Lazy gut: how to make it work on your own

Disruption of the digestive process leads to problems with bowel movements. Constipation or difficulty defecating creates discomfort and tension, trapping toxins and waste products in the body. This affects the condition of the skin, hair, general well-being, and deprives you of vital energy and performance.

Constipation is not the only problem that occurs with a problematic intestine. If stool is disrupted, beneficial substances and amino acids are not produced, and immunity decreases. In addition to synthetic drugs to improve peristalsis, you can train the intestines with proper nutrition and physical activity.

Main signs of pathology

There are a number of signs (symptoms) that indicate that the intestines are not working. Not everyone knows what to do in this case. The main symptoms indicating a lazy bowel are:

  • headache;

  • the stomach is constantly bloated;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • flatulence (gas formation is clearly higher than normal);
  • don't feel like eating;
  • dry mouth;
  • general condition is unsatisfactory;
  • spasms;
  • nervousness.

Of course, similar sensations can arise with another diagnosis . But if they continue for a long time (several months), then it’s time to sound the alarm, that is, contact a specialist. However, in this case it is already clear - the intestines are not working, only the doctor knows what to do to make it work - trust him.


At the first signs of the disease, you should seek medical help from a gastroenterologist. If pathology is observed in a child, you need to visit a pediatrician.

The specialist will find out the causes of digestive problems and make an accurate diagnosis. To do this, he will examine the patient’s abdomen, listen to complaints and prescribe examinations, which include:

  • X-ray of the intestines;
  • endoscopy of duodenum;
  • anorectal manometry;
  • defecation proctography;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
  • MRI of the spine.
  • Laboratory diagnostic methods must be prescribed:
  • stool and urine analysis;
  • analysis of blood fluid for the presence of electrolytes, calcium, thyroid hormones.

The specialist may refer you for another examination depending on the suspicion of a particular pathology.

Main causes of the disease

Diseases do not exist without obvious causes. This also applies to lazy bowel syndrome. Causes of pathology:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle. A person gets to work by car, not on foot, then sits in an office chair all day, then again in a chair, but again in a car. At home - a sofa. The result of this lifestyle is physical inactivity. Because of this, frequent constipation occurs. Without an active lifestyle, there will be no normal peristalsis.
  2. Poor nutrition. To make a lazy intestine work in an adult, you need to add more fiber-rich foods to your diet. You should eat less processed foods, flour and sweets.
  3. Non-compliance with drinking regime. Lack of water in the stool makes it hard, and it is difficult for the intestines to push feces in this condition.
  4. Stress. Yes, this can also cause sluggish bowels. Depression negatively affects the nerve endings in the intestines. Because of this, constipation or even diarrhea occurs.
  5. Suppression of the desire to empty. This happens when there is no toilet nearby or it is located in a communal apartment, or in public toilets where it is dirty and there are no partitions, etc. Because of this, the urge subsequently disappears.
  6. During pregnancy. In this condition, the female body produces progesterone, as a result of which the muscles of the uterus and intestinal muscles relax. The result is a side effect in the form of poor gastrointestinal function.

To have bowel movements regularly (every day), you just need to take your health more seriously. You should reconsider your lifestyle and radically change it, analyze all your habits, some of which may be harmful. Eating right, exercising, and living a stress-free life will help you get your bowels moving without medications.

How to treat loose bowel syndrome

Most people, when they experience constipation or problems with the digestive system, immediately self-medicate, take laxatives or drink teas with a laxative effect in the hope of relieving their suffering as quickly as possible. But such actions may not only not help, but also harm your body by disrupting the functioning of the digestive system.

Sluggish bowel - treatment

Despite the great temptation to take drugs that have laxative properties, you need to remember that all of them can be addictive, as a result of which their active components over time will not affect you as much as they did before. To treat sluggish intestines, traditional medicine recipes, therapeutic exercises and a special diet are most often used. Now let's look at each of these methods, which have a long-term effect, separately.


The first and most important thing to do when the first signs of a lazy bowel appear is to review your daily diet. Regular consumption of certain foods has a positive effect on intestinal motility. It is recommended to consume fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, yogurt), raw vegetables and fruits, which contain a lot of fiber, daily . You can improve the functioning of your digestive tract with the help of seaweed, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, beets and zucchini. Among the fruits that have mild laxative properties are oranges, tangerines, figs, peaches, melon and prunes. Add them to desserts or eat them fresh.

Diet for sluggish bowels

The therapeutic diet for the treatment of lazy bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal diseases also involves avoiding a number of foods, including:

  • canned food;
  • smoked food;
  • salo;
  • fatty fish;
  • radish;
  • peas;
  • rice;
  • refined foods.

It is better to avoid such food altogether

Some bad habits can also lead to bowel problems. First of all, this applies to alcoholic beverages and coffee. If possible, try to limit the amount of these drinks. This will avoid not only problems with the digestive system, but also other serious diseases.


It was previously noted that regular exercise improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, for sluggish bowel syndrome, experts recommend walking frequently and doing morning exercises. There are many different exercises that help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but this does not mean that you must do everything. Choose a few of them for yourself and change the exercises periodically for variety.

Bowel Exercises

Effective exercises for treating sluggish bowel:

  • stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Straightening your arms in front of you, squat down to parallel 5-10 times;
  • breathing exercises. Try to hold your breath for 5 seconds, then relax and exhale. Repeat the procedure 10 times;
  • Lie with your back on the floor and spread your legs and arms, taking a star position. Then lift your knees and try to reach them towards your chest. In the upper position, you need to clasp your knees with your hands and use your hands to reach your forehead with your knees. You need to stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, then return to the starting position;
  • get on all fours, leaning on your elbows. In this position, you need to alternately raise your legs as high as possible. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.


On a note! It is useful to supplement gymnastic exercises with a therapeutic massage of the abdominal area. To do this, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees and gently massage the abdominal cavity with your fingertips. The movements should be circular. Perform a massage daily, preferably immediately after exercise.

Folk remedies

When fighting a sluggish intestine, various traditional medicine recipes work well. Below are the effective and most common means.

Table. Traditional medicine in the treatment of sluggish bowels.

Product name, photoApplication
Oatmeal brothThis is a unique remedy that helps improve the functioning of the intestines and cardiovascular system. To prepare the decoction, pour 500 ml of boiling water over 50 g of oats and leave for 1-15 minutes. Take the finished product orally 100 ml 3 times a day, preferably before meals.
Aloe with honeyAloe is used in folk medicine to treat many ailments, including lazy bowel syndrome. To prepare a medicinal mixture, you need to mix 150 ml of honey and 50 g of crushed aloe leaves in one bowl. Leave the resulting pulp for 24 hours, and then take 1 tsp. before breakfast. For the best effect, it is recommended to take the product about 40 minutes before meals. You will notice positive changes almost immediately.
Leaf teaFor the next recipe, you need not ordinary ground tea, which comes in bags, but loose leaf tea. Grind some loose leaf tea in a coffee grinder, then take 1 tsp. 4 times a day, 5 g. It is advisable to take tea before meals - this will enhance the therapeutic effect. Literally after 1-2 days of treatment you will be able to notice positive changes. This product has no contraindications, so it is suitable for both adults and children.
Roast pumpkinThis is not only tasty, but also a healthy dish that you can pamper your family with. To prepare the roast, you need to put 250-300 g of pumpkin, cut into small cubes, into a frying pan. Add one large onion, cut into cubes, and a little vegetable oil to the pumpkin. The vegetable will become softer as it cooks. This will be your cue to add 100g of pre-cooked beans. Simmer until done, stirring occasionally. Add a little sugar and salt to taste. Eat this dish rich in vitamins and microelements.
Watermelon tinctureAn excellent remedy for the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Peel the green rind from one small watermelon, then place it in the oven to dry. Grind the dried watermelon rinds to a powder, from which you will need to prepare the tincture. Pour 500 ml boiling water 3 tbsp. l. watermelon powder and leave for 20 minutes. Take the tincture 3 times a day, 1 tsp. Like other folk remedies for treating sluggish bowels, watermelon tincture should be drunk before each meal.
Herbal decoctionFirst you need to prepare the herbal mixture. Take equal amounts of St. John's wort flowers, oak bark, sage herb, peppermint leaves and motherwort herb. Then pour 500 ml of boiling water 3 tbsp. l. prepared herbal mixture and leave for 2 hours. After the broth has cooled, strain it through gauze and take 100 ml orally 3-4 times a day. After about 2 days of treatment, all metabolic processes in the body will normalize, and the work of the pancreas will increase.

On a note! Floppy bowel syndrome without proper treatment can lead to the development of serious pathologies. If nutrients accumulate in the intestines for a long time, they will eventually rot, causing the mucous membrane to become inflamed.

Proper nutrition is the key to success

Proper nutrition will help solve this problem . Everyone knows this, but for some reason they are not always in a hurry to do something in this direction, probably hoping that everything will go away by itself.

For clarity, it is worth writing down the entire daily diet. Of course, you don’t need to blindly believe and adhere to only this diet - the main thing is to understand the principle itself and strictly follow it. Approximate diet:

  1. Breakfast. In no case should you ignore eating in the morning - this is a very common mistake. In the morning you need to eat so that you don’t feel hungry at work and are not tempted to snack on fast food, crackers or chips. The best breakfast is natural cereals. Those porridges that are poured with boiling water but not cooked should be excluded from the diet. The best breakfast dishes are porridges made from lentils, buckwheat, oatmeal, peas, and corn. But rice strengthens you, so you need to eat it less often or even exclude it from the list of healthy foods. Bread is preferably rye or with bran.
  2. Lunch. You need to somehow fill the time between breakfast and lunch, so you need to have a snack after about 2-2.5 hours. Dried fruits, kefir, fruits and raw vegetables are ideal for this purpose. If constipation has become an ordinary part of life, then you should eat prunes or dried apricots.
  3. Dinner. It should consist of two dishes, but you should not overeat. If the intestines are weak and do not work well, then once a day you need to eat soup, borscht, cabbage soup, etc. For the second course - a piece of meat with a side dish and a salad of fresh vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers and herbs. Salad dressing should be done not with mayonnaise, but with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. It is this oil that should help the intestines work properly.
  4. Afternoon snack. There is the same thing as for second breakfast.
  5. Dinner. This meal should be light and small in volume. The ideal option is a piece of fish, a side dish and a salad. It will be very useful and nutritious.
  6. For the night. If the feeling of hunger does not leave you, then this is not a reason to overeat at night. The worst food option is sandwiches. The best is a glass of fresh kefir or yogurt. This is what will trigger the intestines to have a morning bowel movement.

You should definitely drink enough water throughout the day. This is the only way to train the intestines to work correctly.

Tips and tricks

Intestinal problems can be avoided. To do this, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions given below.

Step 1: Increase your fiber intake. It consists of individual plant products that your body cannot digest, so the fiber is not absorbed by the body and passes through without being retained. Most people consume some fiber (20 to 40 mg), but healthy digestion requires much more. Your body needs soluble and insoluble fiber.

Eat more fiber

To increase the amount of fiber, you need to eat more oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots and barley. It will also help control your blood cholesterol levels.

Step 2: Drink plenty of water. Combining fiber with water will improve the efficiency of your digestive system. The liquid will help soften and break down foods so your body can absorb the nutrients. This will also soften the stool. Doctors recommend drinking up to 2 liters of water per day, but the amount you need will vary depending on your body weight as well as other factors (how active you are and the climate in your area).

Additional recommendations for illness

How to make the intestines work at home without laxatives, debilitating enemas and the help of a doctor? This question is asked by many people who are faced with the problem of a lazy intestine. Unfortunately, many people suffer not only from constipation, but also from simple laziness, and this is the main obstacle to successful treatment, which is based on a correct lifestyle. To make your intestines work regularly, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Drinking water in small sips in the morning is what Israeli doctors advise people who have difficulty bowel movements. After a short time, the urge to go to the toilet will appear.
  2. It is useful and effective to drink oil on an empty stomach: sunflower, olive, nut. For an adult, one tablespoon, for a child - one teaspoon (preferably nut). The oil softens feces, and the nut oil also contains potassium, which is so necessary for normal peristalsis.
  3. You need to drink water before meals. It must be cool. It is in this condition that the intestines will start. Warm water only does harm.
  4. If constipation has persisted for a long time, then you should not rely only on water, exercise and diet - you need more decisive measures to influence your body. To do this, you should use an enema, special glycerin suppositories, and a laxative. If you delay with these measures, then emptying your bowels will be even more difficult and painful.
  5. You need to change your lifestyle. This is simple at first glance, but inertia prevents many people from changing their usual way of life. Alternatively, you can get a dog that you need to walk in the morning. You should walk more outside with your children and stop using public transport for a while. It is also useful to walk to work and shops.
  6. As for visiting the toilet, you should try to make it a rule to do it in the morning immediately after breakfast. When this becomes a useful habit, your body will appreciate the “innovation”, and you will begin to feel much better, your mood will improve, and a thirst for life will appear.
  7. You should do home remedies for proper functioning of lazy bowels. You can mix baked apples with prune juice and bran, and eat a teaspoon of the resulting pulp every day on an empty stomach.

If, despite all your efforts, your intestines still don’t work better, it’s time to consult a specialist, since there can be many reasons for irregular bowel movements and they can be quite serious: polyps , tumors, hemorrhoids, etc.

A simple solution to the problem

It is not enough to treat the disease, you also need to eliminate its main causes that caused such an unpleasant disease. In order for things to move towards recovery, a number of measures need to be taken.


  • Move more. Regular constipation is usually a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle. You need to be on your feet at least two hours a day. It is movement that can restore intestinal motility, promoting its normal cleansing. This does not mean that intense sports activities will be required. Enough walking and morning exercises. This will give the necessary impetus to influence the contraction of the intestinal muscles, which will facilitate the exit of feces.
  • Review your diet. Difficulties with bowel movements more often occur in those who eat a lot of foods that contribute to constipation: meat, processed foods, baked goods, fried foods, etc. Such food leads to similar problems.

To get rid of the disease, you need to give up unhealthy foods and significantly add food containing fiber to the menu, most of it in plant foods. This will make the intestines work normally.

What should the diet be like?

Without proper nutrition, treatment will not be complete. In order to cure this disease, you need to take your daily diet seriously.


  1. Cabbage: sea cabbage, white cabbage and cauliflower.
  2. Beet.
  3. Pumpkin.
  4. Various greens: dill, celery, green onions, parsley, rhubarb.
  5. Carrot.
  6. Various dried fruits.
  7. Fruits and berries.
  8. Fresh kefir and yogurt of natural origin.
  9. Potato and cabbage juices.
  10. Bran.
  11. Honey.
  12. Unrefined vegetable oil.
  13. Sprouted wheat.

In addition, you need a normal drinking regime - without it it is difficult to count on success in treatment. A person should drink water at the rate of one glass per kilogram of his weight.

On average, this amounts to two liters of drinking water . When the body lacks it, constipation occurs due to dehydration.

Every morning you should start with at least one glass of cool, raw water. This will make it possible to improve intestinal motility, which will contribute to its rapid emptying.

Important! Under no circumstances should you drink water, tea or coffee immediately after eating. You need to wait at least an hour and a half. This is very harmful!

A set of exercises to eliminate

Without exercise, it is difficult to achieve success with this disease. It’s not enough just to follow a diet or drink water. There are special exercises with which you can stimulate your intestines to work properly.

First of all, you need to do intense work with your abdominal muscles - at least three times a week. There are also special exercises to achieve this goal.

Movement is another way that you need to include in your life. This should not be done from time to time, but should be made a constant work for your body. This should become a way of life.

Physical activity has the most beneficial effect, facilitating digestion . That is why feces will be directed to the exit in time.

There are also special gymnastics, but it is hardly worth blindly following some complexes - after all, this is by no means a dogma, and you can come up with them yourself, the main thing is to understand the principle.

Physical exercises are successfully combined with breathing exercises - you need to breathe not with your chest, but with your stomach, while straining the abdominal wall.

Those who have strong abs cannot, by definition, have constipation.

And yet, one of the simplest complexes:

  • Standing, close your hands in a ring above your head. Bends to the sides are done one by one. The head is slightly thrown back. When leaning to the left, you need to feel the tense muscles of the core on the right side, and vice versa.
  • Lying on the floor or bed, raise your head along with your torso as you exhale. At the same time, your arms are bent at the elbows, your palms are on the floor. This exercise is called "cobra".
  • "Parade step" While standing, alternately raise your knees high until they touch your stomach, as if massaging it. This exercise can also be done while lying on your back, pulling your knees towards your stomach with your hands.
  • "Scissors". Lying on your stomach, bring and spread your legs raised at an angle of 30°.
  • "Bike". Lying on your back, imitate riding a bicycle. The legs are also raised to the same degree.
  • Run in place. This exercise gives an impulse to the whole body. It will also help the intestines work properly.
  • Jogging.

All of the above does not exhaust the variety of physical activity.

Types of pathology and laxatives

Laxatives are not the main tool in the treatment of this disease. It’s just that at certain moments, when constipation lasts for several days or even a week, emergency measures are necessary.

In addition, constipation can also occur against the background of some illness. Therefore, it is not worth carrying out the diagnosis yourself, without experience and medical education. And even more so, you should not prescribe medication for yourself. It is very possible that the examination will be done not only by a gastroenterologist.

Often in such cases, drug therapy is prescribed.

In some cases, unsatisfactory intestinal permeability occurs because there is a malignant tumor in it. It grows in size and interferes with the process of defecation. This treatment is carried out only surgically.

In any case, you should not delay your visit to a specialist - experience shows that the chances of recovery with minimal problems for the body are much greater.

Be that as it may, people are forced to resort to laxatives quite often. But not everyone knows that a lazy intestine cannot be cured by this.

Any specialist will tell and prove that the use of such therapy is appropriate only when constipation has been prolonged for too long and urgent measures need to be taken - urgently to cleanse the intestines of the accumulation of feces.

If laxatives are used regularly, the problem not only does not disappear, but also gets worse. That is why long-term use of these drugs is extremely undesirable.

The only drugs that are an exception are those made from lactulose. Many chronically ill patients cannot live without these medications. The drug restores the intestinal microflora and helps cleanse it. Such medications are taken for a long period, but the patient himself cannot decide whether to take the drug or not - this is a matter for the doctor.

There is another means by which you can achieve defecation; it is used in rare cases - an enema. Many people do this very often, thus washing out the intestinal microflora. As a result, bowel function does not improve, but on the contrary, it becomes worse than before the enemas.

Important! You can’t overuse enemas, and in general you shouldn’t give them without a doctor’s prescription.

Traditional medicine to help

Sometimes you still can’t have a bowel movement without a laxative, and you don’t want to take it again, knowing the harm of this method. Folk remedies come to the rescue. They can have a positive effect on lazy bowel motility.

Treatment with folk remedies:

  1. Softening stool and transporting it from the intestines is quite possible through olive oil - drink a teaspoon every evening before bed. You will provide your body an invaluable service - after all, this oil has a laxative effect, and the intestines will be cleansed in the morning immediately after sleep.
  2. Dried fruit remedy. You only need to take half a glass of: figs, dates, raisins, dried apples, prunes, dried apricots. You can add walnut kernels. After washing, dried fruits and nuts are passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is mixed by adding 250 g of flax seed and the same amount of honey. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator. The medicine should be taken one tablespoon in the morning and evening.
  3. Fruit and vegetable salad. This dish is not only tasty, but also healthy. Recipe: grate an apple and one carrot, then season the dish with 15 ml sour cream. Salad should be eaten on an empty stomach. Ensures fairly fast, effective bowel movement.
  4. Massage. This method also effectively helps in case of poor bowel movement and is done immediately before it. You need to lie on your back with your knees bent. In this position, the lower abdomen is stroked in a clockwise direction for five to fifteen minutes, causing the urge to defecate. It will be even better if the massage is combined with the use of laxatives described above.

Of course, it doesn't stop there. You also need to follow a diet and lead an active lifestyle.

List of prohibited products

A person, while he is young and healthy, eats everything, not caring at all about the benefits of what he eats. They say that a person under 40 does everything to lose his health, and after 40 he does everything to get it back. This is partly true, although clearly exaggerated. If you are constipated, you should not eat:

  1. Low fiber foods.
  2. Products with GMOs and other harmful compounds, popularly called “yashki”.
  3. You cannot drink tea, coffee, cocoa and other drinks immediately after eating, and you are also not allowed to drink water while eating.
  4. Reduce salt intake to a minimum. It must be remembered that most products contain it and do not require additional addition. But it’s better not to eat salted fish or home-canned food (cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes) at all.
  5. You can't eat baked goods. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of white bread, giving preference to rye or gray bread with bran.
  6. Remove processed foods, boiled milk, and polished rice from your diet.
  7. Limit or completely eliminate the consumption of sausages and hard cheeses.

What to do if pathology appears

The doctor will tell you what to do to make the stomach work after finding out the cause of the disorder and determining its degree. The treatment tactics for gastroparesis depend on the severity of the patient’s condition and the causes that provoked it.

There are three degrees of gastroparesis:

  • Easy. Symptoms of the disease disappear quickly after taking medications, and there is no sudden weight loss. A diet with minimal restrictions helps to avoid relapses.
  • Average. Symptoms are only partially relieved by medication. To normalize the functioning of the stomach, lifestyle adjustments and a balanced diet are required.
  • Heavy. The clinical picture persists even after specific drug therapy. The patient needs constant medical supervision.

To normalize gastric motility it is recommended:

  • diet;
  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage.

In extremely severe cases, the patient cannot eat on his own; feeding occurs through a tube.

Special gymnastics for illness

Special exercises for intestinal problems are also very effective, especially in combination with diet and drinking regimen. There are many exercises, you can even come up with them yourself, based on the current situation. For example:

  1. When sitting on a chair or armchair, it is advisable to place your feet on a low bench to simulate a “squatting” position. Take a rolled towel and apply it to your stomach, pressing it as tightly as possible, while turning this roll clockwise without releasing the pressure on your stomach. This way you will massage your intestines. This should be done for five to seven minutes every day. Exercise will have a beneficial effect on intra-abdominal pressure.
  2. Immediately after eating, do a light abdominal massage with your palm in a clockwise direction (starting from the right), helping food pass through the intestines faster.
  3. You need to put your palms together and straighten your arms above your head. In this position, bend to the sides until you feel tension in the opposite side. Then - in the other direction. Movements are made smoothly, without jerking. During this exercise, the gastrointestinal tract is stretched and its motility is accelerated.
  4. Lie on your stomach, legs together, elbows near your torso and palms facing the floor. You need to rise as you exhale so that your arms straighten at the elbows. This exercise is called "cobra". It helps straighten the rectus abdominis muscle. It is advisable to fix the position for 30 seconds.
  5. Lie on your back. The right knee is pressed against the stomach as tightly as possible with both hands for 20 seconds. The exercise massages the abdominal cavity.

Symptoms of a lazy bowel

  • Constipation (regular retention of bowel movements for at least 2 days);
  • difficult or incomplete bowel movements;
  • hard stool, sometimes scratching the anus to the point of bleeding from the rectum;
  • flatulence;
  • heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bloating;
  • discomfort and pain along the intestines.

With persistent constipation, when there is no bowel movement for 3-5 days, or even a week, gradual intoxication with feces occurs - symptoms manifest themselves in weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, a tendency to allergies, the appearance of acne, bad breath and from the body, plaque on the tongue, headaches and muscle pain occur more often, and appetite may disappear.

Of course, you can relieve the symptoms of intoxication by taking sorbents that absorb all toxic substances, but... Again this is a BUT! Many sorbents have a fixing effect, and they do not solve the problem of the unimportant action of a lazy intestine.

Time-tested folk remedies

There are a lot of folk remedies, you just need to choose for yourself what suits you best. They help you do without medications that are addictive to the body and aggravate an already difficult situation. Remedies for lazy bowels:

  1. Drink cabbage pickle on an empty stomach.
  2. Flax seed decoction is an excellent laxative. A tablespoon of seeds is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 5 hours. This decoction is drunk before bed, and the seeds are eaten. The product is very effective.
  3. Salad "Broom". Ingredients: beets, carrots, cabbage, celery root - everything is grated. Do not add salt or oil. If the acidity is low, add sauerkraut.
  4. The intestines can also be treated with a very famous medicinal plant - aloe. As a rule, it is found in almost every home, but not everyone knows its beneficial properties. One or two leaves are cleared of the side thorns, washed and crushed. One hundred grams of honey is heated in a glass container until fluid, aloe is added to it and left for 24 hours. Take on an empty stomach in the morning 1 hour before meals. The product must first be brought to a warm state.
  5. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to a glass of kefir. This is drunk at night.
  6. Freshly squeezed carrot juice. It should be taken before meals instead of a laxative.
  7. Green tea. It is also drunk before meals throughout the day.
  8. Infusions: chamomile, yarrow, nettle.

Traditional medicine is not limited to these remedies at all. There are a great many recipes, the most delicious and effective remedies are given.

The answer to the question of how to make the intestines work independently without laxatives, enemas and suppositories is simple: you need to start a healthy lifestyle. If this is not done, then no doctor will help you get rid of such an ailment as poor bowel function. The best option is to treat the disease in this way and the results will not take long to arrive.

Reasons - why the intestines do not work well

Most often, the factors for the development of such dysfunction are the consumption of small amounts of fluid, chronic lack of fruits and vegetables. Other reasons for insufficient bowel function include:

  1. Age, namely from 45 years, subject to low physical activity. An additional factor should be considered the use of antispasmodics and analgesics, as well as remedies for problems with circulatory function.
  2. Chronic diseases, such as hypothyroidism or Parkinson's disease.
  3. Anal fissures, hemorrhoids.
  4. Excess weight, especially in the visceral area. This slows down bowel movements.
  5. Stress factors, inability to perform a bowel movement at the right time. Most often this is associated with stressful work and the lack of a toilet nearby.
  6. Pregnancy, because hormones slow down intestinal motility. In addition, the increased size of the uterus turns out to be another obstacle to the passage of feces.

Most often, the causes of “lazy” bowel function are poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. However, treating poor fecal output is not always a simple process.

“Lazy stomach”: treatment, pills

Unfortunately, many people cannot boast of a healthy digestive system. In some cases, the stomach needs to be helped with medications. “Festal” (indications for use, instructions are indicated in this article) is an enzymatic drug that improves the functioning of the digestive system. It is approved by doctors and patients, as it does its job well and improves digestion. It contains enzymes that break down nutrients. Food is well digested and absorbed by the body. The drug "Festal", indications for use, instructions for which are attached to the package, copes with its functions perfectly and improves digestion processes. Doctors recommend taking one tablet 3 times a day for the fastest possible effect for two to three days. The drug should be taken with food and water. Before using tablets for children, be sure to consult your doctor. He will determine the correct dosage himself.

However, this is not the only medicine that has such properties. In pharmacies you can find many analogues that will be no worse. For example, pay attention to the following drugs: “Pancreatin”, “Mezim”, “Creon”, “Digestal”, “Ferestal”.


Every year, people increasingly began to think about how to make their stomach work. Many people do not even suspect that the health of the digestive system depends on what and how we eat. If you still don’t eat right, but want to start leading a healthy lifestyle, you need to act without fanaticism. To begin with, gradually reduce your portions and chew your food more thoroughly.

Solid, heavy foods are much less digestible, so a “lazy stomach” will never want to start working. Be sure to follow the regime. Eat at the same time every time. Half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water. This procedure will make your digestive system work smoothly.

Eat the most high-calorie foods for breakfast and lunch. For dinner, doctors recommend only light, low-calorie foods.

Don't forget about fasting days. This does not mean that you will have to starve. Do not do this under any circumstances. Eat only light foods. For example, fruits, vegetables, kefir and fermented baked milk. This way your stomach will take a break from heavy food and take up its work with renewed vigor.

Prevention of the syndrome

Don’t want to waste time searching for how to make your lazy gut work on your own? Then you need to follow simple rules that will help prevent this problem from occurring:

  • Watch your lifestyle. A sedentary life will definitely provoke the disease. It is not necessary to sign up for heavy training, but it is still recommended to go to the gym a couple of times a week. If this is not possible, just running in the morning is enough;

  • It is recommended to eat in small portions. Breaks between meals should not be more than 3 hours. Overeating, like fasting, will not lead to anything good. In this case, you can even get gastritis or an ulcer;
  • It is advisable to practice a diet with a high content of fruits and vegetables, plenty of liquid, and you should completely avoid fast food;
  • Minimize the amount of junk food.

Now you know how to make your intestines work correctly. However, in order not to look for the right treatment, it is better to prevent this problem from occurring.

Sluggish intestines. How to make a lazy intestine work.

Sometimes the intestines move their contents lazily and fail to empty. How to cope and make the intestines work correctly?

Often, with the problem of sluggish intestines, we do not pay much attention to this and the intestines develop the habit of being lazy. This is especially evident in older age or when a person has low mobility, with a sedentary lifestyle...

The cause of any human illness is acidification of the body , only this common cause causes any diseases that each person has their own... Methods for healing the body. I.P. Neumyvakin .

Professor of Medical Sciences I.P. Neumyvakin

Hello, dear readers of my blog.

Our health depends only on ourselves, our lifestyle, our habits and beliefs.

I am compiling a Collection of folk treatment recipes based on publications and the “Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin”. This collection helps you quickly find the right folk recipe for treatment and apply it.

Changing your diet

If the cause is nutritional, then it is necessary to reconsider the diet, give up unhealthy foods, eat foods low in fiber and fat, but with a sufficient content of vitamins, essential amino acids, and unsaturated fatty acids.

It is necessary to exclude foods that cause increased gas formation (carbonated drinks, baked goods, legumes, milk, brown bread). It is also advised to remove strengthening foods from the menu, such as rice, pears, and boiled eggs. It is important to eat small portions, but many times a day. It is advisable that the food be liquid and pureed. Some experts recommend eating one or two tablespoons, but every 1.5–2 hours.

Exercises to restore bowel function

Exercise will help restore bowel function and eliminate the need to take laxatives.

To begin with, let's take 3 full breaths; while doing a full breath, the diaphragm gently massages the internal organs, especially the intestines... By doing this we start its work.

Take a deep breath with your stomach , your stomach will be filled, then you will fill your lungs with air, i.e. chest - holding your breath - slowly exhale and as you exhale, draw in your stomach as much as possible... Repeat these breathing movements 3 times.

We turn on the center - this is the navel area, in order to stimulate the work of our intestines from the center... We place the thumb of our right hand in our navel - press it with the second hand, plunging the finger deeper... We begin to move clockwise - down, right, up, left - slowly, slowly we carry out this rhythm, massaging our internal organs... We carry out 7 such massage movements...

We work with the entire area of ​​the abdominal cavity - we do not clench our fingers tightly into a fist - we place our hand down on the stomach, with the other hand we press down on top - and quite deeply, sliding along the surface clockwise, we treat the entire stomach along the course of the large intestine - we slowly carry out 7 such movements... the intestines are an inert formation and with a rapid movement of the massage, the movement cannot be transmitted to the intestines...

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