How to recognize the onset of male menopause: signs and symptoms of andropause

The term “male menopausal syndrome” (also called andropause and male menopause) is used to refer to a decrease in the production of androgen hormones. It, in particular, includes the hormone testosterone.

There are three types of menopausal syndrome in men:

  1. Early (occurs between 40 and 45 years).
  2. Common or moderate (can develop from 46 to 60 years).
  3. Late (occurs after 60 years of age).

In the female body, the rapid decrease in sex hormones (progesterone and estradiol) is due to a physiological mechanism that is well known.

Andropause is a condition that can last for more than one year, as a gradual and natural aging process. Traditional medicine or drug treatment will not help. You can only alleviate the symptoms associated with age-related conditions.

It is worth noting

Although male menopausal syndrome may be caused by testosterone deficiency, only 20% of men aged 60 to 80 have testosterone deficiency.

A blood test is the only way to diagnose low testosterone levels or dysregulated testosterone bioavailability. It is carried out after consultation with a urologist.

Symptom complex, which is usually associated with andropause:

  • Degenerative changes in the testicles, prostate gland and other androgen-dependent organs. Due to a decrease in the level of male hormones, prostate adenoma may occur.
  • Pyelonephritis and constant urge to urinate in men, as a result of prostate adenoma.
  • Reduction of bone mass.
  • Deterioration of metabolic processes.
  • Violation of the formation of blood components (hematopoiesis).
  • Declining libido and decreased reproductive function.
  • Decreased mental abilities and psycho-emotional changes (depression).
  • Angina may appear.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Ischemia.

Signs of early menopause

Primary symptoms of the oncoming male menopause:

  • Fatigue – occurs even with little physical exertion.
  • Shortness of breath and weakness.
  • Causeless irritation, tendency to depression.
  • Problems in intimate life – libido decreases, ejaculation is delayed, erection is difficult to achieve.
  • Disturbances in the urinary organs - weak stream, frequent need to urinate, possible incontinence at night. These manifestations also indicate a developing adenoma.

How to identify the problem

To alleviate the symptoms of androgen deficiency, you need to consult a urologist immediately when the first signs of menopause appear. When diagnosing andropause, the main parameter is a reduced level of testosterone (determined during laboratory blood tests).

Urologists often prescribe special testing using screening questionnaires. With their help, you can accurately make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe further studies:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • ECG;
  • spermogram;
  • analysis for the presence of acute and chronic inflammation.

Signs of pathological menopause

Men suffering from a thyroid disorder, those who have had a stroke or heart attack, and those with hypertension are susceptible to a pathological syndrome in which signs of a disorder of the cardiovascular and nervous system are observed. With signs of a nervous system disorder, excitability is observed, which is sharply replaced by fatigue, as well as apathy, depression, and partial memory loss.

Changes in the cardiovascular system occur in the following ways:

  1. Hypertensive – characterized by sudden changes in blood pressure, accompanied by headaches, nausea, heart pain, and weakness.
  2. Angina pectoris - characterized by heart pain, heaviness in the chest, shortness of breath after minimal exertion.
  3. Vasoregulatory-asthenic form - characteristic of insufficient blood supply to organ tissues (weakness and fatigue, independent of physical activity).

How to prevent early andropause

To prevent early menopause, it is recommended for a man to:

  • stop smoking and do not abuse alcohol;
  • exercise regularly to avoid congestive reactions in the pelvic area;
  • minimize stressful situations;
  • observe intimate hygiene standards;
  • control body weight;
  • have regular sex life with one partner, avoid random unprotected intimate contacts.

The daily diet is of particular importance. Doctors recommend eating more vegetables, fruits and herbs, and drinking at least 2 liters of fluid per day. It is also necessary to strengthen the immune system, avoid hypothermia and infections, and visit a urologist or andrologist at least once a year.

Reasons for the development of menopause in men

The main cause of climate syndrome is the aging of the male body. But menopause is also caused by inflammatory processes in the genitals, testicular tumors, impaired blood circulation in the testicles, ionizing radiation - radiation, toxins, alcoholism and castration.

The reasons for the development of male menopause also include:

  • Age. Elderly men are subject to quantitative and qualitative changes in sperm, their libido is inhibited and reproductive function is lost. Changes during menopause affect not only the male genital organs, but also certain parts of the brain.
  • Diseases, injuries. Surgical interventions, mechanical injuries, untimely medical treatment of infections that injure the testicles.
  • Medications. Excess of drugs and their side effects.


Reduced secretion of sex hormones is the only and main cause of male menopause. There is a disturbance in the transmission of signals between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testes.

Lack of testosterone leads to decreased libido and sexual desire, and sperm count decreases.

Hormonal imbalance has a negative impact on the endocrine and nervous systems.

Provoking factors can lead to the early development of menopause:

  • the presence of infections and inflammations in the genitourinary organs;
  • venereal diseases;
  • malignant and benign tumors in the testicles;
  • underdevelopment of the gonads;
  • non-descent of the testicle into the scrotum;
  • effects on the body of toxins and radiation;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • excessive alcohol consumption, smoking;
  • mechanical injuries of the genital organs;
  • frequent stress;
  • prolonged hypothermia or overheating;
  • consumption of fatty foods in large quantities.

The onset of menopause in men is also due to genetic predisposition and individual body constitution.

Symptoms of climate syndrome

Symptoms of male menopause include: rapid heartbeat, hot flashes, accompanied by redness of the skin of the hands and face, dizziness that occurs during physical and emotional stress, pressure drop, which can lead to the formation of arterial hypertension.

During this period, 90 percent of the male population experience disturbances and decreases in sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, in which potency gradually decreases and the duration of sexual intercourse is reduced. Sexual functions also fade, which causes emotional distress in men, and there is a decrease in sperm volume and the quantitative composition of active sperm.

Menopause also provokes changes in appearance: the skin and muscles sag, fat deposits are deposited on the buttocks and thighs, and sometimes the mammary glands become enlarged (gynecomastia). In some cases, the prostate increases in size, the process of urination slows down, the urge to empty the bladder becomes more frequent, and unpleasant sensations in the perineum become irritating.

Due to a decrease in bone tissue density, shrinkage of the spine and a minimal decrease in height occurs, sudden numbness of the face, shoulder muscles and neck, which passes within a minute, sometimes a lack of air is felt, fatigue occurs and performance decreases.

It is also necessary to pay attention to mental, mental changes:

  • Partial loss of memory and attention,
  • Reduced flexibility of thinking - it is difficult to perceive new ideas and evaluate emergency situations,
  • Manifestations of irritability in behavior, nervousness, sleep disturbance,
  • The presence of apathy, indifference to what was previously of interest,
  • Sleepy state during the day,
  • Increased sensitivity to stressful situations and depression,
  • Intolerant attitude towards criticism and inappropriate behavior in response.

The duration of symptoms usually ranges from two to five years and depends on the individual characteristics of each man. If symptoms of male climate syndrome appear, you should consult a doctor.

Differences between female menopause and male menopause

Male andropause, like female menopause, is an inevitable hormonal change associated primarily with general aging. Despite this, male and female hormonal changes occur differently:

  • Age. In women, menopause occurs at 45-55 years, in men - from 45 to 70 years.
  • The ability to reproduce offspring (fertility). During menopause, a woman loses her reproductive function—the ability to become pregnant naturally (the production of eggs stops). In men, fertility decreases gradually, and they can conceive a child even during menopause.
  • Possibility to ease the flow. By consulting a doctor when the first signs of androgen deficiency appear, a man can reduce symptoms to a minimum, avoid decreased libido, loss of fertility and deterioration in well-being. Some men do not feel symptoms at all, thanks to gradual changes in the body. In women, menopause is more severe, and even modern medications are often unable to alleviate symptoms.

Treatment and diagnosis of male climate syndrome

Treatment of menopause in men does not completely restore reproductive functions, but with the help of drug therapy it is possible to alleviate the symptoms and restructuring of the body.

To correctly make a diagnosis and determine treatment tactics, it is recommended to undergo an examination:

  1. Diagnosis of the prostate gland - ultrasound,
  2. Blood test - detailed,
  3. General PSA analysis - prostate specific antigen,
  4. PSA analysis is free.

Treatment of physiological andropause begins when the presence of a benign tumor, cancer, inflammation and lesions of the thyroid gland is excluded.

Treatment of male menopause is recommended to be carried out comprehensively: treatment with drug therapy, a healthy and balanced diet, an active sex life, and physical activity. Sometimes men, when sexual functions are fading, deliberately frequently engage in sexual intercourse, hoping to stop the process of involution. But the frequency of sexual intercourse does not affect menopause. Doctors advise leading a measured intimate life during this period.

Drug treatment for menopause consists of the following procedures:

  • Hormone therapy,
  • Drugs that normalize erectile function - the composition includes herbal remedies (ginseng tincture, Panaxel),
  • Vitamins that support and correct concomitant conditions,
  • Preparations containing testosterone - recommended for low testosterone in men (Adriol, Sustanon),
  • Antibiotics – for the treatment of infectious and chronic processes,
  • Antidepressants and sedatives - for emotional disturbances (Novo-Passit, Triprizol and others),
  • Statins and fibrates – for disorders of fat metabolism and high cholesterol.

Treatment should be accompanied by adequate nutrition. A man's diet should include: walnuts, dairy products, honey, parsley, celery, citrus fruits, vegetables and fruits. Walking, good sleep and light physical activity, as agreed with the doctor, are also necessary.

Treatment of male menopause

Male menopause is treated after diagnostic procedures. To eliminate symptoms, an integrated approach is required. This is due to the need for therapy aimed at concomitant diseases in men.

Treatment includes the following:

  1. Taking medications that stimulate the production of hormones.
  2. Elimination of functional disorders and diseases that arise during menopause.
  3. Use of sedatives and antidepressants.
  4. To prevent complications, immunomodulators are prescribed.
  5. If the testes stop working completely, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed.
  6. A complex of vitamins, physical therapy and an individual diet are selected. A massage course is prescribed.

The basis of treatment is hormonal preparations containing androgens and testosterone. If there is insufficient testosterone production, take Sustanon or Andriol. To replenish androgen levels, Nebido or Androgel are used.

During menopause, you need to eat right so as not to aggravate the problem.

If erectile function is impaired, a man is prescribed ginseng tincture, Panaxel, Tadalafil and Immunal. If a lipid disorder is diagnosed, fibrates or statins are prescribed.

Independent selection of a medicinal product is strictly prohibited. This leads to the appearance of side symptoms.

Unconventional methods for treating climate syndrome

Before treating menopause with folk remedies, you should consult your doctor.

To restore a man’s sexual function and reduce the severe manifestations of menopause, the following is used:

  • Tincture of ginseng root,
  • Onions - to increase libido, enhance the functions of the gonads, increase the quantitative composition of sperm,
  • Vitamin E – to enhance sexual functions,
  • Celery and medicinal rosemary,
  • Hawthorn - three tbsp. spoons of flowers are poured into three glasses of water and infused for eight hours. Then you need to boil the infusion for five minutes and let it brew for thirty minutes, strain and drink a glass in the morning before breakfast, in the daytime after eating. The decoction relieves the symptoms of climate syndrome.
  • To improve immunity: garlic, lemon, aloe, immortelle, chamomile, lingonberry, birch buds, rhodiola rosea roots.

Effective treatment restores erectile function, libido, and reduces the symptoms of male menopause. But alternative medicine itself will not restore reproductive functions. Treatment of climate syndrome requires regular medical monitoring and treatment with medications.

Folk remedies

To restore men's health, traditional methods of treatment are often used. When the first signs of menopause begin to appear, you need to start taking herbal infusions. The following have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive organs: ginseng, fennel, cumin, currant leaves, mint, motherwort, rose hips and St. John's wort.

The following tools are also used:

  1. To prepare an infusion of shepherd's purse, 2 tbsp. dry mixture is poured with a glass of hot water. The drink is infused for 40 minutes. After straining, the infusion is ready for use. It is taken twice a day, half a glass.
  2. Dry St. John's wort in the amount of 2 tbsp. Fill with 3 glasses of water and place on the stove. After boiling, the drink is cooked over low heat for 5 minutes. The resulting product is taken 100 ml 3 times a day.
  3. To eliminate the symptoms of menopause, an alcoholic tincture of ginseng is used. To prepare it you need 3 tbsp. pour 50 ml of vodka into the herbal mixture. The medicine is ready within 12 days. It becomes ready for use after straining. The tincture is taken 1 tsp. for 2 weeks. A month later, the course of treatment is repeated. If you have hypertension, the tincture should be taken with caution.

How to delay the onset of andropause

In order to prevent the development of early menopause in men, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • Eat foods that contain vitamin E - cereals, salad greens and nuts.
  • Introduce foods with a lot of fiber into your diet - cereals, bran and fruits.
  • Consume smoked meats, salts and carbohydrates as little as possible.
  • Regularly undergo preventive examinations with a doctor.
  • If your health worsens, seek help promptly.
  • Follow doctor's orders and instructions.
  • Spend a lot of time outdoors and take walks.
  • Stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking.

By adhering to the recommendations listed, you can not only delay the approaching menopause, but also generally strengthen your body.

Menopause in men is a natural physiological phenomenon in which a man remains capable of conceiving a child, since the reproductive function does not end abruptly, but continues to work fully. A man even has the opportunity to avoid andropause if, at the first signs of it, he promptly consults a specialist and takes care of his health.

Classification and causes of andropause

Depending on the age at which a man experiences menopause, it is classified as early or late. In the first case, its initial signs appear before 45 years of age, in the second - after 60 years.

It is impossible to predict when a decrease in androgen production will occur, but the chances of developing early menopause increase if:

  • heredity burdened in this regard: when the father’s age-related androgen deficiency also occurred before the age of 45;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse, which leads to impaired blood supply to the testicles;
  • occupational hazards, especially exposure to vibration and radiation on the genitals;
  • frequent trauma to the testicles;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • testicular tumors;
  • frequent inflammation of the urinary or genital organs, which often leads to promiscuous sex life;
  • surgical operations performed on the testicles, pituitary gland or hypothalamus;
  • diabetes mellitus, in which the structure of all vessels changes, including those that carry blood to the testicles;
  • often or constantly increased blood pressure, at which the structure of the vessels and those that nourish the male genital organs changes;
  • atherosclerosis of pelvic vessels;
  • taking certain medications: antidepressants, glucocorticoids, anti-tuberculosis antibiotics, anabolic steroids, long-term use of acid-reducing drugs.

When menopause begins after 60 years of age, this indicates a man’s good heredity and healthy lifestyle.

Diagnosis of andropause

Due to poor nutrition, constant stress and a sedentary lifestyle, a man at any age can experience menopause. At the same time, the list of diagnostic procedures for identifying the disease and adjusting treatment is not so long:

  1. The specialist will clarify how the menopause manifests itself and conduct an external examination;
  2. Prescribe blood, urine and ECG tests;
  3. Will take blood from a vein for hormone analysis;
  4. Will adjust treatment by monitoring your condition over a certain period.

If you do not want to see a doctor and are ready to deal with menopause on your own when the first symptoms appear, pay attention to traditional medicine, diet and increase physical activity by changing your lifestyle.


Male menopause is a purely age-related category, which in the vast majority of situations develops in people over 50 years of age. However, there are several negative factors that determine the early onset of andropause, namely starting from the age of 35.

Thus, the main causes of this disorder are considered to be:

  • whether a person has any stage of obesity;
  • underdevelopment or acquired dysfunction of the gonads;
  • the course of diabetes mellitus or hypertension;
  • physical inactivity or lack of physical activity in a man’s life;
  • long-term addiction to bad habits;
  • the presence in the medical history of severe chronic pathologies, in particular pyelonephritis;
  • inflammatory damage to the genital organs, for example, prostatitis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • HIV infection and other immunodeficiency conditions;
  • endocrinological pathologies, namely hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis. In the first case, there is insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones, and in the second, an excess of such hormones;
  • a wide range of diseases affecting the testicles;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • radiation exposure of the body;
  • previous surgical operation on the organs of the male reproductive system or in the hypothalamus;
  • acute intoxication of the body, for example, alcoholic beverages or chemicals;
  • irregular sex life or, conversely, promiscuous sexual relations;
  • prolonged exposure to stressful situations or psycho-emotional exhaustion;
  • uncontrolled use of medications such as steroid hormones or antibiotics;
  • benign or malignant tumors localized in the testicles or hypothalamic-pituitary system.

In addition, not the least important factor in the early occurrence of menopausal symptoms in males is a factor such as genetic predisposition.

All of the above reasons influence the fact that the answer to the question - at what age does male menopause occur - will be ambiguous. The age category varies from 35 to 80 years.

Recommendations from experts

It is important to establish proper sleep , avoiding lack of sleep. You need to sleep in complete darkness and silence (at least 7-8 hours a day). Failure to do so may render all other efforts to correct testosterone deficiency ineffective.

If a lack of testosterone is detected, foods that help increase the level of female hormones are excluded from the menu . Otherwise, the signs of male menopause will worsen. It will be useful to drink dry red wine. Tonic drinks (tea, coffee) are contraindicated. You cannot wear tight underwear.

Moderate physical activity is indicated . It helps improve a man's health. For male menopause, treatment includes folk remedies.

Excellent medicines would be caraway fruits, fennel, valerian roots, and motherwort herb. From these herbs you can prepare an infusion for drinking. Andropause in men, like old age, is an inevitable process, but it can be slowed down. A man can prolong his sexual health if he consults a doctor in time and begins adequate treatment for male menopause.


When the first symptoms appear, or better even before they appear, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

Such diagnostics include:

  • detailed blood test;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland;
  • determination of PSA level in the blood (total and free).

Particular attention to the diagnosis and treatment of menopause should be paid to men with individual characteristics, for example, congenital or acquired diseases.

Changes in the endocrine system

Deposition of fatty tissue according to the female type - the appearance of a large belly, accumulation of fatty deposits on the chest, hips. Deposits of fatty tissue on the breasts are called gynecomastia.

Signs of male menopause from the endocrine system can manifest themselves as causeless bursts of joy, abruptly changing to sadness. Indifference and the desire to be alone are also a consequence of the work of hormones. At this time, diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and prostate gland develop. There may be difficulties falling asleep and getting up in the morning, and sleep disturbances. Since not only menopause, but also age can cause changes, special supervision by doctors is required to prevent the development of acute phases of diseases.

Medical indications

Is menopause different from women's? After menopause and menopause, a woman completely loses the ability to conceive a child, but in men this function remains for life. A woman's menstrual cycle stops completely (menopause), while a man's testosterone production only decreases.

Such changes in representatives of the stronger sex occur slowly. Over time, androgens are released less actively. Men must differentiate between andropause and impotence. In the first case, the erection is not lost. The main symptom of male menopause is a decrease in reproductive function, the reason for which is age. At the same time, sexual desire may decrease.

Clinical picture

For each man, the onset of andropause is at a different age.

This is due to general health, sexual activity and habits. The healthier a person leads a life, the greater the chance that menopause will occur later and not cause noticeable symptoms.

Bad habits, prolonged sexual abstinence, and unhealthy food can accelerate the onset of menopause , provoking unpleasant symptoms of male menopause. In this case, dizziness, sweating, moral depression, irritability, indifference to the environment, attacks of fear, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and memory problems may occur.

During male menopause, symptoms can manifest in the form of blood pressure and heart rhythms. A man may suffer from frequent and severe headaches and hot flashes. Problems with urination and breathing often occur.

A man's appearance changes significantly:

  • the skin becomes loose;
  • muscles sag;
  • excess weight appears.

In some cases, there is a risk of developing diabetes. The intensity of these manifestations is influenced by nervous and physical stress, and the man’s age. The first disruptions in the sexual sphere begin gradually. For some time a person may not know what male menopause is.

The erection remains, but the time of sexual intercourse becomes shorter , and premature ejaculation occurs. During orgasm, a man may experience decreased or disappearing pleasant sensations. Sperm is not capable of fertilization, so the man experiences strong feelings and depression.

At later stages of andropause, secondary sexual characteristics degrade , feminine features in the figure may appear, and the mammary glands may enlarge.

Medicines for menopause

If traditional medicine and lifestyle changes do not help, and the symptoms of male menopause only intensify, it’s time to consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis and select a set of drugs that increase testosterone levels. These include:

  • Andriol capsules;
  • Sustanon, omnadren, testosterone propionate in injections;
  • Transdermal, dihydrotestosterone in the form of a cream for external use.

In this case, the urologist may recommend a consultation with a cardiologist or endocrinologist if other abnormalities in the functioning of the man’s body are identified.

You should not use various potency pills uncontrollably. These pathogens have temporary cures and often cause allergies or high blood pressure. Before using them, you should also visit a specialist.

Do not forget that it is worth visiting a specialist for preventive purposes, in order to prevent sexually transmitted diseases or inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system associated with age-related changes. Take care of your health and body condition, then the male menopause will catch you only at 80 years old and will pass asymptomatically.

How the body changes with age

Over time, involution of all organs and systems begins to predominate in the body. The aging process begins.

The main changes undergo the system “hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testicles”:

  • changes in the hypothalamus negatively affect the functioning of the pituitary gland;
  • as a result, disruptions occur in the production of hormones, one of the functions of which is to stimulate the functioning of the testicles;
  • further there is a significant decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood.

Changes in one organ lead to further changes in other organs and systems. All this causes discomfort and worsens the quality of life.


In men, treatment of menopause with symptoms such as severe loss of libido involves a course of testosterone replacement therapy.

Drug treatment:

  • Hormonal therapy.
  • Sedatives.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Biogenic adaptogens.
  • Vitamin therapy.
  • Vasoactive drugs.
  • Drugs that correct erectile dysfunction.
  • Biologically active additives.


  • A collection of motherwort, valerian, fennel and caraway herbs.
  • Herbs of speedwell, meadowsweet and oregano combined with calendula flowers.
  • Hawthorn leaves, mint, string and sage herbs.
  • Herbs mistletoe and motherwort with hawthorn flowers and lemon balm leaves.

Non-drug treatment:

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Massages.
  • Therapeutic baths.

Treatment of menopause symptoms in men under the age of 50 involves strict adherence to a diet and the cessation of bad habits, especially alcohol consumption.

Thanks to the described treatment methods, it is possible to reduce the duration of the disease from five to two years, and in some cases, due to the general condition of the patient’s body, even up to one year.

Correctly selected treatment by a specialist helps maintain erectile function and the ability to conceive children into old age.

Psychological condition

Psychological signs of menopause in men manifest themselves as follows:

  • Low self-esteem;
  • Feeling of alienation, loneliness;
  • Irritability;
  • Slowness, forgetfulness;
  • Hot temper;
  • Nightmares;
  • Loss of interest in your profession;
  • Frequent awakenings at night;
  • Neurasthenia;
  • Suspiciousness - this age is characterized by hypochondriacal attacks.

Statistics show that at this time, discord begins in married couples, especially when the periods of menopause coincide for both partners. Therefore, it is important to understand the nature of this phenomenon and seek help from a psychologist if the symptoms reduce the quality of life and disrupt family relationships.

Neurasthenia can lead to another, more serious disease - neuralgia. It is expressed by severe pain and requires treatment. Neuralgia can also occur due to a sedentary lifestyle and jet lag.

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