Treatment of mumps disease - symptoms in adults and children
Mumps is an inflammation of one or both parotid glands (large salivary glands located on both
chronic sensorineural hearing loss
Sensorineural hearing loss - can it be treated or not, is it possible to stop hearing loss?
Among the different types of hearing impairments, sensorineural hearing loss (sensorineural, perceptual hearing loss) occupies a leading place in
Severe hair loss in women: causes, treatment
Severe hair loss in women: causes, treatment
Tips Normal daily hair loss Causes of hair loss Hormonal imbalance Stress Lack of vitamins or
Signs of ascites
Causes of swelling and fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity
Ascites is a pathological accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Ascites can develop rapidly (within
Thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities can be superficial and deep
Thrombophlebitis: first signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Medical Consultant Vessels and Heart Thrombophlebitis: first signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment What is thrombophlebitis?
strepsils intensive reviews
"Strepsils" for children over 3 years old: instructions for use, dosage, reviews
Author's rating Author of the article Elena Stanislavovna Zelenaya Otolaryngologist of the second category Articles written 665
Leukocytes in a smear in women: normal table, elevated leukocytes in a smear causes and consequences
A gynecological smear allows you to identify a whole list of diseases of the reproductive system. It helps determine the presence
Intestinal diseases and their symptoms in women
List of intestinal diseases, their symptoms and signs, causes and methods of treatment
The intestine is the longest part of the digestive tract, ensuring the digestion of food and the absorption of necessary substances
The little finger on the right hand goes numb: causes, symptoms, treatment
What does numbness in the fingers of the left hand indicate?
Probably, many people are familiar with this situation when their hands cramp or they simply lose their
Intestinal diverticulosis: symptoms and treatment
How dangerous is intestinal diverticulosis? 4 ways to treat the disease
The concept of “diverticulosis” reflects the presence of diverticula (from the Latin diverticulum - road to the side), clinical manifestations
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