Why does spotting occur during pregnancy?
What is considered bleeding? Bleeding is a discharge of blood from the genital tract of varying volumes.
Taking medications indiscriminately
Types of functional ovarian cysts and methods of their treatment
Among all diseases of the female reproductive system, a special place is occupied by the functional ovarian cyst - a tumor-like
Development of polyps after childbirth
Placental polyp: causes, symptoms, treatment, complications
Predisposing factors and why the pathology is dangerous Placental polyps in the uterus occur for various reasons,
menopause test
Menopause test: where to buy and how to use?
Why do you need a menopause test? Similar tests to determine menopause should be used to track
Can mastopathy turn into breast cancer?
Benign neoplasms of the mammary glands reduce a woman’s quality of life and can become the basis for dangerous
Causes of thrush before menstruation
Why does thrush occur? The appearance of thrush is associated with changes in the natural microflora of the vagina. On its composition
Chlorhexidine suppositories, analogues, instructions for use, contraindications
Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic drug that is used to treat thrush and many other female
early ovulation
How does ovulation occur? Can ovulation occur earlier than the middle of the cycle?
Could there be early ovulation? This is a common question. Let's look at it in more detail. The most important
Female breasts: anatomy, internal structure, changes
Anatomy of the human mammary glands (breasts) - information:
Anatomy basics What are the female breasts made of? Glands for milk production form its basis.
Infertility in women signs and symptoms
When creating a family, each couple assumes the possibility of procreation - the birth of children and their upbringing.
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