Cyston: composition, indications for use, side effects
Cyston - instructions for use and mechanism of action, composition, indications, release form and price
2190 The drug Cyston is a multicomponent medicine based on various parts of plants. Its nephrolitholytic
Cardiomagnyl - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations of 75 mg and 150 mg tablets for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including during pregnancy
Cardiomagnyl - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations of 75 mg and 150 mg tablets for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including during pregnancy
Recently, cases of heart attack or stroke due to the formation of blood clots in blood vessels have become more frequent.
Movlis: composition, release form, indications, dosage, side effects
Instructions for the use of Movalis injections characterize the drug as one of the most effective means against
Amoxicillin: indications for use, composition, side effects
Amoxicillin: indications for use, composition, side effects
907 Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. It is sold at a very affordable price.
Pancreatin tablets 25 units
Pancreatin - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms: tablets 100 mg, 25 units and 30 units, dragees, forte of the drug for the treatment of pancreatitis in adults, children and pregnancy. Compound
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occur at different ages. Most often, adults suffer from them
Suppositories are local drugs: their active substances are quickly absorbed, relieving the patient of the symptoms of the pathology
Inexpensive and effective suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids
Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids are the most popular medicine used in the fight against pathology.
Suspension and tablets “Sumamed”: complete instructions for use for children, antibiotic analogues
Category: Published 05/10/2017 · Comments: · Reading time: 5 min · Views: 2,673
Sorbifer Durules. Instructions for use during pregnancy, before or after meals, side effects
Sorbifer Durules. Instructions for use during pregnancy, before or after meals, side effects
What are the dangers of iron deficiency during pregnancy? During pregnancy, the body produces an increased amount of blood.
How to drink Allochol: dosage of the drug for adults
Release form and composition The product is available in the form of film-coated tablets for adults and
Skin cancer: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Skin cancer - photo, initial stage and first signs, treatment and prognosis
Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer today. All types
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