Oh, that terrible green on diapers: 11 reasons for green stool in babies and toddlers
What does green feces mean in a child and an adult?
Green stool in a child always causes great anxiety in mothers. However, believe it or not
A child often hiccups in his stomach - why is this so alarming to expectant mothers?
Pregnancy is considered one of the most important periods in the life of any woman. At this stage
Imodium tablets
Imodium for diarrhea: instructions for use for adults and children
In this medical article you can familiarize yourself with the drug Imodium. Instructions for use will explain
Nausea in the evening: Causes of nausea in women and men at night during sleep
Mechanisms of development To understand why sudden, causeless nausea occurs, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of its development.
Pain in the anus - the main symptoms and causes of occurrence in women
Home / Interesting Back Published: 03/12/2020 0 0 1 Hemorrhoids 2 Main causes of pain
Pelvic pain in women can be caused more often by chronic or acute diseases of various internal organs
Causes of pain in the left lower abdomen in men and women
Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen - main symptoms: Pain in the abdomen Pain in
Castor and Vaseline oil for constipation - an effective and quick solution to the problem
The main symptom of constipation is rare natural bowel movements, headache and general weakness. To the main
Vomiting as a symptom: possible causes, treatment and emergency care
Vomiting is the most common reflex process that I have encountered at least once in my life.
A healthy intestine is the foundation of good health! To look younger than your age and have a beautiful...
How to improve digestion and bowel function? As a rule, this question is asked by people who lead
How to cleanse the digestive tract yourself and cause diarrhea at home?
Why do you need to cause diarrhea, diarrhea, on your own? Due to malnutrition, the formation of
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