Forlax - instructions for use, release form, composition, indications, side effects, analogues and price
Young children often suffer from constipation, and this problem should be approached wisely. One
intestinal infections
Children's intestinal infections: features, diagnosis and treatment
What is an "intestinal infection"? Intestinal infections include diseases that primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract,
How to decipher an ECG analysis, norms and deviations, pathologies and diagnostic principles
An electrocardiogram of the heart is the main diagnostic study that allows us to draw conclusions about the functioning of the organ, the presence or
what can you eat if you have food poisoning
Is it possible to consume dairy products after poisoning?
Intoxication of the body as a result of ingestion of pathogenic bacteria along with food and drinks -
The first symptoms and signs of pancreatic cancer
The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system. In a normally developed body, it weighs no more than 85 g
Cefotaxime injections: indications and contraindications, adverse reactions, analogues
Cefotaxime injections instructions for use for adults dosage
1040 There are a large number of antibiotics in different formulations on the pharmacological market. The drug Cefotaxime
Cutting pain in the lower abdomen in women: causes and what to do
Today we will talk about the reasons why the lower abdomen hurts in women, for this there is
Types, causes, treatment, prevention of heaviness in the right side
The cause of discomfort in the right hypochondrium is most often gastroenterological pathologies. They require urgent medical attention
Neuritis of the facial nerve: dangerous due to its consequences
A person’s face is capable of expressing all his thoughts, emotions and feelings without words. Facial expressions –
Getting rid of a bruise
Pain relieving ointment for bruises - effective and inexpensive
Ointment for bruises, bruises and swelling will help with various injuries. In case of soft tissue damage
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