Is it possible to do LPG massage during menstrual periods?
Recommendations for general massage during menstruation Usually, when prescribing a course of therapeutic massage, the beginning
One day late period and 1 white discharge
Creamy, odorless discharge before menstruation
Various vaginal discharges accompany women who are sexually active. For the entire menstrual cycle
How long before birth does the cervix open? Symptoms and signs of cervical dilatation before childbirth. What should the cervix look like at the end of pregnancy?
March 3, 2019 Pregnancy Ekaterina Sobolevskaya Normal childbirth, which is ready to take place in a timely manner, will never
Discharge like egg white in women is favorable for conception
Composition and functions The cervical canal, which gives the name to the mucus it secretes, is located inside the cervix,
Endometrium by day of the cycle. Thickness standards for conception, IVF, pregnancy, menopause
Norms of endometrial thickness by day of the cycle
What is the endometrium? The endometrium is the thin, mucous inner lining that lines the uterus. She's tight
Thrush after taking antibiotics
What is discharge like after taking antibiotics?
Can taking antibiotics cause thrush? Antibacterial drugs, especially broad-spectrum ones, can
Woman's belly and arms
Cervical ectopia in pregnant women and features of pregnancy after treatment
Home / After childbirth / Cervical erosion is not a death sentence 14192 0 V
Vaginal microflora
How to restore flora in a smear in women using folk remedies
A huge number of microbes and bacteria live in the human body. They inhabit the skin, mucous membranes, intestines,
Tumor marker panel for women
Let's find out which tumor markers to test for prevention? Tumor marker values
What are tumor markers and their normal values? Blood tests for tumor markers are prescribed to patients who
Diffuse changes in the myometrium: causes, diagnosis and treatment of pathology
Causes of diffuse changes The diffusely heterogeneous structure of the myometrial layer appears for a number of reasons: endometriosis or adenomyosis;
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