Menstrual cycle
Menstrual dermatosis or allergy to menstruation: causes and methods of control
Why do acne appear on the face before menstruation? The appearance of a rash before menstruation is directly related to
uterus after pregnancy
How to induce uterine contractions at home: herbs, tinctures and other folk remedies
Why is amniotomy needed? Is it possible to do without it? Will she harm mom?
Symptoms of subserous uterine fibroids and methods of its treatment
Causes of the disease Myoma usually has the form of nodes, but diffuse growths without
Instructions for use of Zhanine for endometriosis and reviews
Zhanine tablets: instructions for use for endometriosis (reviews from doctors and women)
What is endometriosis and what is its essence? According to its structure, Janine belongs to the group
Dysbacteriosis in gynecology: signs, treatment and reviews
The main causes of disturbances in the vaginal microflora When pathogenic microflora predominates in the vagina or microbes are actively
Is it possible to warm the belly during menstruation with a heating pad?
Wrapping is a procedure that is popular among girls and women of all ages. It is carried out
signs of ovulation
What is the probability of conceiving on days other than ovulation?
Mechanisms of ovulation At the beginning of each menstrual cycle, one follicle in the egg is exposed to
Endometriosis and pregnancy
Planning and course of pregnancy with endometriosis
Known types and degrees of endometriosis What contributes to the development of endometriosis Symptoms and signs of endometriosis Endometriosis
What does a pelvic MRI show in women?
What does a pelvic MRI show? MRI of the pelvic organs: preparation and cost
Every visit to the clinic causes us some anxiety, or, more simply, doubt. We
When and who needs tests to detect hidden infections?
Many diseases occur in the body asymptomatically. They are dangerous because they are discovered at the stage of complications,
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