abdominal pain on the right
Possible causes of tingling on the right side
Article prepared by: Vasily Babkinsky Doctor of the highest category The condition when colitis in the right side is
What causes bad breath: causes in adults
Halitosis (or bad breath) can greatly ruin your life, adding difficulties in communication
We increase hemoglobin in the blood of women - 8 proven methods
TOP 10 foods to increase hemoglobin Very often, an unbalanced diet leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels.
inhalation for cough
Inhalations for coughs (dry and wet): what and how to do, inhalation treatment at home
Without any doubt, and this has been proven by practical medicine, inhalation for cough treatment is
In what cases is it necessary to use vasodilator drugs for the brain: list of medications, side effects, contraindications
The brain is the most sensitive organ to oxygen starvation. Therefore, when blood flow is disrupted,
Blood from the nose - causes in an adult in normal condition
What types of bleeding are there? Bleeding can be triggered by external factors. They appear as a result of receiving
How to determine appendicitis in a child
Checking your child for appendicitis at home
Appendicitis - phlegmonous, catarrhal or purulent inflammation of the appendix (caecum) - enough
red blood cells are normal
Red blood cells: normal. What is the danger of increasing and decreasing the level of red blood cells in the blood?
Red blood cells are the cells that contain the largest amount of the red pigment hemoglobin. Main function of red blood cells
nutrition for pancreas damage
Proper nutrition for the treatment of pancreas
With unhealthy weaknesses in the diet, all organs of the human digestive system are susceptible to disease. The first organ
Drugs to improve memory and attention in adults
Decreased attention and memory are not always a dangerous symptom. With increased load on
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