Are pinworms transmitted from person to person?

Damage to the body by pinworms is called enterobiasis. These helminths are small white parasites. They penetrate the human body, breaking through the oral cavity. Mostly, these parasites become infected in childhood, but pinworms can also infect an adult body. Infection with helminths can cause itching in the anal ring, digestive system disorders, allergies, and inflammation of the genitals, so it is very important to know how pinworms are transmitted in order to avoid infection.

Who are worms

These are worms that parasitize humans. They are divided into two main groups:

— round (pinworms, whipworms);

-flat (chain tapeworm, wide tapeworm).

Based on their habitat they are classified as:

—tissue (live in the tissues of various organs);

- cavitary (affect the intestines).

Infection with helminths occurs in different ways. Based on the nature of development and methods of implementation, the following are distinguished:

—Biohelminths. They have several intermediate hosts. These are echinococci, tapeworms (bovine, pork), trematodes.

— Geohelminths. The eggs mature in the ground. Temporarily develop without a warm-blooded organism. These include whipworms and roundworms.

—Contact. Transmitted from another person. The most famous: pinworms, dwarf tapeworms.

Worms weaken the body and poison them with waste products. They may not show presence for a long time.

Routes of infection

Removing worms is a lengthy process. Requires the use of potent drugs. It is easier to prevent the disease. You should know how you can become infected with worms:

consuming unwashed vegetables and fruits;

not observing the rules of personal hygiene and home hygiene;

poorly frying, boiling meat, fish (raw foods can be contagious);

swimming in dirty ponds (parts of animal excrement enter the human body);

consuming raw water from village wells;

communicating with the patient (contact parasites);

being exposed to insect bites (rarely).

Are worms transmitted through the air? The wind lifts soil particles. Eggs and larvae fly upward. When breathing, they enter the lungs and oral cavity. Then they attach to the walls of the lungs and penetrate the stomach and intestines. The blood carries them throughout the body.

Important! Risk group: agricultural workers, livestock breeders, poultry farmers, butchers, workers in fish cutting shops, children 2–10 years old. They are more likely to become infected with worms.

Infection by contact parasites

The question often arises: is it possible to become infected with worms when communicating with a sick person? Parts of parasites and eggs are present on all objects used by the sick person. Human skin is dirty. Those around you are in contact with the source. Larvae and eggs enter the body through:

It is possible to become infected with worms from a person through an ordinary friendly handshake or sexual contact. Using a condom does not protect; skin contact remains.

A vertical route of transmission is possible: from mother to child during childbirth, during feeding, or failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. It is impossible to transfer eggs to a baby through a kiss; larvae cannot be passed on.

Children introduce helminths through shared toys. A gym, a swimming pool, a public toilet are places where dangerous parasites accumulate.

You should know: there are no eggs or larvae in the mouth. You cannot get infected through saliva.

Life cycle of pinworm development

Infection requires a person to ingest the invasive eggs. Thus, they enter the digestive system, reach the intestines, where larvae hatch from the eggs. Thanks to special holes on the head, the larvae easily attach to the intestinal walls. To develop, the larvae feed on intestinal contents and blood.

When the larva develops to a sexually mature individual (approximately 2 weeks), the active reproduction stage begins. After mating, the males die and are brought out during defecation.

Life cycle of pinworm

A month later, the female begins to lay eggs. To do this, at night, when the intestinal muscles are relaxed, she climbs out and lays eggs around the anus, between the folds, in the perineum.

This process is accompanied by the release of a special enzyme that provokes irritation and itching.

The female lays about 20,000 eggs, which develop within 6 hours. After this she dies. The conditions around the anus are most favorable for the development of eggs - the temperature is around +36 degrees, humidity is about 90%.

Mature pinworm eggs become invasive and may hatch into larvae. In the external environment, eggs retain their vital functions from a couple of hours to several months - it all depends on various factors.

Pinworm eggs under a microscope

They are not affected by chlorine-containing products, but direct sunlight is fatal to eggs. Pinworms usually live for 20 days, extremely rarely - 40.

Are worms transmitted from person to person?

The urgency of the problem is obvious - according to WHO, most of the world's population has signs of infection with one or another type of parasite, among which worms predominate. Helminthiasis ranks second in prevalence after respiratory viral infections. Every third resident of Europe regularly faces this diagnosis, almost 80% of Americans have worms, and the same statistics among our compatriots. Parasitic infestations do not go away without leaving a trace; they often cause serious health problems and can even pose a threat to life. Parasites have been living inside the human body since time immemorial, and it is still not possible to cope with them. In order to successfully resist this scourge, all people must know how worms are transmitted from person to person, what is the most common method of infection, and whether it is possible to become infected with worms through a kiss, sexual, household or other means.

Instead of a kiss

Its symptoms are more common in people living in countries with a tropical or subtropical climate. Especially in areas with poor sanitation, after malaria, this parasitic infection is the second most fatal infection. Almost half a billion people in the world are carriers.

On the territory of Ukraine in the southern regions, amebiasis is widespread almost everywhere; in the territory of the Russian Federation and in the capital, an annual increase in cases of the disease is recorded due to the development of tourism or the influx of migrants from countries with hot climates.

Very often, the human carrier has no signs of amoebiasis, and he is a potential carrier of the infection. Amebiasis, intestinal and extraintestinal, occurs according to the type of dysentery, colitis, pulmonary and other extraintestinal lesions.

Giardiasis is a common disease in children, which is transmitted through household means and from person to person. It is not difficult to become infected with giardiasis even in a swimming pool; cysts are highly resistant in the external environment and can survive even in a pool with chlorine.

Giardiasis can be carried by rats, mice, rabbits, cats and dogs, or any livestock that humans come into contact with. But it is he who is given the leading role as a source of invasion!

Mechanism of transmission: fecal-oral. Transmission factors include food, drinking and pool water, hands, soil and insects.

Types of helminths

In the world, according to various sources, there are from three to five hundred different types of helminths that can parasitize the human body. About a tenth of the total number of parasites is found in our country, all of them have been fairly well studied.

Worms are multicellular creatures of different sizes that are able to live only at the expense of the host’s body, using its body to carry out its life cycle.

How can you become infected with worms? To answer this question you need to know more information about parasites. Depending on the characteristics of the development cycle, the entire variety of worms dangerous to humans can be divided into three main groups, which are associated with possible routes of transmission of worms.

Contact helminths

They have the simplest life cycle of development within a single host. Mature eggs of these worms easily pass into the body of a child or adult from another person through direct contact, the use of common household items, or inhalation of house dust. A particularly high risk of becoming infected with parasites of this group exists between children in organized groups, closed institutions, and within the family. A typical representative of such helminths are pinworms - these are the most common intestinal parasites transmitted between infected and healthy people. Are contact group worms contagious for infants - yes, if they are cared for by a mother who has enterobiasis. Moreover, she can kiss a child without fear; the disease is not transmitted through saliva, but eggs remain under nails, on linen, toys and furniture for a very long time.


They also do not need an additional host for their development. The eggs of these worms are released from the body of infected people or animals into the external environment, where they must mature for a certain time to the invasive stage. People can bring geohelminth eggs into the house on shoes, on soil-stained vegetables from the garden, etc. These worms end up in a person's mouth with dirty hands, unwashed berries, fruits or herbs (for example, roundworms) or through the skin (strongyloides) when walking barefoot or swimming in ponds.

Structural features of flatworms

All classes of flatworms have a similar body structure. The outside of the body is covered with a smooth layer of cuticle. In free-living individuals, special cilia are present on the outer cover, which are used for movement. Under the outer ball of the cuticle are muscle fibers. The body has no cavity. The digestive system is represented by the mouth and the cecum. Some have only an oral cavity, like tapeworms, because they obtain nutrients throughout the body directly from the host's gut lumen.

In addition, flatworms are characterized by the absence of a circulatory and respiratory system. The excretory function is performed by the body using a network of tubes. The nervous system is represented by ganglia near the pharynx, which are connected to the nerve trunks by jumpers. Sense organs are present only in free-living individuals and some species at the larval stage, since the rest do not need sensitivity. The only well-developed system in the bodies of parasites is the reproductive system. Since representatives of flatworms are hermaphrodites, reproduction occurs without a second individual through self-fertilization.

Methods of infection and prevention

All infectious diseases have several main modes of transmission, for example, airborne (for respiratory viruses), sexual (for trichomoniasis and other STDs), fecal-oral (for intestinal viruses and bacteria). In what way do people most often become infected with worms? Undoubtedly, fecal-oral, that is, through dirty hands (your own or others). In this regard, the answer to the question of whether worms are transmitted from child to child is obvious - yes, if they are pinworms, and there is a high risk of constant self-infection if children are not taught the rules of personal hygiene.

What other methods of infection with worms exist in nature:

  • through objects used in general everyday life;
  • when eating meat and fish semi-finished products that are not sufficiently processed by thermal methods;
  • in direct contact with sick animals;
  • when consuming prepared foods incubated by flies that can carry worm eggs on their paws;
  • through the bites of bloodsucking insects;
  • when inhaling dusty air containing helminth eggs;
  • while swimming in bodies of fresh standing water;
  • in utero through the placenta from a sick mother;
  • through paper banknotes, tickets and public transport handrails.

It is not easy to protect yourself from helminths, there are many ways of infection, as well as worms themselves, but it is possible to reduce the risk of the disease in yourself and your family members; for this you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene, monitor your pets and not leave children unattended.

Only certain worms can be transmitted from one person to another, which are easily detected by conventional tests and are well treated with modern drugs. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, examinations of children in organized groups and certain categories of adults working in public organizations (doctors, teachers, sellers, cooks, etc.) are regularly carried out.

From the video you will learn about the signs that indicate the presence of worms in the body:

Characteristics of the pathogen

The causative agents of enterobiasis belong to the class Roundworms. The length of an adult male does not exceed 5 mm, and that of a female – 12 mm. As a result of fertilization, about 150,000 oval-shaped eggs can mature in the body of a female helminth. The favorite place of localization of pathogens of enterobiasis is the lower part of the small intestine, the appendix, as well as the upper part of the large intestine.

It is noteworthy that the entire pathological process during enterobiasis is formed by females, while males die after fertilization and are excreted from the body along with feces. This disease is characterized by constant cyclicality, as a result of which a person is repeatedly exposed to self-infection through dirty hands and household items.

Ways worms enter the body

Are worms more often transmitted from person to person or from animals?

Contrary to the established opinion, the main carriers of invasions are people, and not domestic animals. Children of primary school and preschool age are at risk.

To date, about 340 worms are known, the most common of which are roundworms and hookworms.

Ingestion of eggs and larvae

Worms also come out of the body of an infected person or pet along with the feces. Most of the helminths do not die, but live in feces and, under certain circumstances, enter a new organism. For example, if unwashed vegetables or fruits are consumed that have been in direct contact with feces or contaminated soil.

Worms can also enter the human body through dirty water, if you swim in a pond and accidentally swallow it. Some helminths can enter the human body exclusively through fish or livestock. Children can most often become infected due to the frequent presence of various objects in their mouths. Worms can also enter through dirt under the nails or through saliva.

Transdermal method

This option, how worms can be transmitted, involves their penetration into the body through the skin - for example, by touching contaminated soil or water.

Transmission method

In this case, transmission of helminthic infestations into the body occurs through an insect bite (house flea, mosquito).

Transplacental method

In this case, worms are transmitted from mother to child through the bloodstream.

Methods of infection with worms through contact with a sick person

Depending on the type of helminth, the time it takes for the parasite to develop in the body is different.

Some species never transition from the larval stage to an adult at all, while others grow to meters in size and reproduce by mating. Let's consider ways of contracting worms from another person.

From child to child

If a child is not taught to wash his hands regularly, then infection of helminths between children occurs quickly. It is impossible to diagnose the presence of worms in a baby by eye. Most often, roundworms and pinworms are transmitted through contact with an infected child or person.

Bed dress

Worms can be transmitted through someone else's bed, although the statistics of such infection are low. However, it is recommended to always iron bed linen after washing.

From mother to child

This option is possible if a pregnant woman has worms that can pass into the placenta through the bloodstream.

There is a possibility of infection at the moment when the child passes through the birth canal. Worms that accumulate in the anal area easily enter the body during childbirth.

Mother's milk

It is not precisely confirmed whether worms are transmitted through mother's milk. However, infection can occur due to the mother's failure to comply with basic hygiene rules.

Sexual contact

If one of the partners is infected, then the probability of infecting the other partner is almost 100%. Giardia is transmitted in this way.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

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  • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
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  • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

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The best stories from our readers

Topic: Parasites are to blame for all troubles!

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected] )

To: Administration

Not long ago my health condition worsened. I began to feel constant fatigue, headaches, laziness and some kind of endless apathy appeared. Problems also appeared with the gastrointestinal tract: bloating, diarrhea, pain and bad breath.

I thought it was because of the hard work and hoped that it would go away on its own. But every day I felt worse. The doctors couldn’t really say anything either. Everything seems to be normal, but I feel like my body is not healthy.

I decided to go to a private clinic. Here I was advised, in addition to general tests, to get tested for parasites. So in one of the tests they found parasites in me. According to doctors, these were worms, which 90% of people have and almost everyone is infected, to a greater or lesser extent.

I was prescribed a course of antiparasitic medications. But it didn’t give me any results. A week later, a friend sent me a link to an article where some parasitologist shared real tips on fighting parasites. This article literally saved my life. I followed all the advice that was there and after a couple of days I felt much better!

Digestion improved, headaches went away and the vital energy that I so lacked appeared. To be sure, I took the tests again and no parasites were found!

Anyone who wants to cleanse their body of parasites, no matter what types of these creatures live in you, read this article, I’m 100% sure it will help you! Go to article>>>

Enterobiasis is a parasitic disease that most often affects young children. Today we’ll look at how you can become infected with pinworms. And also what adults should do if a child in the family becomes infected.

Symptoms and treatment of helminthic infestations

Typically, an infected person loses weight quickly and is constantly pale. He is constantly bothered by itching in the anal area. Minor symptoms include dizziness, nausea and bloating. They can break joints and increase body temperature. The patient becomes nervous and suffers from insomnia.

If you observe such symptoms, consult a doctor immediately! You should not expect that ordinary tablets sold in pharmacies can help. First of all, it is necessary to understand exactly how worms enter the body, what kind of helminthic infestations have “settled” in you.

Any medications are quite toxic, and their uncontrolled use will only lead to side effects. In addition, there are many folk remedies that are really effective. But before using them, you should still clearly understand which helminths are in the body.

Worms in humans can be treated with medications for quite a long time, at least 3 weeks. After each course, a stool analysis is required.

Prevention of infection and preventive measures

As a rule, you can save yourself from infection by following the rules of hygiene.

  1. After coming home, be sure to wash your hands with soap. The same should be done before eating and after going to the sanitary room.
  2. Try to keep your nails short or at least clean them regularly.
  3. It is recommended to change your underwear twice a day, and be sure to iron your underwear after washing.
  4. The toilet and toilet bowl should be cleaned regularly and using disinfectants.
  5. Try to wash the floors in your house every day.
  6. If an infection occurs, avoid sexual intercourse and wear tight underwear to prevent the breeding of helminths.
  7. Try to explain to your child that you should not pick up objects from the floor, much less put them in your mouth. Teach children to regularly wash their hands, vegetables and fruits.
  8. When a pet lives in the house, be sure to carry out regular antiparasitic treatment. Avoid close contact with your pet. Sometimes it is enough to kiss him for the transmitted worm to appear in the person. At the slightest suspicion that animals are contagious, immediately contact a veterinarian for thorough treatment.

Remember: there are no vaccinations against helminthic infestations, but you can become infected at any age and any number of times. Regarding prophylaxis with drugs, some doctors believe that perhaps these measures can help. Another part of the doctors claims that such treatment only leads to intoxication of the body, but does not in any way save from the appearance of worms. Still, it’s easier to adhere to hygiene rules, and then there will be no danger from worms.

Helminths bear a huge burden on the human body. They almost completely weaken the patient’s body, take away all the most valuable things from the incoming food and leave toxic feces in the intestines and other organs.

Knowing how you can become infected with worms from a person will help you avoid a possible problem in the future.

Can you get worms from a cat?

Can. However, not all types of invasions are dangerous, and their transmission occurs under certain conditions. Worms are transmitted by contact. In particular, the animal licks itself several times a day, worm eggs fall into the mouth and it is enough to play with the kitten and then not wash your hands so that infestations remain on the fingers. Together with food, the parasites penetrate into the human host and settle there for a long time, simultaneously developing into sexually mature individuals.

Fact! A huge number of infestations remain in the animal's tray. If you do not clean the tray for a long time or perform the procedure without gloves, the probability of infection is 100%.

Diagnosis of the disease

Females lay their offspring not in the colon, but on the surface of the skin near the anus, which is why enterobiasis cannot be detected by the usual stool test for worm eggs.

To confirm pinworm infestation, specialists make a scraping from the perianal area, which can be done in two ways:

  1. Using special adhesive tape.
  2. Using a cotton swab coated with Vaseline.

Both of these methods are equivalent, but they do not provide 100% reliability when carried out once. For a full result, you need to take tests three times in a row, and then repeat after two weeks . This necessity is explained by the fact that female pinworms do not lay eggs every day, and the life cycle of these worms is just 14 days.

Sources and routes of infection

There are several ways you can become infected with worms:

  1. Contact and household through objects, pets, other people;
  2. Nutritional – due to lack of personal hygiene, poorly washed foods or raw meat, fish;
  3. Transmissible - caused by insect bites;
  4. Active - transmission route through swimming in contaminated water, through mucous membranes or contact with soil. In this case, parasites enter the body through damage to the skin.

Every person should know how to become infected with worms or the routes of transmission of infection. After all, the carrier does not always know about the presence of the parasite in the body; people often spend years being treated for diseases of the stomach and liver, not realizing that these are symptoms of worms. There are several ways in which worms are transmitted from person to person:

  1. From the carrier. The waste products of helminths can be on the clothes of an infected patient, under the nails, on the skin and settle on all objects that the carrier touches. The list of transmission sources is extensive:
  • bed and table linen;
  • personal items;
  • common items;
  • door handles;
  • any surfaces;
  • everything that the wearer handled with his hands, including phones, keyboards, etc.

Are worms transmitted from child to child?

Are worms contagious in a child? Yes. Moreover, the transmission routes are also extensive and varied. In a kindergarten or on a playground, children often exchange toys, pencils, can try food from the same spoon, and so on. Worms in humans are always contagious and can be transmitted by any means.

But this is not a reason to limit the baby’s contacts; you just need to teach preventive measures and carefully monitor the child’s condition. You can become infected with worms from the most careful baby, if he himself is just a victim of infection from another carrier, for example, from his parents. No one is safe from invasion.

Important! Children can become infected with pinworms and roundworms; such infestations are most often transmitted from child to child. This is a type of worms, the removal of which does not cause problems if treatment is started in the earliest period of the disease.

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