Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to dilute, take for vomiting, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis
Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to dilute, take for vomiting, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis
Description and composition Main characteristics of the drug: Belongs to the category of antidiarrheal pharmaceuticals, considered
9 diseases that cause pain in the left side from the back in the lower back
Pain in the left side from the back is a symptom that is characterized by pain in the area
feeding baby
Special diet for poisoning in a child - suitable menu and recipes
Vomiting is the involuntary emptying of the stomach through the mouth, an unpleasant phenomenon that affects absolutely all age groups.
Antibiotic Levomycetin for diarrhea, instructions for use
Every person experiences diarrhea at least once in their life. Everyone has their own
Mouth rinse
If your tongue looks like this, run to the doctor. This might mean something.
What kind of coating on the tongue should raise suspicions and prompt a person to undergo examination? Appeals to
Methods for safely treating constipation in children at home
When your child is constipated, you need to find out the cause so you know what to do. WHO include
Constipation symptoms
Causes and methods of treating constipation in adults
Types of constipation and their causes Causes of constipation are usually divided into two groups: organic and
What is lactulose? And why does the human body need it?
Today there are a huge number of laxatives on the market with their own advantages and disadvantages. At
Instructions for use of the drug Mezim Forte
Constipation as a consequence of poor digestion Insufficient digestion and breakdown of food leads to various disorders
The girl has blood after diarrhea
How to treat diarrhea (loose stools) with blood in an adult and why it bleeds from the anus
Hemorrhagic colitis or diarrhea with blood is one of the types of inflammatory process in the
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