How to examine and treat helminth eggs in children and adults
Signs of worms in humans are varied. The presence of helminths can manifest itself as constant pain in the stomach,
Fetal hypoxia: symptoms and signs. Consequences of fetal hypoxia for the child. Treatment of fetal hypoxia
Fetal hypoxia is a diagnosis that frightens many mothers during pregnancy. How to determine it
Chondroxide: a drug for restoring joint tissue
To normalize metabolism, improve nutrition, restore areas of tissue that have died as a result of damage or dystrophy,
Abdominal aortic aneurysm: causes, symptoms and treatment
In one of the largest vessels of our body, three main parts can be distinguished: ascending
Ferritin. Blood test, what does it mean when it changes
A blood test for ferritin is performed to determine iron stores. Of course it’s what we need
hint table
The insidiousness of a temperature of 37 degrees: if it persists without symptoms, it rises in the evenings and has no apparent reason
What is low-grade body temperature Low-grade fever is the temperature of a person’s body with values
Antiseptic Lugol spray - reviews
Lugol's solution with glycerin: instructions for use
Pharmacological properties Pharmacodynamics The main active substance of the drug is molecular iodine, which has antiseptic and
Gastroduodenitis: symptoms, treatment (25 drugs) for exacerbation, chronic, ulcerative form. Diet and questions answered
Gastroduodenitis is an inflammatory process that simultaneously involves the stomach wall and duodenum in the pathology
antibiotic lincomycin in dentistry
What does Lincomycin help with? instructions for use
24731 Many dental diseases require treatment with antibacterial agents. Depending on the features
hemoglobin in pregnant women
Hemoglobin is elevated in the blood: more than 10 reasons, what it means, consequences, normal, treatment, how to reduce it in children and adults. How dangerous is the condition?
Why does hemoglobin increase in an adult? What does a person feel when hemoglobin is high? Increased hemoglobin:
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