Abdominal pain is pain in the abdominal cavity.
Chronic abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome
The abdominal cavity contains a number of vital organs, so if you are suffering from abdominal pain
When does nausea start during pregnancy?
For expectant mothers: at what stage of pregnancy does nausea and dizziness begin, how to treat?
Women who are expecting pregnancy with hope or, on the contrary, are afraid of it, often ask questions: when
Woman has abdominal pain on right side
Heaviness in the lower abdomen in men: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis, doctor’s consultation and treatment
The abdominal cavity contains the main internal organs. If the performance of at least one of the
Bile in the stomach. Causes and treatment with folk remedies, drugs, symptoms, diet
Bile in the stomach. Causes and treatment with folk remedies, drugs, symptoms, diet
Bile is a liquid produced by the liver and used for digestion. But food
Health and healthy lifestyleWhat is located just below the heart
There are situations when delay in providing medical care can cost a person’s life. These states
What medicine will help a child if his stomach hurts?
Stomach gel for various gastrointestinal diseases
Phosphalugel instructions Phosphalugel is an antacid drug that has acid-neutralizing, enveloping and adsorbing effects, reducing proteolytic
woman holding her mouth and stomach
Nausea on an empty stomach: possible causes, treatment
The mechanism of nausea The human body is a rather complex system, the slightest disturbance in which
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Transverse colon: its structure and types of disease
The gastrointestinal tract consists of many sections, each of which performs its own function. When diagnosing
Omez for bloating: instructions for use
Action of the active component of the drug and release form The main substance that provides the therapeutic effect of the drug is
Mucus in a child's stool
What does mucus in a child's stool mean? Causes of frequent loose stools with mucus
Parents often complain about the presence of mucus in their child’s stool. And they do it right
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