Menstruation lasts 3 days: is this normal, reasons
Menstruation is an important part of female nature. Their onset coincides with adolescence (11–13 years)
When menstruation comes after Postinor, can there be any irregularities?
Many women face the problem of severe bleeding after postinoration. Although such a side
What does pink discharge portend during early pregnancy?
When is a sign in the first trimester considered normal? This shade indicates blood particles
Bend of the uterus anteriorly, posteriorly
Bend of the uterus back and forth - postures for conception
According to medical statistics, about 20% of women have an atypical structure of the internal genital organs. Change
Girl menstruation
Brown blood during menstruation: what is the reason?
The most common causes Often, dark blood during menstruation occurs in those women whose
Method of surgical treatment of uterine torsion in girls
Cystic formation in the ovary is a very common gynecological pathology that can lead to
Symptoms and methods of treating breast fibroadenomatosis
Causes of occurrence Many doctors, when asked what breast fibroadenomatosis is, answer that it is
Prolapse of the internal pelvic organs after childbirth: symptoms and treatment
Why does this happen? Normally, the uterus and appendages are in a fixed state due to strong
Clotrimazole ointment for men and women - how to properly treat thrush. Composition, instructions, indications
Representatives of the fair sex very often encounter various fungal diseases of the genitourinary system. Someone is starting
Migraine during menstruation: how to treat and causes of menstrual migraine before and during menstruation
Menstrual migraine is studied at the intersection of two specialties: neurology and gynecology. On the one hand, this
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