Two stripes
Mucous discharge during pregnancy: norm and pathology
Cervical mucus is a secretion of stem cells from the epithelial lining of the cervix. Changes occur in
What is cervical canal atresia? The term atresia or stenosis of the cervical canal refers to an anomaly
inflammation of the genital organs
Vishnevsky ointment is indispensable in gynecology to this day!
Application in gynecology Gynecologists recommend applying liniment to the vaginal mucosa or vaginal tampons with
seal classification
What can cause lumps in the mammary gland and how to deal with it
Having discovered a lump in the breast, women tend to panic. The first thing that comes to them
Involutive changes in the mammary glands
Fibrous involutional changes in the mammary glands treatment
Involution of the mammary glands is the process of physiological transformation of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland. He doesn't count
Dimexide in gynecology tampons
Treatment of gynecological pathologies with Dimexide
Indications for the use of tampons in gynecology Tampons with Dimexide are used in gynecology for the treatment of:
Mastodinon tablets or drops - which form is better?
Composition Composition in Russian (the concentration of active substances is indicated for 100 grams of solution): common prutnyak
Discharge after menstruation
Liquid discharge like water in women: what to do?
Discharge after menstruation, what to do? First of all, there is no need to panic and drink questionable
Fibrosclerosis of the mammary gland
Fibrous tissue, treatment of breast fibrosis
What is breast fibrosis? Anatomically, the mammary gland is glandular and adipose tissue,
Heavy periods for the first time after childbirth
The cycle after childbirth on artificial feeding
What should menstruation be like normally after childbirth? It takes a while for the body to recover after childbirth.
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