What juice can you drink for gastritis: a review of recommended natural nectars
To restore the mucous membrane, relieve pain and inflammation, gastroenterologists recommend including juices in the diet when
How to use renal knotweed for hemorrhoids - recipes
Hemorrhoids are treated not only with traditional medicine, but also with alternative methods. Many folk remedies
Gastritis and sports: is physical activity allowed?
Gastritis is one of the most common diseases, especially among teenagers. Few people are active
Proctosan NEO suppositories
Proctosan suppositories: instructions for use and reviews
Composition and description of the components of the drug Proctosan ointment is a multicomponent antihemorrhoidal drug with combined action. This
Hyperkinesis - about tics, tremors and other troubles...
The human stomach is subject to stress every day. Sedentary lifestyle, stress, eating on the go, fast food -
Symptoms of purulent hemorrhoids (paraproctitis) - photos, how to treat and folk remedies
Types of purulent hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids with pus are a clear symptom of inflammation in the intestines.
Losing weight with stomach diseases
How to gain weight with gastritis - ways to solve the problem
Weight loss with gastritis is not such an insignificant problem as it may seem at first glance.
Monastery tea truth or scam
Herbs and teas for a healthy stomach and intestines: what to drink to treat gastrointestinal tract and erosion
Should you believe advertising? All entrepreneurs are concerned with one goal - to make money. Of course this helps
Is it possible to eat dried fruits for gastritis with high acidity?
Patients suffering from gastritis should be promptly diagnosed to identify the extent and complexity of the disease. When
What are the benefits of walking for hemorrhoids? How much do you need to walk a day to normalize your health?
It is difficult for a patient with hemorrhoids to remain in a lying or sitting position. To alleviate the condition, a person
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