how can you get typhoid fever
Symptoms of typhoid fever, features of the disease and treatment
Acute intestinal infection caused by a bacterial environment and characterized by the duration of fever and general intoxication
replenishment of calcium in the body
Calcemin Advance: a drug for bone strength
To prevent or stop the onset of the pathological process and avoid serious consequences in the form of deformation
Signs and symptoms of bulimia: what kind of disease, causes
Signs and symptoms of bulimia: what kind of disease, causes
Many, eating stress with tons of food, at first cannot even imagine that
What is glaucoma
Diakarb: instructions for use of the drug for infants and older children with dosage calculation, analogues
Pharmacological action The drug contains acetazolamide, a systemic inhibitor. Thanks to this substance, it occurs
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis symptoms and treatment methods
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an irreversible neurodegenerative disease characterized by primary damage to the upper and
boric acid properties and contraindications
Why boric acid may be needed, its use
Nowadays, there are a huge number of different medicines that are designed to combat
What antibiotics can be taken for bronchitis in adults and children?
How do antibiotics work? Antibacterial agents are substances that have the ability to inhibit the growth and
Signs of migraine in women. Causes, symptoms and treatments for migraines in women
Migraine is a headache of low intensity, which is often regarded as a genetically determined reaction or
Rinza for flu and colds
"Rinza": contraindications, instructions for use, composition, reviews
Rinza, instructions for use, calls this drug a combination medication, by taking which you can quickly
injection into the gums
Lidocaine - side effects, dosage and overdose
As Life reported, a ten-year-old girl died in Omsk. According to investigators, the child developed
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