Sinusitis - what is it, types, causes, signs, symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in adults
Acute sinusitis: treatment, symptoms in adults and children? Home Sinusitis 11/15/2017 The most common disease
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How psoriasis manifests itself at the initial stage: early symptoms and signs of the disease
Psoriasis (translated from Greek “psora” - “skin disease, scabs”) is a chronic pathology of non-infectious
Carpal tunnel syndrome. Symptoms, treatment, prevention. Carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease that is very common XXI
What is colposcopy - description of the method and its features
A widely used instrumental diagnostic method in gynecology, colposcopy, is aimed primarily at identifying
Measuring eye pressure: norm depending on age
What is ocular pressure Intraocular pressure reflects the pressure of the fluid inside the eye. From his indicator
When to start taking antibiotics
10 antibiotics for colds - effective and best drugs. In what cases should it be used, which antibiotic to choose?
Symptoms that require antibiotic treatment If a viral infection becomes bactericidal, then
Doctor MOM ointment for children and adults. Instructions and reviews
Doctor Mom - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations of lozenges or lozenges, syrup, ointment for the treatment of cough in adults, children and pregnancy
Ointment Doctor IOM for cough is one of the many representatives of this line of medicines
A blood test for tumor markers is used for early diagnosis of certain types of tumors, monitoring treatment, detecting metastases and relapse
What does a blood test for tumor markers show: types and interpretation
A blood test for tumor markers is prescribed if a tumor is suspected. To those who belong to
The patient undergoes an ultrasound of the kidney and the result is shown on the monitor
Kidney stones in women: main symptoms and signs, treatment and prevention
According to statistics, kidney stones form in women quite rarely, but they
Odeston - instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues of tablets
The drug "Odeston": indications for use, instructions, composition, analogues, reviews
Gallbladder diseases are not uncommon these days. A huge number of people addressed to you
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