasm of the anal ring.

You need to smear prolapsed hemorrhoids, swollen, painful areas of the anal area. Handle fallen knots extremely delicately, do not put pressure on them with your finger. If the node is dense, enlarged, or hurts so much that you cannot touch it, contact the clinic immediately.


A good drug based on the rutin derivative Troxevasin increases vascular tone, reduces the severity of edema, and increases venous outflow. The ointment saves from enlarged hemorrhoids, reduces their density and volume. Troxevasin gel for hemorrhoids has analogues under the names Troxerutin, Troxerutin Zentiva (Lechiva). The gel is applied exclusively to intact areas of the skin without wounds, abrasions, or cracks. Rectal administration is prohibited.


An indispensable remedy for thrombosed nodes is Heparin ointment. The therapeutic effect is due to sodium heparin in combination with a local anesthetic and a substance to relax the vascular muscles. Sodium heparin is obtained from animal entrails. The substance reacts with thrombin, preventing blood clotting and the formation of blood clots.

If the nodes are external, apply a cotton pad soaked in the drug 2-3 times a day; if the nodes are internal, insert a tampon with the drug rectally. Treatment of hemorrhoids with thrombosis with Heparin ointment lasts up to 7 days.

Gepatrombin G

An excellent ointment for hemorrhoids is Hepatrombin G. The medicine contains a heparin component for blood clots, a corticosteroid for inflammation, and a sclerosant lauromacrogol. The sclerosant causes the venous wall to collapse. The resulting blood clot fuses with the wall, and over time the vein heals and forms a scar. Hepatrombin is used externally or rectally once a day for a week.

Medicines with sodium heparin are the most effective for thrombosis of nodes and prolapse of cones.


All ointments for hemorrhoids, depending on the effect, can be divided into several groups:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anticoagulants;
  • antibacterial;
  • painkillers;
  • venotonic;
  • hemostatic;
  • immunostimulating.

Depending on the components in the composition, there are non-steroidal, hormonal and homeopathic drugs.

There are also remedies for hemorrhoids and fissures, for hemorrhoids. The action of the former is aimed at reducing inflammation, healing the skin and preventing infection. Relief, Levomekol, Methyluracil are suitable.

Medicines for hemorrhoids reduce them and prevent the development of complications such as thrombosis. Proctosan is a good product.


This is a group of drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots, improve blood circulation and reduce blood clotting. They are most effective when hemorrhoids have formed.

Anticoagulants should not be used for bleeding from the anus.

The most effective anticoagulant ointments for hemorrhoids are Hepatrombin and Heparin ointment. The active ingredient in the drugs is sodium heparin. It is he who has an antithrombotic effect.

Heparin ointment is one of the cheapest antihemorrhoidal agents. Cost 25 g 45 rub. It has a vasodilating effect. The product contains anesthesin, so the drug reduces pain and makes defecation easier.

Hepatrombin also contains dexpanthenol and allantoin. These components accelerate the healing and regeneration of damaged tissues.


These are drugs that stop hemorrhoidal bleeding. The composition contains hemostatic components. The most effective are Procto-Glyvenol, Relief and Relief Advance.

Relief constricts blood vessels, thereby stopping bleeding. Relief Advance has not only a hemostatic, but also a powerful analgesic effect.

If anal fissures bleed, then it is worth using wound healing agents:

  • Proctosan.
  • Troxevasin.
  • Methyluracil.
  • Fleming.
  • Bezornil.
  • Ichthyol.
  • Ultraproct.


These are ointments that increase venous tone. They normalize blood circulation and improve the condition of blood vessels. The remedies not only affect the symptoms of hemorrhoids, but also eliminate the cause of their occurrence.

Effective ointments for hemorrhoids from this group:

  • Troxevasin. Hemorrhoid gel greatly facilitates the process of defecation, dilates blood vessels, and prevents strangulation of hemorrhoids. It has anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antioxidant effects. This is one of the most effective drugs if the hemorrhoids are large.
  • Procto-Glivenol. The cream eliminates inflammation, itching, pain, and reduces swelling.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

If the node itches, hurts, is inflamed, and interferes with normal bowel movements, then you should use anti-inflammatory ointment for hemorrhoids. It will eliminate the inflammatory process and all unpleasant hemorrhoidal symptoms, as well as heal anal fissures and restore damaged mucosa.

All anti-inflammatory local agents can be divided into non-steroidal and steroidal. The latter contain hormones. An effective hormonal ointment for hemorrhoids and fissures - Aurobin. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial effects.

Contains as active components:

  • prednisolone (hormone), which eliminates inflammation;
  • lidocaine is a powerful anesthetic;
  • D-panthenol – heals anal fissures.

The best ointment for hemorrhoids complicated by an infectious-inflammatory process is Proctosedyl. The drug has a complex effect due to its powerful composition:

  • hydrocortisone – has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects;
  • Framycetin – produces an antibacterial and disinfecting effect;
  • sodium heparin – has an antithrombotic effect;
  • esculoside – improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • ethylaminobenzoate and butylaminobenzoate produce an analgesic and antispasmodic effect.

Relief after applying the ointment occurs a few minutes after application. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days.

Among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it is worth highlighting Proctosan. This is an effective ointment for itching of hemorrhoids. The active ingredient is bufexamac.

An inexpensive ointment for hemorrhoids complicated by a bacterial infection - Levomekol. It reduces inflammation, kills bacteria and heals cracks. The cost of a 40 g tube is about 100 rubles.

Immunomodulatory agents

These are drugs that increase local immunity. The most effective is Posterisan. The ointment has a unique composition, containing E. coli cells killed by phenol. The drug has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and regenerating effect.

Homeopathic and herbal ointments

List of herbal products:

  • Aesculus. This is a homeopathic ointment. It has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.
  • Fleming's ointment. The composition contains extracts of calendula, horse chestnut, witch hazel, menthol and zinc oxide. The product has a venotonic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  • Propolis-based ointment. Reduces inflammation, relieves swelling, spasm and pain, normalizes blood circulation.
  • Traumeel. Effective at the initial stage, promotes the resorption of nodes.

Homeopathic remedies are effective for uncomplicated forms of hemorrhoids.

Ointments for pain

Ointments with local anesthetics will help get rid of pain during hemorrhoidal exacerbation.

Relief Advance

Relief Advance is a powerful anesthetic benzocaine in ointment form. Shows analgesic properties within 2 minutes after application. Apply 4 times a day, applying rectally with an applicator. Treatment longer than a week is carried out in agreement with the doctor.


The combined drug Nefluan treats hemorrhoids thanks to its enhanced formulation. The antibiotic neomycin fights pathogenic flora, and the corticosteroid hormone eliminates inflammation. Lidocaine has an analgesic effect.

Nefluan hemorrhoid gel is applied rectally or externally three times a day for 2 weeks.

General principles of application

Using cone ointment for hemorrhoids is simple. Before application, you need to empty your bowels and perform hygiene of the anorectal area. Afterwards the product is applied in a thin layer. The frequency of use is determined by the attending physician, on average 2-3 times a day. Mild hemorrhoids are treated for 5-7 days, treatment for more advanced conditions lasts longer.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with hormonal ointments must be agreed with your doctor.

If side effects occur, you should immediately discard the product.

Ointment for internal hemorrhoids is injected directly into the anus. For deeper injection of the product, you can use tampons or special tips.

Which dosage form to choose for the treatment of hemorrhoids - ointment, cream or gel? The effectiveness of these products may differ despite the same active ingredient. The ointment has the greatest effect on external hemorrhoids, since it is made on a fat basis and has a higher concentration of active components.

Fortunately, mild hemorrhoids are highly treatable. With proper treatment, this disease can be eliminated in a short time.

Author: Oksana Belokur, doctor, especially for xVarikoz.ru

Ointments for bleeding

A specific symptom of hemorrhoidal pathology is bleeding. Extensive blood loss from the rectal veins can be fatal. If the blood pressure is strong and the flow does not stop, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Bleeding from small vessels will be stopped by an ointment with a vasoconstrictor.


The best ointment for bleeding hemorrhoids is Relief with phenylephrine. Phenylephrine causes vascular muscle contraction. The lumen of the arterioles narrows, bleeding stops for a while. During this time, a blood clot forms in the vessel, and the damaged wall begins to heal. Treat with Relief 4 times a day for a week.

If after a week the pain and bleeding have not stopped, you should see a doctor.

How to choose the most effective remedies for hemorrhoids

It is strictly not recommended to rely on television advertising or advice from those who have already treated this problem. Any medications are prescribed exclusively by a specialist based on a full examination. Drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids have completely different structures and directions of action, so the individual reaction during self-medication is unpredictable.

Treatment should be comprehensive. Relieving external symptoms without preventing venous problems will not bring lasting improvement. The choice of drugs is based on specific symptoms, stage of the disease, its severity (acute or chronic). Additionally, you need to engage in physical therapy to strengthen the muscle base of the preanal area, change your lifestyle, diet, and give up bad habits.

Ointments for itching

Those suffering from hemorrhoids suffer seriously from itching sensations in the anus. Ointments for the itching of hemorrhoids become a salvation from the annoying desire to scratch.


Corticosteroid medications can eliminate annoying discomfort. They instantly relieve inflammation and eliminate the cause of itching. Belogent cream contains the hormone betamethasone and the antibiotic gentamicin. Effectively eliminates symptoms of allergies, inflammation, itching. Apply a thin layer of Belogent cream to the affected area up to 4 times a day. Continuous use for more than 10 days only as prescribed by a doctor.


Liquid horse chestnut extract in drop form is called Aescusan. The use of Escusan drops for itchy hemorrhoids is possible in the form of a compress. Add 5 drops of Aescusan to a tablespoon of sterile vegetable oil. Soak a cotton-gauze swab with the oil mixture and apply to the itchy nodes for 30 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day.

How to apply the ointment?

Each package includes instructions for use, which precisely indicate the method of application, recommended course and dosage.

  • To relieve pain, itching and burning, eliminate swelling and inflammation, ointments are rubbed into the area around the anus.
  • Before the procedure, the skin is thoroughly cleansed with warm water and neutral gel or baby soap.
  • For external hemorrhoids, it is recommended to apply the ointment directly to the hemorrhoid.

Restoring and soothing compresses are made using ointments and creams. The drug is applied to a thick cloth, applied to the anus and covered with plastic wrap or parchment. The compress is left for several hours or overnight.

For oral administration, hemorrhoidal ointments in a tube with a plastic tip are suitable. It is inserted directly into the anus, a small portion of the ointment is squeezed onto the mucous membrane.

Another way to use is to apply ointment/cream to a cotton swab. It is inserted inside and held by the sphincter muscles.

Drying ointment with zinc or heparin can cause peeling of the skin. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, the drug is alternated with light water-based gels. A simple baby cream with string or chamomile will also work.

Medicines for pregnant and lactating women

For women who are pregnant or lactating, they produce a separate line of ointment products.

Ointment with propolis

A relatively inexpensive remedy for grade 1-2 hemorrhoids for pregnant and lactating women is Propolis cream produced by MosPharma. Propolis, rich in active ingredients, relieves inflammation, heals, and reduces swelling. Apply an even thin layer of cream to the inflamed nodes and adjacent areas 2-3 times a day. Continue therapy within 2 weeks. You can use the cream to prevent hemorrhoids.

Fleming's ointment

A drug for the treatment of female external hemorrhoidal disease with lumps of 1-2 degrees. Contains plant extracts of calendula, witch hazel, horse chestnut, as well as menthol and zinc oxide. Disinfects, dries, heals, soothes irritations. Squeeze a dose of ointment onto a cotton swab and apply to the affected area. Use three times a day for 7-10 days.

Allergic reactions to the herbal composition are possible.

Benefits of the drugs

Ointments, creams and gels are medications suitable for the prevention and treatment of all forms of hemorrhoids. They are used to rub into the skin around the anus and hemorrhoids.

Many of them are suitable for oral administration. For convenience, the tubes are equipped with special plastic applicators.

The composition of ointments and creams against hemorrhoids includes a complex of active components that are quickly absorbed into the tissue and enter the bloodstream.

Vaseline, lanolin, and beeswax act as a fat base. These substances create a thin protective film on the surface of the skin, improving the penetration of active ingredients.

All products have a softening and soothing effect on hemorrhoids, they increase tissue elasticity and reduce the risk of damage.

Ointments for hemorrhoids with prostatitis

It is no secret that in men, hemorrhoids often coexist with prostatitis. There are specific medications for the treatment of male ailments.


The usual Ichthyol ointment is successfully used for hemorrhoids and prostatitis in men. The product eliminates inflammation, normalizes vascular tone, improves blood circulation and metabolism at the site of the disease. For home use, Ichthyol 10% substance is produced in a 25 g jar. A tampon soaked in Ichthyol is applied externally or administered rectally in the morning and evening. Treatment under the supervision of a doctor lasts from 5 days to a week. The irritating components of the drug can provoke local burning, redness, and rash.

Ointments for hemorrhoids are selected individually, in accordance with the stage of the disease, the severity of symptoms, and the physiological status of the patient. The active substances of combination drugs act simultaneously in several directions. Each medicine has contraindications and side effects. Pregnant and lactating women should select the product as carefully as possible, taking into account the potential risk to the child. For men, the doctor will recommend an ointment remedy for both hemorrhoids and prostate problems.

We recommend: The most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids and anal fissures for children

The best remedies for treating hemorrhoids

UltraproctContains cinchocaine, fluocortolone and solid fat complex. It has an analgesic and antipruritic effect, restores damaged skin, and prevents the formation of anal fissures. Not suitable for children under 16 years of age and pregnant women. The ointment is rubbed in 2 times a day; it is better not to apply it to the mucous membranes.
Zinc ointmentThe main active component is zinc oxide; petroleum jelly is used as an excipient. Has a drying, adsorbing, disinfecting effect. The drug is applied to wet and irritated areas, having previously cleansed the skin with an antiseptic solution. Treatment lasts until symptoms disappear completely.
HemorrhoidsRegenerating, soothing and anti-inflammatory drug based on shark oil extract. Promotes the resorption of hemorrhoids, strengthens tissue, and prevents anal fissures. It has a minimum of contraindications and is suitable for pregnant women and postoperative patients. Can be rubbed into the skin and inserted into the rectum using a plastic applicator.
LevomekolAnti-inflammatory ointment with chloramphenicol. It removes swelling and inflammation well and prevents secondary infections. It is preferable to use in courses, combined with rectal suppositories and therapeutic enemas. When rubbing the cream, you must be careful; it is not suitable for kidney and liver failure and some forms of diabetes.
ReliefA reliable anti-inflammatory agent with lidocaine, shark liver extract, cocoa butter. Used for hemorrhoids, cracks and itching, it has a calming, analgesic, restorative effect. Suitable for rubbing and compresses, can be inserted into the anus using cotton swabs.
TroxevasinTranslucent gel based on troxerutin. Relieves swelling, inflammation, irritation, reduces the size of nodes and alleviates the general condition of the patient. It has a minimum of contraindications and is suitable for the treatment and prevention of pregnant, lactating women, children and the elderly.
HepatrombinA product created specifically for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Contains heparin, which helps improve blood flow and strengthen blood vessels, and prednisolone, which promotes tissue regeneration. The ointment is intended for resolving adhesions and blood clots, suitable for long-term treatment and prevention.
Preparation NEffective cream for hemorrhoids. Contains yeast complex and shark liver extract. Using a plastic tip, the drug is injected into the anus 3-4 times a day. The exact course depends on the stage and form of the disease. Suitable for children, post-operative patients and pregnant women.
GirudoproctOintment with sea buckthorn, horse chestnut extract and extract of medicinal leeches. Has a pronounced anticoagulant effect. Prevents thrombosis, improves blood flow, accelerates lymph drainage. Soothes, cools, heals wounds. Not recommended for people suffering from hemophilia and other blood diseases.
Methyluracil ointmentGel with a cooling effect, contains a complex of restorative components and menthol. Slightly dries tissues, relieves swelling, relieves pain, and soothes. Heals deep anal fissures. It has no contraindications; it can be used if unpleasant symptoms occur.
EculusAnti-inflammatory, soothing, hemostatic and healing homeopathic ointment. The composition includes horse chestnut extract, petroleum jelly and lanolin. Reduces the permeability of vascular walls, prevents capillary fragility, eliminates the risk of internal bleeding.
BezornilA product with a high content of borneol and lanolin. It is distinguished by good antiseptic agents and quickly destroys streptococcal and staphylococcal infections. The composition includes zinc, which dries irritated tissues and relieves inflammation.
AurobinA drug based on triclosan and panthenol. It has a pronounced wound-healing and restorative effect, and works well on painful, inflamed hemorrhoids. Apply 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks, it can be inserted into the anus using a cotton swab.
ProctosedylOintment for hemorrhoids with an analgesic effect. Contains hydrocortisone, sodium heparin, framecitin, benzocaine. Helps thin the blood and reduce the risk of thrombosis, effectively reduces overgrown hemorrhoids. The kit includes an applicator for intrarectal administration. The drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
PosterisanProvides a lasting analgesic and restorative effect. Contains hydrocortisone and a complex of intestinal bacteria that restore microflora. Can be used to treat advanced forms of hemorrhoids and recovery after hemorrhoidectomy. The drug is rubbed into the anus, applied to protruding nodes and injected inside using an applicator.

Anticoagulants (Heparin ointment, Geparoid Zentiva, Gepatrombin G)

This group includes drugs that slow down the process of blood clotting, which reduces the likelihood of blood clots forming. The most famous representative of the group is Heparin ointment.

Heparin ointment is considered very effective and inexpensive. One tube of 25 ml costs about 60 rubles. The drug is known for its antithrombotic and antihemorrhoidal effect.

The heparin component works to prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce pain. Benzyl nicotinate provides vasodilation, which facilitates the penetration of other components of the drug into the hemorrhoid.

The drug should not be used for:

  1. tissue necrosis, including cases of damage to the mucous membranes;
  2. low blood clotting;
  3. pregnancy up to 12 weeks.

Rarely does bleeding occur when using Heparin ointment.

Heparoid Zentiva is an effective ointment for hemorrhoids, the main active ingredient of which is heparinoid. This is a synthetic analogue of heparin. Accordingly, it acts like other drugs of the heparin group, that is, it reduces the severity of swelling and inflammation, reduces blood clotting, while simultaneously drying out weeping hemorrhoids.

The medicine should absolutely not be prescribed for:

  1. purple;
  2. hemophilia;
  3. low platelet count.

Patients usually tolerate Heparoid Zentiva well. On average, you can buy it for 165 rubles.

Hepatrombin is another useful and inexpensive ointment for hemorrhoids. The drug not only prevents the formation of blood clots, but also stimulates tissue regeneration.

The most active component of the composition is hepatrin. It accumulates in the inner layers of the dermis and penetrates the vascular membranes. Heparin promotes the removal of fluid, which helps relieve swelling and prevents blood clotting. The drug contains allantoin and dexpanthenol. They enhance the effect of heparin.

The drug should not be prescribed for:

  1. bleeding;
  2. reducing platelet levels;
  3. first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The therapy is usually easily tolerated.

The price for Gepatrombin is 120-250 rubles, taking into account the proportion of the active substance in the composition.

Hepatrombin G helps get rid of blood clots and inflammation in hemorrhoids. The heparin component should prevent the formation of blood clots. Prednisone helps prevent swelling, itching and inflammation in the anal area. Polidocanol (lauromacrogol) works on sclerization, that is, on gluing the walls of blood vessels.

This drug is prescribed for external hemorrhoids and internal venous collections. Such conditions are often accompanied by severe inflammation and thrombophlebitis of the anal veins.

The list of contraindications for the use of Hepatrombin G is broader than for therapy with the classical version of the drug. Gepatrombin G cannot be used for:

  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • tuberculosis or syphilitic lesions of the rectum;
  • diseases of the skin of infectious etiology;
  • tumors of the anus.

The cost of the drug is 165 - 195 rubles.


The main purpose of venotonics is to increase the tone of veins, strengthen capillaries, reduce swelling and ensure tissue regeneration.

Troxevasin is an inexpensive and effective venotonic. Its action is aimed at increasing tone and protecting blood vessels. It prevents capillary fragility, relieves inflammation and swelling, and reduces blood clotting.

Troxevasin is prescribed for hemorrhoids, accompanied by enlargement and thrombophlebitis of cavernous formations. It is considered a safe drug, but the ointment should not be applied to damaged areas of the skin. Very rarely, urticaria, eczema, and inflammation are possible.

The average price tag is 180 rubles.

Procto-Glyvenol is effective for both external and internal hemorrhoids. The composition is introduced into the anus using an applicator.

Effective ointment for hemorrhoids

Main active ingredients:

  1. tribenozide, which eliminates congestion, tones blood vessels, and reduces capillary permeability. This way it is possible to reduce swelling and fight inflammation;
  2. lidocaine is an anesthetic.

The drug is used with caution and is not prescribed if some of its components are intolerant and during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Local allergic reactions rarely occur. The price of Procto-Glivenol is 370 rubles.

The most striking symptoms of external hemorrhoids

There are practically no complaints in the remission stage. Patients begin to feel symptoms only during periods of exacerbation. Signs that torment the patient are usually as follows:

  1. Bleeding . Blood usually appears after a bowel movement. Blood may appear on toilet paper or in stool. At the initial stage, when the bumps are not too large, patients suffer from bleeding rarely and not profusely. The disease can also be complicated by anal fissures, which bleed much more.
  2. Pain symptom . This symptom appears during an exacerbation of the disease. The pain is localized in the places where the nodes are located. Typically, severe, sharp pain occurs in a small percentage of cases. They appear during or after defecation and can persist during the day.
  3. Discomfort . Typically, discomfort occurs in the form of heaviness, discomfort of unknown nature, dryness and irritation. Sometimes it is quite difficult for patients to understand the cause of these sensations and not everyone understands that the cause is external hemorrhoids.
  4. Cones . You can even feel them yourself if you carefully walk your fingers along the anorectal area. The bumps can be painful when touched and vary in size. Either one or several bumps may be detected at once.
  5. Itching . This symptom very often accompanies pain and complicates the course of hemorrhoids. Itching varies in intensity and often deprives patients of appetite and sleep.

Photo: External hemorrhoids in women, external lump
Such symptoms occur almost always and significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life. It is necessary to stop the sensations as quickly as possible, immediately after they appear. This will protect the sick person from complications, which can be very serious and painful.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

Anti-inflammatory ointments were created to combat itching and swelling of hemorrhoids, to level out the inflammatory process. Most of these drugs contain glucocorticosteroids. These are synthetic hormones that are similar in their effects to natural ones.

Aurobin is a complex hormonal drug that includes:

  • glucocorticosteroid prednisolone, which helps cope with inflammation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • lidocaine is an anesthetic that relieves pain, burning and itching;
  • dexpanthenol, which promotes regeneration.

This drug is prescribed, including for advanced conditions, when anal fissures have already appeared.

Due to the content of the hormonal component, Aurobin is not prescribed for:

  1. intolerance to individual components of the ointment;
  2. acne;
  3. skin infections;
  4. lactation;
  5. pregnancy 1st trimester.

If you use the drug for too long, you may develop atrophy of the skin, dryness and increased itching. On average, Aurobin costs 300 rubles.

Ultraproct has a complex effect. The corticosteroid fluocortolone included in its composition relieves swelling, fights inflammation and itching. This component enhances blood flow and regeneration, suppresses allergic reactions. Cinchocaine relieves pain.

This medicine should not be used for:

  1. syphilis and tuberculosis, if they are localized in the anal area;
  2. viral infections;
  3. first trimester of pregnancy.

With long-term therapy, skin atrophy may develop. The price of Ultraprokt is 190 rubles.

Combined products

Multifunctional ointments simultaneously relieve inflammation and disinfect.

The active components of Vishnevsky's ointment are birch tar, xeroform and castor oil. They dry the skin, disinfect it and promote regeneration, reduce inflammation. Despite the specific pungent odor, the ointment has virtually no contraindications, but it cannot be used for purulent wounds. The price of a tube is 35 rubles.

Levomekol contains an antibacterial component that successfully destroys many pathogenic microbes, as well as methyluracil, which activates tissue regeneration. The drug is prescribed for external cavernous formations affected by infection. Cost – 110 rubles.

Ichthyol, which is the basis of Ichthyol ointment, is a product of the distillation of shale. It disinfects, relieves pain and relieves inflammation. Ichthyol ointment is prescribed for external hemorrhoids accompanied by infection. Therapy is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Cost – 120 rubles.

Features of the disease

With external hemorrhoids, the nodes are located outside the rectum and patients can even feel them. Hemorrhoids are localized around the anus. The number of nodes can be very numerous. The sizes of nodes can be very different. Their formation occurs due to protrusion and expansion of venous vessels. It is important to distinguish external hemorrhoids from the advanced stage of internal hemorrhoids, when the nodes simply fall out.

During the period of remission of external hemorrhoids, the nodes practically do not show themselves at all. They do not bother the patient and are practically not felt. However, during the inflammatory process, symptoms begin to manifest themselves more aggressively.

Bleeding with external hemorrhoids practically does not appear or occurs rarely and not profusely. As the disease worsens, hemorrhoids become extremely painful. It is also easy to distinguish external from internal hemorrhoids by the structure of the nodes. The external formations are covered with skin, and the internal nodes that fall out have a mucous membrane. It is almost impossible to notice this on your own, so it is better to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Herbal medicines and homeopathy

This group of drugs is created on the basis of components of natural origin, but at the same time such drugs have a pronounced antihemorrhoidal effect.

Fleming's ointment is a homeopathic medicine, the effectiveness of which is explained by the properties of its components:

  • witch hazel and calendula extract have an anti-inflammatory effect and prevent possible infection of damaged areas of the dermis;
  • menthol tones blood vessels;
  • zinc compounds dry the skin and protect it;
  • Horse chestnut extract tones veins and improves blood flow.

Price – 270 rubles.

Bezornil is a successful combination of both natural and synthetic components. The action of the ointment is based on the fact that:

  • borneol fights pathogenic bacteria;
  • pearls are a natural anesthetic that accelerates the healing of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • amber ensures tissue regeneration;
  • musk has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • zinc compounds are dried, which is important for weeping hemorrhoids.

The cost of the drug is 390 rubles.

Aesculus. The main ingredient of the drug is an extract from horse chestnut fruits. It normalizes blood flow, increases the elasticity of vessel walls, promotes fluid drainage and tissue regeneration.

Contraindications: allergies to the components of the medication and the first trimester of pregnancy. The ointment is inexpensive: it costs 45 rubles; but it helps only at the initial stage of the disease.


Zhanna, 31 years old: “I always try to use drugs based on natural ingredients; during a consultation with a proctologist, I asked her to prescribe just this one for me. I was prescribed a course of treatment with Vishnevsky ointment. We always have it in our home medicine cabinet; I didn’t know that it was a good ointment for internal hemorrhoids. Thanks to her, I feel good, bleeding and pain have disappeared.”

Alexander, 41 years old: “Unpleasant symptoms tormented me for several years, appearing and disappearing. The doctor prescribed a course of treatment with Troxevasin. I’ve been feeling great for several months now.”

Christina, 29 years old: “The proctologist diagnosed internal hemorrhoids in the initial stage and prescribed a seven-day course of Hepatrombin. Thanks to him, I quickly got rid of the problem, the pain and feeling of heaviness disappeared.”

Suitable medications for women

The difference between female and male hemorrhoids is that the disease is caused by slightly different factors. Mainly, these are stress, diets, bearing a child and labor. Considering that the female body is obviously weaker and girls will have to give birth, drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids should be selected more carefully.

Girls are ready to be treated more measuredly. They prefer the increased duration of treatment to the absence of side effects.

Medicine for hemorrhoids for women is selected by a proctologist, who adjusts the diet and prescribes a treatment regimen.

Popular drugs that are prescribed to them during the development and inflammation of hemorrhoids:

  1. Relief (tablets, ointments and suppositories);
  2. Aurobin (ointment);
  3. Gepatrombin G (suppositories);
  4. Spongostan (suppositories with adrenaline);
  5. Nefluan.

Medicines for pregnant women should be selected according to a different principle.
Many medications are contraindicated for the expectant mother, as well as the nursing mother.

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, they may be prescribed:

  • suppositories with papaverine;
  • sea ​​buckthorn suppositories;
  • Preparations with propolis;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Troxevasin cream.

When choosing medications, a pregnant woman should consult with her leading gynecologist and obstetrician.

Types of ointments

In medical practice, all products for external use are divided into several groups. The classification depends on the composition of the ointments and their active ingredients.

The following groups of medications are used to treat hemorrhoids:

  • antiseptics – have a pronounced disinfecting effect. These medications are prescribed in the presence of an inflammatory process provoked by the action of pathogenic microorganisms and putrefactive bacteria;
  • anti-inflammatory – eliminate inflammation, have a mild analgesic effect, and are used to reduce redness, swelling and other symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • homeopathic - include natural ingredients in small quantities, designed to activate the internal forces of the body. Such ointments are used as an auxiliary therapy;
  • immunostimulants – prescribed to patients to prevent complications of pathology by strengthening the immune system;
  • hemostatic - prescribed for bleeding to enhance blood clotting. Use with extreme caution among patients with thromboembolism and cardiovascular diseases;
  • anticoagulants – thin the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • venotonic – increase the elasticity of blood vessels, the resistance of the membranes of veins and capillaries. Venotonics are part of complex therapy, allowing not only to relieve the symptoms of the disease, but also to influence the cause of the development of hemorrhoids.

In medical practice, an integrated approach is used to treat hemorrhoids, including the use of ointments and other forms of drugs.

Important! The classification of ointments is rather arbitrary, since most modern products include medicinal components that have a complex effect.

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