Radio wave excision of the cervix
Diathermocoagulation method of the cervix – Gynecology
With the development of pathological processes on the cervix, therapeutic measures should be carried out in a timely manner. Otherwise
Ultrasound examination of the biophysical profile of the uterus
Recurrence of cervical cancer - resumption of the oncological process in the area of ​​the primary lesion after completion
A disease that brings a lot of problems and mental discomfort is hyperandrogenism in women.
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Ovarian endometriosis in women, its causes, symptoms and treatment methods
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How to increase There are several ways to increase the level of estrogen in the female body. This and
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In the life of every woman, there inevitably comes a period when the body enters into age-related changes.
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Treatment of menopause - list of the best folk remedies and medicines
Age-related restructuring of the female body is a natural process, it is associated with the attenuation of reproductive function during
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