What is bilirubin in the blood and its normal level in a healthy person?
Bilirubin is known to most patients in clinics only by ear. Yes, we heard. And that's practically it
The drug Losartan in packaging
The mechanism of action of the drug Losartan in the treatment of hypertension - composition, dosage and analogues
Updated: 07/30/2019 18:35:39 Expert: Boris Kaganovich Losartan Advantages Disadvantages Effective for moderate and moderate
Vitamins Aevit: varieties, internal and external use
Pharmacies sell drugs that are ingenious in their simplicity, cost mere pennies, but can
Brain cancer: causes and first symptoms of the tumor
Brain cancer is characterized by abnormally rapid division and transformation of brain cells, damage to nerve tissue occurs,
Utrogestan Utrogestan instructions for use
Why is Utrozhestan prescribed during pregnancy? Instructions for use of Utrozhestan during pregnancy
During pregnancy, women often have to cope with hormonal imbalances, which often lead to
Clarithromycin: composition, indications and contraindications, side effects
"Clarithromycin": reviews. Clarithromycin tablets: application
607 Clarithromycin is a therapeutic drug that has an antibacterial effect. The drug belongs to the group of macrolides
Bayer Qlaira contraceptives - reviews
The drug Qlaira, reviews from doctors, is taken during menopause
Pros and cons Caution! Treatment with Qlaira for endometriosis is considered effective and safe - estradiol
Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia - causes and signs of pathology
The uterus is a reproductive organ that has an endometrial thickness of 0.5 cm at different stages of the cycle
Rosuvastatin tablets
Rosuvastatin - instructions for use of tablets, indications, dosage, side effects, analogues and price
Rosuvastatin tablets are designed to reduce the production of your own cholesterol in the body. With an increase in the indicators of this
Relative density of urine
General urine analysis - table, norm and interpretation of results in adults
Features of decoding a general urine test in adults, children and pregnant women General urine test
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