What is mammary adenosis, how to treat glandular mastopathy and eliminate the risk of cell malignancy
What is Adenosis is a benign neoplasm that is dependent on hormone levels
solution for washing off candidiasis from soda
How to douche for thrush: TOP-6 remedies
Candidiasis or thrush is an unpleasant gynecological disease that today occurs in many women.
Medicinal herbs for menopause symptoms
Properties Oregano is a perennial plant with many beneficial properties. These include vitamin C,
Miramistin is used in gynecology
Miramistin: composition, indications, dosage, side effects
Miramistin in gynecology is used as a solution with a concentration of 0.01%, completely ready for use. He
What is diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland: the essence of the pathology, its signs, diagnosis and treatment
Symptoms of the disease Signs of fibrous mastopathy are characterized by pain and discharge from the nipples. The pain is
Ultrasound in gynecology (lecture at Diagnostic)
When examining women, gynecological ultrasound scanning plays an important role in the diagnosis of various diseases. Ultrasound
Hormone prolactin
Effective ways to lower prolactin for women
Women are subject to frequent mood swings, which is explained by fluctuations in hormone levels. However, hormones do not affect
Reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge before menstruation in normal conditions and in pathology
Yellow vaginal discharge before menstruation can have several causes. In most cases this
Treatment of E. coli in women - drugs scheme. Escherichia coli in a smear in women. Should my husband be treated?
Bacteriological examination of vaginal discharge for microflora is an analysis that evaluates the composition of vaginal microorganisms and their ratio.
slight discharge
A few days before menstruation, bleeding. Reasons for the appearance of blood a week before menstruation
What is normal discharge? During the premenstrual period, a woman may experience vaginal discharge of various types.
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