Any part of the intestine can be colonized by parasites
Worms in the human intestine: types, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Home / Parasites Back Published: 10/09/2019 Reading time: 13 min 4 13770 U
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Hymenolepiasis is one of the most common human contact helminthiases. The causative agent is dwarf tapeworm, less commonly
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Are pinworms transmitted from person to person?
Damage to the body by pinworms is called enterobiasis. These helminths are small white parasites. They
Boy washing his hands
Anti-worm medications for children: a review of the most effective
What medicine against worms is best to give to a child No one is immune from infection with parasites
How to get rid of pinworms at home in a short time?
Pinworms: ways to get rid of them at home Life cycle of a pinworm Pinworms are parasites that settle in
Diet for giardiasis: permitted foods, nutritional rules for the treatment of parasitic infection
Features of a child's nutrition during the treatment of giardiasis: sample menu and recipes for dietary dishes
You can share the article with friends via social media. networks: Giardiasis is a parasitic disease that causes
Worms during pregnancy: prevention, signs and treatment
Worms during pregnancy - what to do, treatment with tablets and folk remedies
No one is safe from worms: according to doctors, most of the world's population live with
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