Appendicitis under anesthesia or not - types and advantages
Acute appendicitis is one of the most common acute surgical diseases of the abdominal organs. Index
signs of appendicitis in teenagers
Characteristics of signs and first symptoms of appendicitis in a teenager, localization of pain
Acute appendicitis is one of the most common surgical diseases in children and adolescents. About
How to identify appendicitis
How to quickly identify appendicitis at home
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendage that comes out of the large intestine. The disease occurs as a result of infection,
After operation
Increased temperature during hemorrhoids and after surgery for it
Temperature after surgery - is this normal? This question may arise for any patient,
Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom
Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom: what it is and what it indicates
Method of execution The patient lies down on a hard, flat surface. In a doctor's office, this is an examination room.
Is acute gangrenous appendicitis dangerous and how is it treated?
What is gangrenous appendicitis Appendicitis is an inflammation of the vermiform appendix (appendix) of the cecum. Gangrenous
Abdominal hernia
Abdominal hernia in men: symptoms, treatment methods, prevention.
Types The abdominal wall consists of muscles located mirror-image on either side of the midline.
Inflammation of the appendix
Appendicitis: on which side is the appendix located, in which side does appendicitis hurt?
Let's try to figure out what appendicitis is, where it is located and how it hurts - this is important,
What is the danger of adhesive disease and the most effective methods of treating it?
Intestinal adhesions: causes, symptoms, treatment methods and prognosis
Development mechanism Reasons for the formation of adhesions Classification Symptoms of intestinal adhesions Diagnostics Treatment of intestinal adhesions Formation
Forms and signs of gastric hernia
Why is a gastric hernia dangerous and how to treat it correctly?
A gastric hernia is one of the types of hiatal hernia, in which complete
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