Seizures in the corners of the mouth - causes and treatment at home

Seizures are an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane on the lips and skin in the corners of the mouth.

The medical names for this disease are: angular stomatitis, angulitis or angular cheilitis. Seizures can appear at any age. They cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Cracks that form when the integrity of the skin in the corners of the mouth is damaged are painful and are often accompanied by burning and itching. Although the disease is not considered serious, it cannot be left without treatment.

Reasons causing jam formation

The cause of sticking on the lips and corners of the mouth can be both external factors and disorders in the body. The main causes of cracks are:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weak immune system;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements (vitaminosis, especially in spring);
  • dry skin and microtraumas in the corners of the lips;
  • habit of frequently licking your mouth and lips;
  • violations of oral care rules;
  • eating dirty fruits and vegetables;
  • dental problems (carious teeth, malocclusion, presence of dentures);
  • persistent iron deficiency in the body;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • the body's response to irritants (allergies).

To identify the exact cause and make a diagnosis, in addition to a visual examination, laboratory procedures are needed. The damaged mucous membrane is scraped, the type of bacteria, fungi and microorganisms that caused the inflammation are examined and determined.

A general blood test is prescribed to exclude a number of causes associated with other diseases.

Useful tips for those who have seizures

When treating a seizure, it is important to eliminate a number of external factors that often lead to the development of exacerbation. The patient needs to give up tobacco and get rid of the habit of periodically licking his lips.

It is advisable to use hygienic lipstick to soften the skin.

During the treatment period, it is not recommended to eat spicy, salty and sour foods (including various marinades), and you should eat as much fruits and vegetables as possible.

It is recommended to treat jams with oil obtained from tea tree (olive and rosehip oil are also effective); treating them with a powerful antiseptic, such as 3% boric alcohol, also has a good effect. Antiseptic dyes are also shown - brilliant green, alcohol solution of iodine and fucorcin. After using them, the skin should be immediately treated with moisturizer.

Chumachenko Olga, medical consultant

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Symptoms of seizure

Seizures in the corners of the lips appear first in the form of redness, then cracks appear.

The development of inflammation goes through several stages. The main symptoms accompanying the disease:

  • the appearance of redness of the skin in the corners of the lips;
  • the affected areas itch and cause a burning sensation;
  • small bubbles (nodules) form;
  • in the corners of the lips, the skin breaks, forming cracks that can bleed;
  • Cervical mucus is constantly released from the cracks, which dries and forms crusts.

The wounds that form in the corners of the mouth often become wet and are difficult to heal on their own.

The source of infection can be determined by the appearance of the crack and inflammation. For example:

  • the appearance of swelling, accompanied by severe itching, which makes you want to scratch the bump, is a sign of an allergic reaction;
  • The presence of reddish or whitish cracks in the corners without crusts indicates a fungal infection (candida);
  • The formation of yellowish crusts on the crack indicates inflammation caused by microbes (staphylococci).

Important! Stains are different from skin lesions caused by the herpes virus. Angulitis (jams) appear only in the outer corners of the mouth.

Possible complications and prevention of occurrence

If simple seizures are not treated, they can develop into a chronic disease. Injuries in the form of deep cracks and oozing wounds are difficult to heal completely. Medicines relieve inflammation. But the skin has already lost its elasticity and thickening has appeared. The disadvantage will remain for a long time.

To prevent seizures from becoming chronic and contributing to the development of other inflammations, daily prevention is necessary. The disease will not return, and if it does, it will not be for long if the following rules are followed:

  • timely visit to the dentist, sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • moisturizing lips;
  • a complete diet;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • medical examination, timely contact with specialized doctors if any ailment is detected.

If irritation or ulcers appear in the corners of the lips, it is important to quickly treat the problem. Pharmacy medications and folk remedies will help relieve symptoms.

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Treatment methods

It is very important to correctly determine how to treat jams in the corners of the lips. If the disease starts, the infection spreads, and an infection may develop. Below is a clearly presented photo of the neglected form of jam:

If the cause is precisely established, the affected areas of the skin can be cured quickly and easily.

For an integrated approach when prescribing a course of treatment, use:

  1. Medications. Medicines in the form of ointments and tablets that contain antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal substances.
  2. Traditional medicine. Various ointments, powders. Washing and lotions with plant juices and decoctions of antiseptic herbs.
  3. Physiotherapy. Warming up infected areas. Methods of laser and cryotherapy.

It should be remembered that treatment methods for seizures in adults and children differ. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and strictly adhere to his prescriptions when a child becomes a patient.

Treatment is carried out in stages. They relieve inflammation by getting rid of the cause (causative agent) of the disease. Then the affected tissues are restored, promoting rapid healing of cracks.

Treatment of swelling in the corners of the lips with medications and tablets should begin after eliminating external causes that can cause damage to the mucous membrane. To do this you need:

  • stop constantly licking your lips;
  • If your lips are dry, use hypoallergenic lipstick;
  • enrich your diet. Include in the menu foods containing a lot of B vitamins and iron;
  • cure other diseases that can cause seizures;
  • eliminate vitamin deficiency (take complexes of vitamins and microelements);
  • follow the rules of oral care.

An adult can follow these recommendations without much difficulty. With quality treatment, angulitis (jams) is cured in one to two weeks. If the body is weakened and depleted (with weak immunity and vitamin deficiency), cracks and redness persist for a long time. Without treatment, the disease can become chronic.

How to treat jams in the corners of the mouth?

In order for the treatment of seizures to be effective, an integrated approach to solving the problem is important. Symptomatic therapy usually gives a short-term effect, and then a relapse develops again. In parallel with local treatment, restorative therapy is necessary, the purpose of which is to strengthen the body's defenses, i.e. strengthen general and local immunity.

Ointments for treating seizures

For external local application, mainly ointment dosage forms are used. In order to choose the most effective ointment for the treatment of seizures, you need to know the nature of the pathological process, i.e. the nature of the pathogen.

For bacterial causes of the disease, drugs with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects are effective - Miramistin, Tetracycline (including tetracycline eye ointment) and Trimistin.

To treat candidiasis, it is recommended to use ointments with antiseptic and antifungal components - Stomatodin, Clotrimazole and Miramistin.

If there is reason to believe that seizures are caused by viruses, treatment is carried out using antiviral ointments - Acyclovir or Gerpevir.

If the pathogen is unknown, it is advisable to apply preparations that have fungicidal, antibacterial and weak antiviral properties to problem areas of the skin and mucous membrane of the lips. These include Fukortsin, Metrogyl denta, Miramistin and Stomatodin.

At the healing stage, patients are shown external agents such as D-Panthenol and Bepanten.

In case of significant inflammation, agents that include antibiotics and glucocorticoids - Triderm and Hyoxysone - are effective.

Vitamins in the treatment of seizures

Vitamin therapy is of great importance in the treatment of angular stomatitis, because hypovitaminosis is one of the important factors predisposing to the development of pathology.

When eating, it is recommended to take the following vitamin preparations:

  • Vitrum;
  • Ascorutin;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • Tocopherol acetate;
  • Duovit;
  • Multi-tabs;
  • Aevit (a complex preparation including vitamins A and E).

Deficiency of B2 and many other vitamins can be corrected by making certain adjustments to the diet.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is present in large quantities in the following foods:

  • pine nut kernels;
  • almond;
  • peanut;
  • mushrooms (champignons, boletus; porcini, honey mushrooms, chanterelles);
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • processed cheese;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • liver (pork or beef);
  • chicken eggs;
  • poultry meat (geese);
  • some varieties of sea fish (mackerel).

Folk restoratives

To treat congestion, traditional medicine recommends consuming more natural honey and using other bee products.
Healers advise lubricating diseased areas with propolis, which can be mixed with butter. Excellent natural remedies for strengthening the immune system and fighting bacteria are fresh garlic and onions. Chopped garlic cloves can be used topically by applying directly to the wound. Regular washing of the affected areas with a concentrated solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) helps to cope with candidal angular stomatitis.

The medicinal plant Echinacea has a general strengthening effect. You can take infusions, decoctions, as well as pharmaceutical extracts and tablets.

Fresh plantain leaves, crushed until the juice comes out, help a lot (the paste is applied to the corners of the mouth).

Important: it is not recommended to start taking specific immunostimulants or antibiotics on your own. Self-medication may not improve, but rather worsen the general condition. All pharmacological drugs must be prescribed by a doctor after an examination and receipt of test results.

If the seizure is not treated in a timely manner, the process progresses, affecting increasingly deeper layers of the skin. When small lymphatic vessels are affected, exudate will constantly be released from the wound. The skin becomes dry and tight, and ultimately a painful crack forms in the corner of the mouth.

Ointments and tablets

Ointments are used topically, applying them to the affected area. If seizures are caused by a streptococcal infection, antibiotic ointments (Erythromycin, Syntomycin) are prescribed. Ointments should be used only after laboratory examination.

When the fungal nature of the disease (candida) is identified, Nystatin or Levorin ointment is used. Sulfur salicylic ointment also has a good effect in case of advanced infection.

Vishnevsky's balm helps heal cracks. It must be applied carefully, only to the area of ​​the jam, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips.

Ointments are also used for angulitis in children. Antifungal agents (Lamicil, Clotrimazole) are often used. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs (Trimistan and Gioksizon). It is recommended to use syntomycin and tetracycline ointments.

When using any types of ointments, you must know the contraindications and age restrictions. Follow the dosage and duration of treatment exactly.

If the infectious nature of the infection is detected, in combination with local procedures, medications are prescribed for oral administration, in tablets:

  • fungal infection is eliminated by taking medications: Flucanazole, Nizoral, Ketoconazole, Nystatin, Lamisil, Levorin;
  • for bacterial inflammation caused by streptococci, staphylococci, antibiotics are prescribed. New generation drugs that act selectively;
  • if an allergic cause of the appearance of the seizure is identified, antihistamines are used: Suprastin, Erolin, Zyrtec, Clemastine.

In the treatment of jams in the corners of the lips, in addition to medication, vitamin complexes play an important role. They are necessarily prescribed for any form of the disease. The most effective drugs will be those containing B vitamins.

Treatment with ointments

Pharmacy ointments for use in a hospital or at home are prescribed by a doctor.
The most effective are D-Panthenol, Iruksol, Tetracycline. Levomekol and Teymur paste work well against the proliferation of microbes. When seizures occur as a result of a fungal infection

, it is necessary to use anti-fungal medicine, for example, Nystatin, Levorin, erythromycin or mercury ointment.

Tetracycline effectively destroys microbes, but it is not an antifungal drug.

Levomekol is an ointment for sticking in the corners of the mouth, destroying various types of bacteria, including staphylococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and also accelerates the regeneration of affected areas of the skin and mucous tissues. Teymur's paste prevents the occurrence of weeping wounds and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Traditional methods of treatment

Seizures appeared on the lips. How to treat more effectively and quickly? Using traditional medicine recipes in combination with medications gives excellent positive results.

Here are some recommendations for using traditional methods:

  • apply lotions from herbal decoctions with antiseptic properties (celandine, chamomile, sage);
  • to disinfect weeping cracks, use strong infusions (tea, oak bark, pine buds);
  • cauterize the affected areas with alcohol tinctures (propolis, mumiyo);
  • make lotions with oils (sea buckthorn, fir, tea tree).

When using various folk recipes, you need to make sure that all components do not cause an allergic reaction.

Folk remedies for fighting seizures

Such folk know-how as earwax helps a lot against jamming .
Take it out with a cotton swab and immediately apply it to the area where the jam appears. You can get rid of the disease on your lips using hygienic lipstick or thermal water. It is enough to apply lipstick or spray the affected areas with thermal water twice a day.

It also helps in the treatment of lubricating the areas with an oil solution containing vitamins E and A , melted beehive wax, petroleum jelly, sea buckthorn, olive and linseed oil, goose fat, avocado and rosehip oil, tea tree oil, and also made from herbal infusions of sage and chamomile , string, calendula and celandine lotions.

Rubbing with juice squeezed from the leaves of Kalanchoe, celandine, buttercup and plantain, and cloves of garlic helps a lot.


Seizures can occur to everyone at least once. Especially in childhood. They often go away on their own after a few days, causing slight discomfort. But in order not to provoke the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth, it is advisable to adhere to the following tips:

  • treat concomitant diseases (stomatitis, chronic inflammation) in a timely manner;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene (regularly brush your teeth, rinse your mouth);
  • follow the principles of rational nutrition;
  • take vitamins (if necessary);
  • use hygienic lipstick (if the skin of your lips is dry);
  • strengthen the immune system (hardening, physical activity, immunostimulant complexes);
  • avoid hypothermia and stress;
  • do not use dirty dining rooms and other household items;
  • do not lick your lips (children should not chew pencils, toys, nails...)
  • rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions, especially if you suspect a jam.

It is easy for even a child to follow these recommendations (under the supervision of an adult). Preventive measures will help maintain healthy mucous membranes of the lips and skin in the corners of the mouth. The reward will be a beautiful smile without red, cracked wounds.


In fact, the culprits of inflammation on the skin and mucous membranes of the corners of the mouth are infectious pathogens.
It has been established that out of the whole variety of microorganisms, two of them can lead to the appearance of seizures - streptococcus and a fungus of the genus Candida.

Thus, the infection can be streptococcal and candidiasis.

In this case, the decisive condition for its occurrence is the weakening of the body’s immune defense.


Streptococcus, like Candida fungus, belongs to the so-called opportunistic microflora. This means that both microorganisms are always present in a certain amount on a person’s skin and mucous membranes, without leading to the development of the disease.

When immunity decreases, the normal balance of microflora is disrupted, and then opportunistic flora begins to rapidly multiply.

Clinically, this is manifested by an inflammatory process, in this case – angular stomatitis.

The reasons for decreased immune reactivity in different people can be very different, these are:

  • chronic pathology in the period of exacerbation - bronchitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, cystitis;
  • endocrine dysfunction – thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, obesity;
  • physical and nervous overstrain - chronic or severe stress, increased stress, overwork, lack of sleep, depressive and hypochondriacal states;
  • poor nutrition – food composition unbalanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • hypo- and vitamin deficiency – mostly of B vitamins, especially riboflavin;
  • condition after surgery, radiation therapy;
  • dibacteriosis of the body's microflora during treatment with antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum drugs;
  • conditions after severe and (or) debilitating infections - sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis;
  • acute or chronic poisoning with toxic substances or poisons

In older people, cheilitis can appear due to defects in the use of dentures: improper care, inconsistency with the size of the oral cavity or poor quality of its materials.

In such cases, mechanical damage easily occurs when the prosthesis is inserted or removed from the mouth, followed by infection and the development of angular stomatitis.

An addiction to tobacco, especially among women, can also result in unfortunate addictions that make makeup using lipstick almost impossible. And the point here is not only the direct effect of nicotine on the immune system. It turns out that substances contained in tobacco can interfere with the normal absorption of riboflavin (vitamin B 6), the deficiency of which plays a role in the pathogenesis of cheilitis.

Sometimes jams are a consequence of using certain types of toothpaste, for example, fluoride. In younger children, the appearance of angulitis can be alleviated by the habit of constantly licking their lips or putting foreign objects into their mouths. Another reason for unpleasant sensations in the corners of the mouth appears when the dental bite is incorrectly formed - in a child or in an adult.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth are called by the medical term “angulitis”, the popular name for the disease “jams”. Why do jams appear in the corners of the mouth and how to identify them?

You can find a list of effective medications for toothache here. The material is presented for informational purposes.

Seizures in the corners of the mouth not only cause discomfort, but are also disturbing from an aesthetic point of view. Follow the link to look at treatment options for this disease.

General recommendations for getting rid of seizures

During treatment you should not smoke or drink alcohol. If possible, these habits should be abandoned.

Use only high-quality medicines that are certified. Always check the expiration date of the medicine.

There is no need to pick off dried crusts, comb the wound and open the resulting blisters.

You should know that in some forms of the disease, seizures are very contagious. You should use separate household items (dishes, towels, dental supplies).

Traditional methods of treatment

Existing methods of treating cheilitis with folk remedies cannot always provide a worthy alternative to medications. At the same time, their use in combination with medications helps to quickly relieve inflammation and speed up the healing of wounds and cracks.

For this purpose it is customary to use:

  • lotions and wiping the area with freshly squeezed juice of Kalanchoe, aloe, buttercup, plantain or celandine;
  • applications to healing cracks with rosehip, avocado, sea buckthorn and tea tree oils - after a course of basic treatment with antibiotics and antifungal ointments;
  • lubricating the wounds in the corners of the lips with an oil infusion of propolis;
  • masks for the lip area with honey, cottage cheese, aloe or “apple butter” (a mixture of apple juice and butter);
  • rubbing lips with a decoction of flaxseed, rose petals or thermal (mineral water).

There are cases of spontaneous recovery from seizures without any treatment, when the body uses its own reserves for recovery, receiving everything it needs from food.

However, in any case, it is worth remembering that harmless snacks are a small signal about a defect in our immunity, urging us to pay more attention to our health.

Dryness and flaking in the corners of a child’s mouth may indicate that something is wrong in the body, for example, there are not enough vitamins. Seizures in the corners of a child’s mouth can be cured with the help of medications and folk remedies, after consulting with a pediatrician.

How to understand that a child is cutting teeth and in what order they should appear, read in the next topic.

Recommendations for patients

To treat the disease, it is necessary to first eliminate external irritants that have a negative effect on the skin.

Patients suffering from angulitis need to:

  • Quit smoking.
  • Review your diet by removing sour and spicy foods from the menu. It is necessary to include foods containing iron and B vitamins in your food, such as liver, apples, pomegranates, dairy products, peanuts, cabbage, and almonds.
  • Avoid licking your lips frequently.
  • To soften the skin around the mouth during seizures, it is necessary to use cosmetics with a medicinal bias - hygienic lipstick or lip balm with components and vitamins that soften your skin.

Causes of lip disease

Damage to the corners of the lips can be of traumatic, infectious or allergic origin. In medicine it is called cheilitis. The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon are not difficult to identify on your own. So, if your lips become very dry and cracks form in the corners of your mouth, this may be caused by prolonged exposure to a heated room with dry air or freezing temperatures.

When a cracked lip does not heal, it may indicate an infection. Analysis of additional symptoms will help to more accurately determine why the wounds appeared. You need to remember after what events or circumstances the problem arose. For example, this could be visiting the dentist, using a new cosmetic product, or eating overly spicy foods.

Common causes of sticking in the corners of the mouth are:

  • Mechanical impact. Injury to the corners of the lips often occurs as a result of biting them while eating or frequent opening of the mouth (during a long visit to the dentist or wearing an uncomfortable denture).
  • Infections. With insufficient oral hygiene or reduced immunity, an infectious process can begin in microcracks in the corners of the mouth.
  • Allergy. If the appearance of a jam is preceded by itching and irritation in the corners of the lips, this may indicate an allergic reaction caused by toothpaste or some cosmetic product.
  • Fungus. It is easy to recognize a fungal infection by the white coating covering the erosion.
  • Herpes on the lips. This virus first manifests itself in the form of itching and redness, and then a pimple forms in the same place, resembling a blister in appearance, which subsequently bursts and turns into an ulcer.
  • Vitamin deficiency and lack of valuable microelements. Long-lasting cracks in the corners of the lips can appear as a result of a deficiency of certain vitamins or zinc.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. It is indicated not only by lesions in the corners of the mouth, but also by symptoms such as severe fatigue, weakness, pale skin and mucous membranes, poor condition of hair and nails.
  • General disorders - severely weakened immunity, endocrine diseases, dysbacteriosis, intestinal problems.

Diet for binge eating

Weakened immunity is supported not only with drugs, but also with products containing ascorbic acid, vitamins B and A, and tocopherol. The list of healthy dishes includes:

  • brown rice, preferably brown;
  • green leafy vegetables and legumes;
  • egg yolks;
  • fish and meat of any poultry;
  • nuts and bran;
  • cheese and vegetable oils;
  • boiled corn and all varieties of cabbage;
  • garlic and carrots with pumpkin;
  • decoction of rose hips, citrus fruits;
  • chicken or beef liver.

When bubbles appear, exclude alcohol and too spicy foods from the diet, try not to consume a lot of salt and marinades. Until complete recovery, it is forbidden to drink alcohol and soda. It is recommended to supplement proper nutrition with brewer's yeast, which contains a lot of vitamin B2.

  • It will be easier to cure seizures if you find their cause and select medications for internal and external use. After recovery, you should eat right, get enough sleep and strengthen your immune system with all available methods to prevent the recurrence of angular stomatitis.

How to treat a child

Kids are restless and active. It is difficult for them to understand that a small wound on the face should not be touched with hands, that it should not be scratched or licked. When a child develops a seizure, what to treat should be determined by the pediatrician. Uncontrolled use of medications can cause great harm to the baby. In many cases, treatment with peroxide or brilliant green is sufficient.

If a candidiasis form is detected, which does not happen very often in children, then nystatin or levorin ointment is prescribed. Older children additionally rinse their mouths, and children treat the corners of their lips with soda solution.

If the jams appear due to an allergy to any product, then parents should carefully remove any remaining food from the corners of the mouth and exclude it from the diet.

How to treat cracks in the corners of the lips in children

As in the case of adult patients, treatment should begin with a diagnosis, which will allow you to select the most effective drugs.

Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky considers it important:

  • remove all irritating foods (sour, salty) from the children's menu;
  • pain relief is carried out using Kalgel;
  • if the allergic nature of the snacks is established, never again give the child this allergenic food or medications that have caused individual intolerance;
  • promptly check the baby’s blood for the presence of iron in the body, and compensate for its deficiency with the help of pharmaceuticals (iron-containing products alone are not enough).

You should not choose medications on your own, especially if treatment of cracks and wounds in a baby is required.

The doctor may recommend prebiotics Hilak Forte, Laktofiltrum, and smear the sores with Miramistin, Cholisal, Metrogyl Denta.

We recommend that you watch the following video with tips from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia on the treatment of seizures in children:

Diagnostic measures

The diagnosis is based on determining the cause of the development of the seizure, so laboratory tests cannot be avoided. The nature of the damage to the mucous membrane of the lips can be determined by laboratory diagnostics of a sample of the dermis taken from the affected area using the scraping method.

When the presence of fungi cannot be determined under a microscope, the patient is referred for a general blood test. When the hemoglobin concentration is low, we are talking about anemia. The leukocyte count and ESR value will help determine the presence of inflammation in the body. They may also order a test to determine the concentration of B vitamins.


Angular cheilitis is not dangerous and can be treated. Symptoms usually improve within a few days of starting treatment.

Some people may develop angular cheilitis again, and further infections likely remain a risk factor for angular cheilitis.

This means people with diabetes, unusual lip anatomy or other risk factors should take steps to prevent future infection. Some strategies for preventing angular cheilitis include:

  • keeping lips dry
  • main state processing
  • using lip balm
  • practicing good oral hygiene


Angular cheilitis can be painful and unsightly, but in most cases it is an inconvenience rather than a serious health problem. Plus, it is usually preventable.

People with frequent angular cheilitis should ask their doctor about potential causes and explore lifestyle changes.

Even a simple lifestyle change such as using lip balm in winter can help prevent it from occurring.

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Ointments and masks made from natural ingredients

Vegetable oils and masks are applied to dried spots and cracks that no longer bleed. They moisturize the skin and speed up the healing of wounds. Ointments and other medicines are prepared only from those products with which you have had contact before. If you use unfamiliar ingredients, a weakened body may react negatively to the new components, and an allergic reaction will begin.

Masks for angular stomatitis

Garlic has an antibacterial effect:

  • Peel one or two cloves and crush them.
  • Grind the garlic pulp with olive oil.
  • Apply the mask to the spots and hold for a maximum of 5 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm soapy water.

The olive-garlic mixture relieves burning and soothes itching.

A night mask consisting of honey and butter will soften inflamed skin:

  1. Melt the products in a water bath and mix in equal proportions.
  2. When the components turn into a homogeneous mass, the workpiece is cooled to room temperature and applied to the cracks.
  3. Do not rub, but simply lubricate the inflamed areas.
  4. Apply at night and wash off in the morning.
  5. In order not to stain the pillow and hair, the corners of the mouth treated with the mask are covered with a piece of gauze and the fabric is fixed with adhesive tape.

Honey disinfects wounds, preventing the growth of bacteria, and oil moisturizes dry skin, soothing inflammation.

Apply a mask based on fresh apples to the jams:

  1. Crush the fruits to make a paste.
  2. Pour a little melted butter into the apple mixture to form a thick, homogeneous mixture.
  3. Apply the medicine for 10–15 minutes, and then carefully remove it with a cotton swab and rinse the ulcers with water.

The wounds will heal in a few days if compresses made from fish oil and natural honey are applied to the inflamed corners of the mouth. You will need 20 drops of the first ingredient and 20 ml of the second. Place the products in a bowl and place in a water bath. Stirring until smooth. Soak cotton swabs in the product and apply to the spots for 20 minutes.

Dry skin around the mouth and the lips themselves are softened with vegetable oils:

  • olive;
  • linen;
  • sunflower;
  • apricot kernels.

Only an unrefined product that is heated in a water bath is suitable. Add 2-3 drops of essential oil to the base: rose or tea tree, as well as a little vitamin E. Tocopherol is sold in liquid form in pharmacies.

Apply the mixture of oils with cotton swabs or swabs directly to the jams. Apply the nourishing product to the skin around the lips and leave for 30–40 minutes or overnight. Cover the top with a terry towel, then more oil will be absorbed.

Vitamin compress and rinse infusion

For angular stomatitis, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with oak bark tincture: a teaspoon of the crushed component per 400 ml of cold boiled water. Infuse the product for at least 8 hours, apply 4-5 times a day.

Instead of oak bark, use calamus root: brew 20 g of the crushed plant in a cup of boiling water. Strain after 20 minutes, rinse your mouth with the resulting product three times a day.

After hygiene procedures, a vitamin compress is applied to the ulcers. You will need:

  • concentrated decoction of rose hips;
  • liquid vitamin A and tocopherol;
  • Castor oil.

Simmer the rose hips in a water bath for 30 minutes. You will need 60 g of dried berries and 100–150 ml of liquid.

Pour a spoonful of warm rose hip decoction into a glass jar, add 10 ml of castor oil and 4-5 drops of vitamins. Heat the ingredients, but do not allow the product to boil. Vitamins are destroyed at high temperatures. Stir the liquid with a wooden spatula and set aside.

Soak cotton swabs in a warm cocktail of rosehip and castor oil and apply to the sores 3-5 times a day. Repeat the procedure until the jams disappear.

Beer ointment

Stomatitis caused by a lack of vitamin B is treated with beer ointment. Calendula, which is part of the drug, disinfects, and butter softens and promotes rapid healing of ulcers.

Grind the dried flowers of the medicinal plant in a coffee grinder or mortar. Pour 35 ml of beer and 40 ml of melted butter into the calendula powder. Stir the ingredients, transfer to a glass jar and set aside. Apply the frozen ointment to the wounds and rub in gently.

Beer cream will relieve discomfort if you apply it to the spots before bed and leave it on all night. The product is distributed in a thick layer over the inflamed areas, covered on top with a cotton or gauze swab, cling film and sealed with a band-aid.

The ointment made from beer and calendula is replaced with fresh cucumber. The vegetable is cut into thin transparent slices and applied to the wounds. Lie down for 40 minutes. No time to rest? Then the cucumbers should be glued with a band-aid.

Lubricate the sore corners of the lips with Kalanchoe or aloe juice, apply fresh plantain leaf and concentrated green tea compresses.

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