pills after the act for 72
Tablets against unwanted pregnancy, 72 hours after intercourse
Emergency contraception is a one-time protection against conception, permissible for use 1-2 times a year.
attention! be careful anthrax
Features of the clinical picture, differential diagnosis and the whole truth about the danger of anthrax to humans
The causative agent of anthrax, a disease that kills within 48 hours, is transmitted from animals to humans. Infection
Chamomile flowers (Chamomillae recutitae flores)
Rotokan for rinsing teeth and gums. How to dilute the medicine
Category: Published 10/30/2017 · Comments: · Reading time: 4 min · Views: 1,591
Is treatment necessary for molluscum contagiosum in children?
One of the benign diseases is molluscum contagiosum. All people of all ages are susceptible to this disease.
Meningococcal infection, meningococcemia: etiology, clinical picture, treatment, prevention
Meningococcal infection is one of the most severe acute infectious diseases with various clinical manifestations
What is obsessive-compulsive disorder, causes and symptoms of the disease, methods of treating OCD
Obsessive need for rituals, denial of encouraging and soothing words from loved ones, overwhelming anxiety and fear
The monthly cycle in women is normal, how many days
Duration of a normal menstrual cycle in days
Some anatomical and physiological features of the female body External female genitalia (pubis, labia, bulb of the vestibule, large
Chills without fever: the cause of malaise. Chills without fever: causes and treatment methods
Almost every woman is familiar with the feeling of chills; it is not surprising if it is accompanied by fever, but
Purulent tonsillitis - how dangerous is the disease and how to treat it?
Purulent tonsillitis is a name that combines two purulent forms of tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis) - follicular
Protected sex
Details about genital herpes and the characteristics of this sexually transmitted infection
Colds on the lips scare people little, but genital herpes makes many people nervous, despite
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