Food and drug poisoning
Abdominal colic in adults: list of drugs and folk remedies
What is intestinal colic Acute spasmodic pain in the abdomen is usually observed in a child
What is coprogram or scatology of stool in children - how to properly donate, collect and store stool for analysis
A coprogram is a type of laboratory study of feces based on the determination of physical, chemical and microscopic
Cervicitis: treatment, causes, symptoms, signs, photos
Cervicitis is an inflammatory process in the cervix. It is most often located in the vaginal segment in
Heaviness in the chest
4 Essential Principles for Treating Respiratory Failure
Acute respiratory failure (ARF) is a severe condition characterized by a drop in oxygen levels in the blood.
itching around the anus in men and women
Itching in the anus in women - all the causes and what to do
Itching around the anus is a very delicate problem that is not usually discussed out loud.
9 Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally
Testosterone, a hormone produced primarily by the testicles, is often associated with masculinity, although
Why do women have yellow vaginal discharge?
Yellow discharge in women: norm and pathology, how to treat
Types of yellow discharge Possible causes of heavy yellow discharge What to do if yellow discharge appears
Rating of the TOP 7 best antidepressants: which ones to choose, classification, reviews, price
Some people are prone to depression. This usually occurs due to a receptive nervous system. Human
Ofloxacin tablets in packaging
Indications for taking Ofloxacin - composition, antibiotic dosage, side effects, analogues and price
What is Ofloxacin? This drug is often prescribed for the treatment of infections of bacterial etiology. It's antimicrobial
How to treat thromboembolism of small branches of the pulmonary artery and what are the symptoms (signs) of pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blockage of an artery that transports venous blood from the heart to the
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