Feeding the baby
Prolactin - the norm for women by age, table and causes of deviations
There are many hormones that provide reproductive function in the body of both men and women. One of
Why does a feeling of nausea appear, but does not vomit? How to relieve nausea
Each of us has ever had a moment when there was a feeling of nausea. Most often the reason
Aqualor nasal rinse
Aqualor: instructions for use - Baby, Soft, Extra Forte, Throat
Aqualor is a well-known nasal rinse used to relieve congestion and cleanse
Treatment of external hydrocephalus of the brain in adults
Characteristics of the disease Hydrocephalus can develop at any age. In 70% of cases it is detected
Composition of the drug Bisakidol and how long does it take to act?
For constipation and problems with bowel movements, medications are prescribed that enhance and accelerate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract,
Despite the WHO recommendation to abandon mercury thermometers, they are still popular
A mercury thermometer broke in an apartment: what to do and what are the consequences
What to do if a thermometer breaks in your apartment? What are the possible health consequences? Let's do it together
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - smoking as one of the causes
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): what is it, how to deal with the disease?
Heartburn is a common symptom; its occurrence is usually associated with episodic causes, such as overeating.
Low body temperature - causes in adults, dangerous signs
Low body temperature - causes in adults, dangerous signs
People often worry about body temperature when it exceeds the generally known figure of 36.6 °C, but there are
How to remove an ear plug yourself?
Earwax in the ear: symptoms, removal at home
Ear wax is a very common situation. For a long time, until this conglomerate,
Bartholinitis: inflammation of the Bartholin gland does not go away without consequences!
What is bartholinitis Bartholin glands Contents of the article Bartholinitis is an acute or chronic inflammation
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