How to drink Allochol: dosage of the drug for adults

Release form and composition

The product is available in the form of film-coated tablets for adults and children. One tablet of the drug contains:

  • 80 mg of animal dry (or condensed) bile;
  • 40 mg dry garlic;
  • 5 mg dried nettle leaves;
  • 25 mg activated carbon.

Allohol for children contains the same substances, only 2 times less.

Tablets of the drug are available in blisters of 10 pieces or in dark glass jars of 50 pieces. One cardboard pack contains 1, 2 and 5 blisters or 1 jar of tablets.

Preventive liver cleansing with Allochol

The positive effect of Allochol on the liver has been known since the times of the USSR. Many people have used this hepatoprotector for preventive liver cleansing. According to experts, doing this is useful, because any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

First you need to prepare for cleaning. There are several ways to do this. It is best to take a saline laxative the day before the course at about 16.00; Magnesia is excellent. It is enough to use 3 teaspoons of Magnesia, after mixing them with 200 ml of warm water.

After preparation you need:

  1. First day. Drink half a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice without sugar in the morning at about 11:00. On this day, do not eat any food; you can drink still water. At 20:00 you should take 2 tablets of Allochol, and an hour later drink a mixture of 50 ml of olive oil and 30 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. Second day. Give a water enema in the morning. During the day, eat only vegetables, you can drink still water. Take Allohol tablets in the evening (18:00-20:00) in the amount of 2 pieces. At night, take 1 teaspoon of Magnesia diluted in water.
  3. The third day. Repeat the same manipulations as on the second day. You can include vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil and a small amount of salt in your diet. Drink still water and rosehip infusion.
  4. Fourth day. You need to gradually return to your usual diet; you can add low-fat fermented milk products, meat, seafood, and eggs to the menu. In the morning, afternoon and evening, take 1 tablet of Allochol, that is, in total you need to drink 3 tablets per day.

This cleaning can be done once every 1-2 months.

Pharmacological properties


Allochol is a choleretic (choleretic and cholekinetic) agent that minimizes the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine by enhancing the reflexes of its mucous membrane. It activates the secretory function of liver cells, reflexively enhances the motor and secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

In case of endogenous deficiency of bile acids, Allochol is used as replacement therapy. In addition, it has a slight laxative effect. The drug improves the emulsification of dietary fats and the digestion process in general, and also reduces the manifestations of flatulence.


Allochol is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It contains cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids, which are involved in the processes of 7α-dehydroxylation that occur in the intestine. Chenodeoxycholic acid is also metabolized in the liver, conjugating with amino acids, and secreted into bile, from where it is again excreted into the intestine, followed by reabsorption. The remaining amount of this substance is excreted in feces.

Instructions for use

It is very important to take these tablets strictly after meals. Otherwise, negative consequences for the body cannot be ruled out, since Allochol contains components that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, which dissolves the gastric mucosa if there is no food in it. Improper use can ultimately lead to ulcers or gastritis.

Patients over 14 years of age are prescribed 1-2 tablets an hour after meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. The number of appointments per day is also individual and determined by the practitioner, usually no more than 3 times a day.

In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the possibility of further taking the drug is determined by the doctor, since often, instead of positive dynamics, you can get the opposite effect in the form of a deterioration in the general condition of the body.

In some cases, the course of treatment is extended to 3 months, followed by a break of at least 3 months.

During the course of treatment with Allochol, you should pay attention to nutrition. It is better to choose the right “dietary table” with a specialist. Thus, you can increase the effectiveness of the medicine several times, lose excess weight and improve the general condition of the body many times over.

Prescription for children

The drug is recommended for patients aged three years and older. The duration of therapy and the dose of medication are also determined by the attending physician. The instructions contain a mention: “the medication is recommended for children over seven years of age.” This is explained simply: at this time the child is able to swallow the pill on his own without choking.

Pregnancy and lactation period

A qualified doctor will prescribe medication only if the beneficial effect significantly outweighs the possible adverse effects on the fetus. Even herbal preparations can harm the unborn baby, as they affect certain processes in the body. Therefore, even banal vitamins should be taken with caution. Unauthorized use of the drug is strictly prohibited!

If the doctor prescribed a course of treatment with Allochol during pregnancy, then the dosage, method of administration and duration of administration will not change.

The use of Allochol during lactation is also agreed with a specialist, since a small proportion of any medicine enters the baby’s body with mother’s milk.

Alcohol and Allohol

Using tablets together with any alcohol is strictly contraindicated! The consequences can be dire:

  • Intestinal irritation.
  • Severe and painful diarrhea.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Jaundice.
  • Severe pain in the right hypochondrium.

This is explained by the fact that when alcohol enters the body, it significantly enhances intestinal motility and the secretion of the gastric tract and bile. Therefore, you should not drink alcohol during the course of treatment.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Allochol is indicated for the following diseases of the biliary tract and liver:

  • Chronic hepatitis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder;
  • Liver cirrhosis in the initial stage;
  • Cholangitis;
  • Constipation caused by intestinal atony;
  • Gallbladder cholesterosis.

Allohol for children is indicated in the presence of symptoms of functional gallbladder insufficiency, which is often diagnosed during the period of active growth of the child.

Contraindications and side effects

With all its beneficial properties and herbal components, Allochol has many serious contraindications, which should be paid attention to first and discussed with your doctor. These include:

  1. Hypersensitivity to any component included in the composition.
  2. Presence of stones or sand in the bile ducts (blockage).
  3. The presence of a tumor in the liver ducts causing obstruction.
  4. Pathology of the liver and biliary tract (acute inflammatory phase).
  5. The presence of a stone (from 1 mm) during remission of cholelithiasis.
  6. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  7. The patient's age is up to 3 years in the Russian Federation.

It is important to understand that Allohol cannot be combined with any other medicine from the biliary group. It is also worth refraining from taking laxatives in any form during the course, as this combination can cause diarrhea.

Antibiotics together with Allochol are allowed. By combining these drugs, as a rule, doctors achieve relief from the acute inflammatory process in the gallbladder. Parallel use of antiseptics will also not cause any harm.

Taking Allochol enhances the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K.

special instructions

For patients with cholelithiasis, the drug is prescribed with great caution.

In cases of combined use with choleretics, bile formation may increase.

The combination of the drug with laxatives leads to the elimination of constipation.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Allochol does not affect the patient's ability to drive vehicles. Also, taking the drug does not affect working with complex mechanisms or performing potentially dangerous types of work that require high concentration.

Allochol dosage regimens

Regardless of the purpose of administration, Allochol should be taken only after meals. It is not necessary to have a full meal for this, but there must be something substantial in the stomach (at least a bun or an apple). Allohol, prescribed to a child, is used according to a clear scheme. Here you need to take into account the age of the baby:

  • Children under 6 years of age can receive 1 tablet of the drug no more than 2 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days.
  • From 6 to 12 years of age, children can receive 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 14 days.
  • Children over 12 years of age (and adults) should take 2 tablets 3 times a day for 14 days.

After completing the course there is a break of 2 weeks. Further, according to indications, treatment can be continued according to the same regimen.

Using Allochol to cleanse the liver will look like this:

  • On the first day, take 1 tablet 3 times a day. Every day the number of tablets increases by 1 at the same frequency of administration. On the 7th day, 7 tablets are taken 3 times a day.
  • On the 8th day the same scheme as on the 7th. Next, we begin to take 1 tablet per day and on the 14th day we take 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  • This is a very intense effect on the body, so it is best to cleanse for 14 days under the supervision of a doctor.

When a medication is included in a complex of therapy aimed at losing excess weight, you need to take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day for one month. After this, a break of 3 months is taken and, if necessary, a repeat course is given.

Signs of liver problems

  • Decline in vitality. The liver does not cleanse the body well, so a person constantly feels lethargic.
  • Brittle hair with a dull surface is often also a sign of trouble.
  • Digestive problems. Nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Bitterness in the mouth and “burning” in the right side.
  • Blood pressure disorders. Headache.
  • Increased pigmentation of the skin. The spots are especially noticeable on the face and hands.

These are just the most common signs of blockage and stagnation. If such symptoms appear, you need to visit a specialist and undergo diagnostics. If the fears are confirmed, the problem really lies in this organ, then the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. In most cases, Allohol is prescribed for the treatment of the liver.

These tablets are mainly recommended for complex therapy. Doctors advise taking them along with other medications and hepatoprotectors.

Allohol after cholecystectomy

Surgical removal of an inflamed gallbladder in medicine is called cholecystectomy. It is carried out in cases of unsuccessful conservative treatment, with phlegmon and gangrene, and suspected peritonitis.

Used in surgery:

  1. A classic operation with access through an arcuate skin incision and opening 15-30 cm of the abdominal cavity. To examine the source of inflammation, you may need an opening from the right hypochondrium to the sternum or navel. The cystic duct is ligated and the bladder is cut off.
  2. Laparoscopic method - small incisions are used to insert a laparoscope with a video camera. The leg is bandaged with special equipment, the bladder is cut off, and the formation is removed.

The operation deprives the biliary system of a storage reservoir. Bile enters in smaller quantities directly into the small intestine. For complete digestion of food after removal of the gallbladder, Allochol or other choleretic agents are prescribed. The patient needs fractional meals in small portions. Allochol is taken after each feeding. The drug helps increase the “production” of bile and bring it to the intestines.

It is recommended to start using Allochol 5-6 days after surgery, when the diet gradually expands. Patients are prescribed 30-day courses with a break of 3 months. In the future, the patient focuses on how he feels and the appearance of bloating.

How to cleanse the liver

There are many recipes and schemes for cleansing the liver. But, alas, not all of them are safe for health, and many can lead to complications.

Before starting any procedures, you should consult your doctor. Almost all liver cleansing methods are designed to increase the amount of bile in the body, and in some cases this can be deadly. In addition, there is a high chance that you will have an individual intolerance to any substance or drug that is used to cleanse the liver.

Before starting any cleansing, you must switch to a plant-based diet and avoid eating heavy foods and alcohol. To cleanse the liver, you need to cleanse the intestines, since otherwise there will be no desired effect. It is necessary to follow the diet 1-3 weeks before the start of cleansing.

The day before you decide to start a cleanse program, it is better to eliminate solid foods from your diet and drink natural juices.


In the absence of the expected effect or intolerance to Allochol, it is replaced with another remedy. There are no exact analogues, so the doctor selects a medicine with a similar effect.

Frequently prescribed drugs, as analogues:

Drug namepharmachologic effect
HolagolStimulates the formation and excretion of bile, has an antispasmodic and laxative effect.
HolosasThe drug has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect, and enhances smooth muscle motility. The medicine is produced in syrup and can be an excellent alternative to Allochol for treating a child.
UrsodezThe drug stimulates gastric and pancreatic secretion, increases bile synthesis and improves its excretion. It increases the amount of bile acids and reduces the lithogenicity of bile secretions.
CaweholThe herbal medicine has a strong choleretic effect, a moderate antispasmodic effect, restores liver cells and activates the production of cholic acids.
HolenzymImproves the process of bile formation, helps normalize its outflow, and improves the quality of the digestive process.

Is it possible to drink to lose weight?

Allochol is a choleretic medicine used to improve the digestion process. This is achieved by activating enzymes in the digestive tract. Metabolism in the body is normalized and this contributes to weight loss.

Before taking Allochol for weight loss, you should consult a doctor.

Losing weight with Allochol should be combined with physical activity and a balanced, balanced diet, as proven by numerous reviews on this topic. Consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary.

Doctors' opinion: the importance of using Allochol for gallbladder diseases

The use of Allochol requires careful study of contraindications, the functioning of the biliary apparatus as a whole, and consideration of concomitant diseases. Independent and incorrect use is dangerous for the development of gastritis and peptic ulcers. The drug has contraindications, which can be assumed during examination of the patient. The cheapness and availability of a product is not a reason to use it uncontrollably in any case.

Allochol is not always indicated in the treatment of cholecystitis and other diseases of the gallbladder. Its properties can be harmful in the acute stage of the disease, if the patency of the ducts is impaired. Only specialists correctly analyze the indications and include the drug in complex therapy.

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis

The benefits of Allochol for the liver cannot be overestimated. It improves organ function, reduces the load on the liver, and fights inflammation. The drug is indicated for cholecystitis, but only if there are no signs of stone-carrying. It has been proven that the therapeutic effect of Allochol also extends to the pancreas. It improves its secretory function, helping to cope with inflammatory processes.

Doctor's opinion: Korzikov I.V., gastroenterologist, 18 years of experience

If a patient has uncomplicated cholecystitis, I recommend taking Allochol for years. It provides excellent support for patients, but some experience side effects such as nausea and diarrhea. In this case, we select a drug with a similar effect.

Contraindications for use

Allochol has a mild cleansing mechanism of action, however, the choleretic effect of the drug is unacceptable in a number of diseases. Using a medication without taking into account contraindications can lead to increased symptoms of chronic pathologies and cause complications that are difficult to correct.

Allochol should not be taken according to the instructions:

  • if there is individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • patients with acute hepatitis, with acute and subacute liver dystrophy;
  • for acute pancreatitis and gastric or duodenal ulcers;
  • with obstructive form of jaundice.

The choleretic property of the medication allows you to remove fine sand from the bile ducts and bladder. However, you can take the drug for calculous cholecystitis only if the size of the stones does not exceed 10 mm, which is determined by ultrasound.

Cost and analogues

Surely everyone knows that the drug “Allohol” has a fairly low cost. A package of such medicine costs only 15-40 rubles.

As for similar products, only Allohol-UBF can be classified as structural analogues of Allohol. If these medications are contraindicated for you, then it is recommended to replace them with drugs that are analogues in their choleretic effect. Such medications include the following: Ursodez, Altalex, Hofitol, Vitanorm, Holosas, Gepabene, Ursofalk, Odeston, Ursoliv, Tykveol.

It should also be noted that the cost of all the listed funds significantly exceeds the cost of the drug we are considering.

When losing weight

Allochol does not reduce appetite and does not have a fat-burning effect, so simply taking pills and losing weight will not work. The product is recommended for weight loss to improve digestion and timely cleanse the intestines of harmful waste and toxins.

Doctor's review: Lopyreva T.O., nutritionist, 25 years of experience

Many women have illusions about Allochol. Without diet and exercise, effective weight loss will not work. The product only removes excess water and helps to cope with constipation, which can occur when reducing the amount of food consumed.

Mechanism of action

The medicine Allohol acts as an enzyme that forms bile and removes it from the body. In addition, the remedy:

This effect is achieved due to the fact that bile does not accumulate, but is released into the digestive system in a timely manner. This occurs due to motor stimulation of the organs, which reduces fermentation and rotting inside the intestine. Consequently, a person stops suffering from constipation and flatulence.

Composition of the drug

Allochol is a plant-based drug, the composition of which was developed and put into production more than fifty years ago.

It includes:

  1. Dry animal bile – activates pancreatic enzymes and takes part in digestive processes. Bile acids break down fats, activate intestinal activity, promote motility, and prevent the proliferation of liver parasites;
  2. Dry garlic extract has an antimicrobial effect, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, and prevents blood clotting and the formation of blood clots. Garlic promotes the emulsification of lipids during digestion, preventing them from accumulating in tissues and blood, and speeds up metabolic processes and utilization. Garlic inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora and inhibits food fermentation processes;
  3. Nettle extract contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, carotenes, phytoncides, chlorophyll, proteins, sugars, tannins, organic acids, macro and microelements. Nettle has a choleretic effect, stimulates gastric and intestinal motility, fights gas formation, and reduces blood cholesterol.
  4. Activated carbon adsorbs toxins, helps cleanse the liver, and normalizes its function.

Thus, the complex effect of allochol is:

  • Stimulating the secretory function of the liver and the production of bile acids;
  • Normalization of digestion and elimination of atonic constipation, thanks to increased bile secretion;
  • Eliminate inflammatory processes in liver cells and prevent the spread of infection;
  • Prevents the formation of stones

The active substances are compressed into tablets and coated; there are no additional components in allochol.

Is Allohol a cure for excess weight?

Many people have recently become addicted to taking Allohol tablets in the hope of losing excess weight. After all, the constituent components of the drug promote increased formation of bile and stimulate its excretion. And again, some are interested: “How should I take the drug Allohol - before or after meals?” (in this case). Let us repeat once again - you can take tablets only after meals, since after taking them the secretory function of the liver, stomach, and duodenum automatically increases. Due to the content of activated carbon in the intestines, the adsorption of many harmful substances occurs, the processes of decay and gas formation are reduced, that is, the intestines are cleansed. And nettle leaves gently suppress the growth of harmful bacteria, leaving beneficial flora.

However, it is naive to believe that normalizing the process of removing stagnant bile and substances that clog the intestines can radically affect weight loss. Taking this drug by itself, without following a certain diet and increasing physical activity, is unlikely to give the expected effect. But when following a diet, it is extremely useful because it helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

Reviews about Allochol

People speak mostly positively about Allohol. According to most patients, the results of liver cleansing with this drug are amazing. Patients claim that after undergoing therapy, their pain in the right hypochondrium, bitter taste in the mouth, and digestive disorders disappeared.

Negative reviews from patients are extremely rare. People who did not feel the therapeutic effect due to non-compliance with the instructions for use speak poorly about the medicine. Also, negative comments come from patients who have experienced the side effects of the hepatoprotector.

Doctors speak positively about the choleretic agent. Experts believe that Allochol is the best hepatoprotector in its segment. The advantages of the drug, hepatologists include its low cost, high efficiency, availability, and normal compatibility with other hepatoprotectors.

Is cleaning effective?

Many people are alarmed by this technique because of the increased dosage: on days 7 and 8 it turns out that you need to drink 21 tablets a day. This is a really large dose of the drug, and these days even fans of this method note that unpleasant symptoms appear: diarrhea, stomach pain, cramps. And for some reason, many patients take these symptoms as signs of liver cleansing, although in fact this is not the case. In case of severe pain, it is advised to take painkillers, but in fact it is necessary to stop taking Allochol. This should also be done if there is an increase in body temperature, bleeding or other serious symptoms.

In addition, according to this method, it is necessary to take Allohol before meals, but the instructions indicate the opposite. The fact is that increased bile production increases stomach acidity. And if at this moment there is no food in it, then gastric juices can begin to corrode the tissue.

Digestion improves, frequent urges to go to the toilet begin, which is why many believe that Allohol is beginning to cleanse the liver. Reviews from those who have tried this method are positive, but many claim that terrible diarrhea begins on the 7-8th day. Alas, the use of the drug, even in such doses, does not completely cleanse the liver of toxins and poisons.

In some cases, the use of the drug has a negative effect. "Allohol", the contraindications for the use of which are not too extensive, but serious, due to its choleretic effect, can abruptly remove stones from the body, and if they are large, they can clog the duct. Many also note the onset of allergic reactions to the drug.

What's included

Inside the yellow shell that covers each tablet is real dried animal bile. When treated with Allohol, this bile enters the body and in the first days of administration increases the amount of this truly magical secretion. Dry garlic powder, nettle powder and activated carbon - as you can see, the composition of the tablet is completely natural.

It would be correct to take “Allohol” as a medicine that accelerates bile. Herbal components (garlic and nettle) will cause your bile to accelerate, and it will cease to be motionless, turning into stones that find their home in your bile ducts.

The pancreas will breathe a sigh of relief that it will stop working for two. Activated charcoal will wake up your intestines, which will have a beneficial effect on the entire state of the body.

Despite the fact that the composition of the medicine is completely natural, you need to take Allohol correctly. As before taking any other medication, you must familiarize yourself with all the rules for using this drug in the treatment of the digestive system. The positive effect will be noticeable within a week of treatment. Pain and heaviness in the right side will stop, appetite will normalize, and the patient will feel an increase in the overall tone of the body.

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