Reasons for deviations in hCG levels by week of pregnancy, norms in the table
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that is normally produced only during pregnancy. He starts
Sticks in the corners of the lips
Seizures in the corners of the mouth - causes and treatment at home
Seizures are an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane on the lips and skin in the corners of the mouth.
Nutrition for duodenal ulcers
Symptoms and signs of stomach and duodenal ulcers
An ulcer is a defect in the lining of the stomach and duodenum that extends beyond its mucosa,
Methotrexate Austria
"Methotrexate" for rheumatoid arthritis: reviews. Instructions for use, description of the drug
Rheumatoid arthritis, translated literally from Greek, means a condition of inflammation. The question is
The back of the head hurts: causes of pain, what to do about it
Every person has experienced a headache at least once in their life. However, when the back of your head hurts
Reduxin for weight loss: description, contraindications, reviews
Losing weight without much effort is the dream of many people. It's easy to gain extra pounds, but...
glass slides for smears
How many leukocytes should a woman have in a smear: table of norms for the flora of the vagina, cervix and urethra
Among the many diagnostic methods, detection of leukocyte smear analysis takes a leading position in identifying
Echinacea tincture
Echinacea - medicinal properties of the herb. Instructions for use of Echinacea tablets and tinctures for immunity
Category: Immunomodulators Echinacea tincture is an immunostimulating agent of plant origin. Echinacea is a medicinal plant,
Stool with blood causes in men treatment
Blood from the anus - causes and treatment of anal bleeding
Blood with feces in men (the reasons for this are different) may indicate the presence of various pathologies
If there is pain in the middle of the sternum when inhaling and it is difficult to breathe
Pain in the sternum in the middle left, right, pressing, aching, dull, sharp, strong. Reasons and what to do
Causes of appearance There are physiological and pathological causes of pain in the chest. The main factors that
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