Is it possible to get pregnant during a missed period?
I haven’t had my period for six months, can I get pregnant? Is it possible to get pregnant during menopause if there are no periods?
Conditions necessary for conception Every month a woman’s body prepares for the fertilization of the egg and further
Cycle day for ultrasound
Ultrasound of the pelvis in women: how the procedure works
Indications and prohibitions for examination Ultrasound allows you to examine the ovaries, uterus and its cervix, fallopian
diffuse changes in the mammary glands
Lecture on ultrasound for doctors. Diffuse changes in the mammary glands (ultrasound)
Breast tissue regularly undergoes natural changes, which are determined by the specific functioning of the female reproductive system.
What is the difference between endometritis and endometriosis? Differences in symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Signs and symptoms of endometritis The healthy mucous lining of the inner walls of the uterus does not tolerate the presence of bacteria.
Means and methods of emergency contraception
Emergency contraception: special pills and preparations for women
Photo: CITAlliance/ Emergency or post-coital contraception is intended to prevent pregnancy as a result of unprotected intercourse
Everything about glands and the hormonal system
Features and sizes of ovarian fibroma Benign neoplasm of the internal sex glands in women is called fibroma
going to church while on your period
Attending church during menstruation: is it possible or not?
Why can't you go to church during your period? Going to Temple is a Spiritual Need
Pungent odor of urine. Causes of unpleasant odor of urine in women. It is necessary to exclude diseases such as.
Causes of fishy odor The aroma of rotten fish is mainly associated with vaginal secretions. They get into
Tranexam is used for almost all types of bleeding, as well as as a prophylaxis before and during surgical operations.
Tranexam injections and tablets: instructions for use for bleeding, indications, analogues and prices
Quite often, doctors use special medications to stop bleeding, which are effective and most importantly
Precancerous condition of the cervix. What is it, name, treatment 1-2-3 degrees
Precancerous diseases of the cervix - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Precancerous diseases of the cervix are pathological changes in the normal structure of the cervix, affecting
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