What is estradiol in a woman’s body? Norms, causes of deviations, treatment
Hormones not only regulate the normal functioning of the body as a whole, they also influence the formation
Removal of endometrial polyp (hysteroresectoscopy).
Effective and safe ways to remove polyps in the uterus
In the structure of gynecological diseases, the diagnosis of uterine polyp occupies one of the leading places (on average
Breast cancer stage 1
Stage 1 breast cancer: symptoms, treatment and effective prevention
1533 0 Most often, cancer is diagnosed in women over 30 years of age, when it begins more than
Thrush causes a lot of discomfort
The procedure for washing with soda to treat thrush
Baking soda for thrush in women: home treatment Thrush is a disease
taking medication
Klimadinon Uno: composition, indications, dosage, side effects
In this article we will look at the instructions for the drug “Klimadinon Uno”. Menopause in the life of every woman -
The causative agent of thrush
Symptoms and treatment of thrush during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester
Pregnancy is perhaps one of the most anticipated events in the life of any woman. So careful and
Onion peel
Is it possible to dye your hair immediately after your period? Is it possible to dye your hair during your period?
The effect of menstruation on hair The beginning of the menstrual cycle is accompanied not only by bleeding, but also by other
how to treat hormonal imbalance of menstruation
What are the symptoms of hormonal imbalance and how to treat it
What is hormonal imbalance Hormonal imbalance is a dysfunction caused by endocrine and neuroregulatory pathology
Symptoms, causes and treatment of ovarian retention cyst
Characteristics of the pathology Retention cyst belongs to the group of female pathologies, and its formation is observed in
sad girl after exercise
Is it possible to do stretching during menstruation? Is it possible to exercise during menstruation?
How does sport affect your periods? A classic example that perfectly demonstrates how sports during
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