Is it possible to get pregnant if you have a condom? Is it possible to get pregnant with a condom?
Pearl Index In the 30s of the last century, American biologist Raymond Pearl, trying to satisfy the interest
Instructions for the use of ichthyol suppositories in gynecology
What is ichthyol? This active substance is an oily substance that is formed after distillation
yellow body on ultrasound
Corpus luteum in the ovary during pregnancy. What will the ultrasound say?
What it is? The size of the gland has diagnostic value, so doctors pay special attention to this criterion.
On what day of the cycle is it better to do a breast ultrasound?
Breast cancer in women is the most common form of malignant tumor. And on
Colpitis during pregnancy: etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Causes of colpitis during pregnancy Colpitis, like other inflammatory diseases, is quite common in
lower abdomen hurts
Puberty (thelarche, pubarche, menarche)
Physiological changes in the body before menarche Menarche is the culmination of physiological processes in the female body.
Vulvovaginitis in women and girls: symptoms and treatment
Medications to eliminate pathology To figure out how to cure vulvitis, you need to identify the harmful irritant.
Polyps of the cervix and cervical canal (PHOTO)
Flat epithelium No more than 10 found in the field of view – Normally flat epithelium
Ovarian cyst
Ovarian cyst burst: symptoms and consequences. Signs and causes of rupture of a cystic neoplasm
Rupture of a cystic formation of the ovary (the medical term “apoplexy”) is a complication of the presence of a cyst, in which
Move your period a week later - folk remedies
Menstrual cycle The monthly menstrual cycle in a woman of reproductive age is divided into three main periods:
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