Vomiting in a child: reasons, how to stop, review of drugs

How to help a patient: nurse action algorithm

A reminder for a nurse in a hospital to help a patient who is conscious of a vomiting attack:

  • Warning the patient about assistance.
  • Put an oilcloth apron on the patient.
  • Place in a comfortable position.
  • Prepare a glass of water to rinse your mouth.
  • Place a container in front of the patient.
  • Wear sterile gloves and an apron.
  • Place your hand on your head and hold it while vomiting.
  • After finishing the process, rinse your mouth with water.
  • Remove the protective apron.
  • Help me lie down.
  • Show the doctor the vomit and disinfect it.
  • Clean and ventilate the room.
  • Take off your overalls.
  • Wash the hands.

When a patient has uncontrollable vomiting, constant nursing supervision and care is required to prevent aspiration from occurring. If the body position is incorrect, the unconscious patient will choke.

Caring for an unconscious patient

Patients often experience a gag reflex after surgery. In the event of an attack of vomiting, when the patient is unconscious, the patient’s life depends on the action of the nurse. Without PMP, aspiration of vomit increases significantly. Nurse's action algorithm:

  1. Turn the patient's head and body to one side so that vomit does not enter the respiratory tract.
  2. Remove the pillow.
  3. Get your dentures.
  4. Tie a towel and bring the vomit basin to your mouth.
  5. Hold the patient's head while vomiting.
  6. Wrap your finger in gauze and clean your mouth.
  7. Open your mouth using your thumb and index finger.
  8. Clean your mouth until the mass is removed.
  9. Rinse your mouth with a bulb-shaped syringe.
  10. It is necessary for the doctor to familiarize himself with the contents.
  11. Disinfect with chlorine.
  12. Pour it down the drain.
  13. Wash and ventilate the room.
  14. Remove the apron.
  15. Disinfect your hands with the solution.

Weighing the patient

- medical scales,
- patient monitoring sheet,


- gloves,

— containers with disinfectant solutions,

— a disposable napkin under the patient’s feet (you can use a regular sheet of paper).

- warn about manipulation,

- suggest emptying your bladder and bowels,

- Invite the patient to undress to his underwear and be sure to take off his shoes.

1. Check the serviceability and accuracy of the honey. scales;

2. Place a disposable napkin or a regular sheet of paper on the scale platform;


3. Invite the patient to stand in the middle of the scale platform, with the shutter lowered;

4. Raise the shutter of the scale, establish balance using weights located on the upper and lower bars of the scale - as a result, obtain the patient’s body weight;

5. Be sure to enter the obtained data in the appropriate column on the patient’s condition monitoring sheet;

6. Put on gloves and soak a used disposable napkin or a regular sheet of paper in disinfectant. solution.


Weighing is always carried out under the same conditions - on an empty stomach, in underwear, after emptying the bladder and bowels, without shoes.

First aid to the victim

If uncontrollable vomiting overtakes a person at home, there is a reminder for relatives. A person’s future life depends on the provision of first aid. Emergency plan of action in the event of a seizure in a relative:

  • If you feel unwell, call a doctor at home.
  • Calm down.
  • Lay it on its side.
  • Place the container in front of the patient.
  • Prepare a glass of water for rinsing.
  • After completing the process, rinse your mouth.
  • Remove the container with the vomit.
  • When the doctor arrives, show the contents.
  • Ventilate the room.
  • Provide peace.
  • Compliance with the sequence of treatment prescribed by the doctor after diagnosis.

Causes of vomiting

The causes of nausea are varied; in order for the doctor to make a correct diagnosis, remember and tell us: what the patient ate, drank, medications taken, allergies, head injuries, gastrointestinal diseases. List of diseases and conditions that can cause an attack in a person:

  • The process began with a head injury.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • Binge eating.
  • Self-cleansing of the body from harmful substances.
  • Poisoning.
  • Allergy.
  • Motion sickness.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Stress.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Intoxication.
  • Cardiovascular system disorders.

Causes of nausea

Vomit in our usual form is a mixture of gastric juice, food that has not yet been digested and mucus. If there is a serious inflammatory process in the body, the symptoms of which correspond to a particular disease, then characteristic blood clots, pus, bile, and in some cases even lumps of feces appear in the masses.

A person will get off with mild nausea and malaise if he overate or abused alcoholic beverages the previous evening. Afterwards, vomiting may occur, as the body’s reaction to mild intoxication. In addition, allergenic reflexes are also not alien to the body as a reaction to a particular product. Some call it a food allergy.

Infectious diseases such as typhus or scarlet fever, increased intoxication, abdominal diseases, intestinal obstruction, etc., also occur quite often. At the same time, it is curious that the psychological factor also cannot be ignored, because it can also cause trouble. There is nothing surprising here, since constant stress, especially sudden stress, often triggers this reflex. Pregnant women are familiar with toxicosis, which also consists of systematic vomiting.

A gag reflex will also be a sign of serious diseases, for example, diabetes or a type of oncology.


Vomiting may accompany:

  • cerebrovascular accidents,
  • thrombosis of blood vessels of internal organs,
  • acute kidney diseases,
  • infectious (most often intestinal) diseases,
  • diseases of the visual organs,
  • vestibular disorders,
  • acute forms of myocardial infarction,
  • drug overdose, drug incompatibility.

In any case, if the patient who feels unwell does not know about their causes and there was no overeating the day before, as well as in cases where the vomiting process is prolonged or caused by injury, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to help the patient with vomiting.

Some features of this pathological process should be highlighted. Vomiting does not necessarily have to be accompanied by nausea. If there is no nausea, this may be an unpleasant witness to the processes of inflammation in the brain. An unbearable headache is also not one of the pleasant symptoms. Perhaps it's a migraine.

Symptoms of vomiting for emergency help

In case of nausea and one-time attacks, calling a doctor is not necessary, but there are a number of symptoms in which medical manipulation will save the life of a person who is under threat. These signs include:

  • severe unbearable pain in the abdomen;
  • contents mixed with blood;
  • sharp deterioration in condition;
  • the attack began after a head injury;
  • the attack is strong and does not stop;
  • vomiting in an elderly person.

The indications involve calling an ambulance to provide qualified manipulations to the patient. Before arrival, doctors follow the patient care algorithm: provide the victim with peace, free the airways from oppressive clothing, and cover with a warm blanket. Make sure that during attacks the patient takes a comfortable position. If he is unable to turn, help should be provided by turning his head to the side. An important element of patient care is drinking with water-salt solutions to prevent dehydration.

Severe vomiting in a child

If a child begins to vomit severely, he should not be left alone. There is a risk of suffocation. The condition causes dehydration, which is dangerous in childhood. To prevent dehydration, after bouts of vomiting, the baby is given a drink: still mineral water, a salty-sweet aqueous solution. Natural juices and milk will harm a weakened body and cause diarrhea in addition to nausea. Antiemetic drugs are given as prescribed by a doctor. The body is cleansed of harmful substances; forcibly stopping vomiting will cause infection with toxins.

First aid for vomiting in a child

The tactics of helping a child are similar to those of an adult. The baby is placed in a horizontal position, the head is raised and turned to the side. The pelvis is placed to the chin. They tie a napkin so that the baby does not get dirty in the process. After an attack, rinse your mouth or wipe it with a damp cloth, remove the vomited liquid, and ventilate the room. A sick child needs constant adult supervision. If the child is not given first aid, there is a possibility of mass aspiration.

Calling a doctor home is mandatory in cases where the baby has suffered a head injury, there is an admixture of blood in the mass, nausea is accompanied by a high temperature, or acute pain in the abdominal cavity accompanies attacks. Before the ambulance arrives, if the temperature is high, it is brought down with medications; Ibufen is a good remedy for this. Severe abdominal pain is relieved with activated charcoal in combination with Drotaverine. If there are injuries, you cannot move; the child is in a horizontal position until the ambulance arrives. After waiting, the doctor is familiarized with the baby’s vomit.

The goal has been achieved: the problem has been solved, and the baby is on the mend; then the body is restored after the shock. A diet is prescribed to restore the body to a working state. Products included:

  • liquid, semi-liquid porridge with water - prepared from rice, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • baked or boiled fruits and vegetables;
  • dried fruit compotes;
  • steamed lean meat in the form of cutlets;
  • fresh banana;
  • natural honey in small portions;
  • jelly;
  • soup with vegetable or meat broth.

Products prepared in this way envelop the stomach with a thin protective film and protect against infection by pathogenic bacteria. Honey is rich in vitamins and microelements, useful for an organism weakened by vomiting. During surgery, it is recommended to take broths in small sips. Meat dishes will restore strength. It is recommended to feed the patient in small portions every 2-3 hours, so as not to overload the sick body with food.

Reasons for vomiting

Vomiting is provoked by various factors, which are not always associated with poisoning.

The cause must be determined by a doctor; do not self-diagnose! This will lead to dangerous consequences.

In most cases, emptying the stomach contents begins with nausea. After this, due to contractions of the abdominal walls and expansion of the esophagus, the urge to vomit becomes more active. It is important to start eliminating symptoms at the first stage. For this purpose, special medications are taken that will help avoid the unpleasant continuation of the symptom.

We list the main causes of vomiting:

  1. Infection. Some types of pathological microflora can cause gag reflexes. In this case, when vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea) will certainly appear, body temperature will increase, and chills will begin.
  2. Food and drinks. If the cause of vomiting is poisoning, then nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and general weakness will be added to the main symptoms. Poisoning occurs due to low-quality or stale food, mushrooms, and alcoholic beverages. Poisoning with methyl alcohol, which is confused with ethyl alcohol, poses a mortal danger.
  3. Motion sickness. When motion sickness occurs in transport, the manifestation of vomiting symptoms occurs under the influence of irritation of the brain centers. A person experiences discomfort in any type of transport, so the use of anti-nausea medications while traveling is necessary for him.
  4. Toxicosis. In pregnant women, in the first trimester of pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body begin: all their senses become more acute. Nausea accompanied by vomiting often appears in the morning. It is caused by smells, tastes and other irritants. Late toxicosis is considered dangerous, so if it appears, you should consult a doctor.
  5. Diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas.
  6. Several diseases of the central nervous system (migraines, cerebral edema).

Symptoms and complications

Symptoms of the disease, which are manifested by vomiting, always have additional signs. The doctor is guided by them during diagnostic studies. The characteristics of the attack of vomiting itself are as follows:

  • Nausea;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Excessive salivation;
  • Profuse sweat;
  • Weakness.

Vomiting must be distinguished from a similar reflex called belching. This symptom is not dangerous. Its origin is associated with the overfilling of the stomach with air or food. During the manifestation of belching, the muscle tissue of the diaphragm and abdominal area remains relaxed.

Vomiting in a child requires special attention. It is difficult for a child to talk about his feelings, so the first signs remain unnoticed by parents. Considering that children have not yet formed the body's defenses, vomit can quickly enter the respiratory tract.

Conditions in which there is uncontrollable vomiting are extremely dangerous. This is due to significant losses of fluid and electrolytes. Therefore, the patient’s general well-being worsens and intoxication processes intensify.

During prolonged bouts of vomiting in adults and children, the mucous membrane is damaged, which leads to severe gastric hemorrhage. The onset of a complication will be signaled by a change in the color of the vomit: it will take on the color of coffee grounds. In the most dangerous cases, intestinal contents are present in the vomit.

If a patient vomits gallbladder products (bile), his tongue is covered with a yellow coating, and his body temperature rapidly increases, this indicates serious disorders in the body. You cannot determine on your own what to do if you are vomiting bile: call an ambulance immediately. This action is relevant for any manifestations of complications.

When to stop vomiting

The first step if a child has a severe attack is to call an ambulance. You should not delay contacting a doctor, especially when the pulse quickens and the skin becomes pale and cold against the background of vomiting.

Persistent vomiting is especially dangerous for children under 1 year of age. But even in adulthood, this condition should not be allowed; it can be complicated by kidney failure and severe intoxication of the whole body.

Stop in the following cases:

  1. even after the stomach is completely emptied, vomiting continues;
  2. vomiting was a consequence of impaired metabolism, neurosis or stress, problems with the functions of the vestibular apparatus.

The main sign that vomiting needs to be stopped immediately is pale skin and excessive breathing, as well as dry tongue, pain in the eyes, severe weakness and dizziness. These manifestations confirm severe dehydration.

Specifics of urgent actions

Emergency care for vomiting is simple, but the success of further treatment and the general condition of the patient depend on its timely provision.

Let's consider the procedure for stopping vomiting:

  • Provide the patient with a comfortable sitting position;
  • If the patient is very weak, he is placed on his side, regularly making sure that during an attack the masses do not fall into the esophagus;
  • After the patient stops vomiting, he is asked to rinse his mouth with warm boiled water;
  • Let the person drink water without gases. This will reduce rapid fluid loss;
  • If the patient is very weak, the corners of his mouth and lips are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in some disinfectant solution;
  • Place an ice cube in the person's mouth or give water with mint drops in it. This will help stop vomiting;
  • In case of severe poisoning, medications are used, which you will learn about in the continuation of our article.

During a vomiting attack, it is forbidden to interrupt it! All assistance measures are provided only after the patient’s stomach contents stop coming out.

If you suspect internal bleeding, you cannot do without medical help. This patient needs urgent hospitalization. Before the professionals arrive, the patient is put to bed with an ice container placed on the stomach.

In case of internal bleeding, it is forbidden to give the patient drink, food or medications until the ambulance arrives. It is also advisable to preserve the vomit, the appearance and consistency of which will make it easier for doctors to determine the cause of vomiting.

It must be clearly understood that medications should be taken only after consultation with a doctor. The exception is drugs that help restore lost water balance, as well as adsorbents that remove toxins.

First of all, you need to use activated carbon. This safe but effective remedy removes toxins, stopping intoxication. Take the drug at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of patient weight.

Taking Regidron will not only stop the vomiting attack, but also restore the rapid loss of fluid in the body. Between doses of the medicine, the patient should be given tea without sugar.

In addition to salts, Gastrolite contains chamomile extract, which has anti-inflammatory properties. The drug is diluted in hot water, allowed to cool and started to be taken.

What to do after vomiting stops

After you have managed to stop the attack, follow the rules for a week to prevent a relapse.

Organize gentle nutrition for the baby. Any fatty, salty, spicy and smoked food, fresh fruits and vegetables are prohibited. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract does not require additional stimulation.

You should start your meal with chicken breast broth. You are allowed to drink jelly and herbal teas, gradually including more and more foods in your diet. You should eat often and in small portions.

It is important to continue to effectively replace fluid loss. Regidron helps with this. In the first 10 hours you will need 60 ml per 1 kg of body weight, then 10 ml per 1 kg is enough. Continue taking up to 4 days. Rose hip decoction and plain water also have a good effect on restoring the body.

Immediately after the attacks of nausea and vomiting stop, do the following:

  • let the baby sleep;
  • do not give food for 8-12 hours after the end of the last attack;
  • start returning to your normal diet with chicken broth;
  • feed the child when he asks;
  • You need to stay in bed for several days due to the weakening of the body associated with the loss of minerals and fluid.

Strictly follow all doctor's instructions.


In order to improve well-being, children under 1 year of age may be prescribed medications to restore water-salt balance:

Dilute a bag of powder in 1 liter of boiled water. Drink this mixture a day before and prepare a fresh one the next day.

If vomiting is a consequence of poisoning, it is allowed to give a sorbent: activated carbon or Smecta. Infants are often put to the breast because mother's milk contains antibodies that help resist pathology.

In addition to Smecta and coal, children older than one year can be given Enterosgel or Polysorb, but it is better to first consult with a specialist. These medications help bind poisons, removing them and restoring the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. You should also remember to adhere to bed rest and drink plenty of fluids.

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