Infertility in women signs and symptoms
When creating a family, each couple assumes the possibility of procreation - the birth of children and their upbringing.
Health “Safe days”: Should you trust calendar contraception?
Factors influencing cycle duration 1. If this method is followed exactly, then natural
Cervical mucus - explained in simple words
Cervical mucus by day of the cycle, during ovulation
Every woman notes the presence of vaginal discharge at certain periods of the menstrual cycle.
Saddle uterus what does it mean?
The uterus is an internal hollow organ located in the center of the woman's pelvis. The uterus is not just
Recovery after tubal laparoscopy
Bloody discharge In the postoperative period, it is necessary to explain to the woman that it is important to monitor the discharge from
Uterine height by week of pregnancy: norms, parameters, self-measurement
Assessment of UMR indicators (the abbreviation stands for uterine fundus height) is one of the most important diagnostic
Is it possible to get pregnant during ovulation + Tips
Pregnancy when conceiving at the time of ovulation To suggest the likelihood of becoming pregnant two days before
Nausea and vomiting
What causes pain during ovulation? Symptoms, signs and causes
Why does pain occur during ovulation? Only a highly qualified experienced specialist can determine the cause of painful ovulation.
ovulation day
How to calculate your menstrual cycle yourself?
A physiological phenomenon such as the menstrual cycle implies cyclical changes in the reproductive system
Illustration 1
Physiological and pathological vaginal discharge in women
General information At different periods of the monthly cycle, a woman may experience discharge that varies in
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