Inflammation of the mammary gland in women
How to recognize and treat mastitis during lactation
Main pathologies of the female breast: types and forms Symptoms of breast diseases in women depend
Hyperhidrosis during menopause: causes and methods of control
Sweating at night in women during menopause. Menopause, menopause. Sweating during menopause During
Herb shepherd's purse medicinal properties in gynecology
Brief information about the plant Shepherd's purse is a weed that has a wide distribution area.
Why do you have a headache before and during your period: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Ivan Drozdov 03/26/2019 4 Comments Headache is quite often a symptom of menstrual syndrome. U
After hysteroscopy, how long does the discharge last? reviews
Hysteroscopy is a low-traumatic method for diagnosing and treating gynecological diseases. Even a review intervention, not to mention
How can a woman check her ovaries using ultrasound diagnostics?
Indications for ultrasound of the ovaries: irregular menstrual cycle, delayed menstruation; painful menstruation; excessively abundant
If you haven't had a period for three months, what should you do?
Why no periods for 3 months: reasons
Primary and secondary amenorrhea The absence of menstruation for several cycles is usually called amenorrhea. It can be primary
Delayed menstruation and white discharge: causes.
Discharge when menstruation is late usually worries girls very much. In fact, such secretions can
causes of resistant ovarian syndrome
Restoring fertility in resistant ovarian syndrome
Resistant ovarian syndrome is a gynecological disease that occurs in young women under 35
A pregnant cat has bleeding: normal or pathological, what to do when you need help
Causes of spotting before childbirth Bleeding in late pregnancy is most likely due to
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