Suppositories for bacterial vaginosis: names, composition and instructions for use
Treatment of bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis In 20% of women, as a result of treatment, bacterial vaginosis develops
HPV in women - what it is, symptoms, types, how it is transmitted, treatment of human papillomavirus in gynecology
HPV in women - what it is, symptoms, types, how it is transmitted, treatment of human papillomavirus in gynecology
Not all diseases of the gynecological tract are manifested by an immediate reaction of the body after infection. There are dormant ones
Gout: what it is and how to treat it, first aid for an attack
How to treat gout at home: symptoms, folk recipes
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Trigan-D - the pills that caused a terrible epidemic of drug addiction among schoolchildren
Medicinal drugs, absolutely legal, are sold in every pharmacy, arousing great interest among
Cartilage is healthy and affected by arthrosis
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint - symptoms and treatment regimen
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is the deformation and destruction of cartilage tissue. The disease has a chronic degenerative
The best remedies for nail fungus
Nail fungus (onychomycosis): causes, symptoms, treatment
According to research, every third person experiences fungal nail diseases. Moreover, the fungus
Release form
Vitamin E: side effects, instructions for use, daily dose
Release form and composition All this information must be available to monitor possible side effects
Illustration 1
Reasons for increased levels of the hormone progesterone in women
Ideally, a healthy body maintains hormonal balance at all times. However, due to some reasons
Drugs to improve cerebral circulation and improve memory
How to improve cerebral circulation with drugs
Cerebral circulation disorders can be caused by various functional and organic lesions of blood vessels, which
Inflammation of the gallbladder
Gallbladder disease. Medicines and treatment with folk remedies
Cholecystitis or inflammation of the gallbladder is a pathology that occurs against the background of prolonged stagnation of bile or
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