Allergy to pads is a very intimate problem
Why can pads cause allergies? Allergic reactions occur due to contact with an allergen substance. Allergies occur
Chronic endometritis - is it possible to get pregnant, how to cure it
It is not without reason that gynecologists constantly say that every woman is simply obliged to undergo preventive examinations.
Dicynon tablets
Tablets "Ditsinon": use for uterine bleeding and reviews of the results
Dicynone is a hemostatic drug that has been used for quite a long time to stop bleeding, ambulance
On what day of the cycle is hysteroscopy performed?
Features and timing of the next menstruation after hysteroscopy
What is hysteroscopy Hysteroscopy as a diagnostic method is often used in gynecology. Thanks to him
What is sectoral breast resection?
Fibroadenoma is a benign pathology that occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance. As a rule, the disease develops
Manifestations of thrush
Treatment with home remedies: baking soda for candidiasis
How to use soda for candidiasis Soda for thrush is used in the form of a solution for preparing
Signs of pregnancy in the early stages before a missed period, discharge
What kind of discharge during pregnancy before missed period
It’s not at all difficult to determine on your own how successfully all your efforts in trying to get pregnant were completed, and you can
Using suppositories for menstruation against thrush
Terzhinan during menstruation: is it possible to continue treatment with suppositories during menstruation?
Description of the drug Terzhinan is produced in the form of intravaginal tablets (suppositories). In gynecology, suppositories have found their place
Reasons why nipples hurt before and during menstruation
Why do nipples hurt before menstruation? The main cause of pain syndromes in the nipple area before menstruation
Bleeding before menstruation reasons
Causes and treatment of spotting before menstruation
Menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon that occurs in women during their childbearing years. At that time
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