Prevention of gastritis and stomach ulcers using folk remedies: the most effective

It's easier to prevent than to cure

Prevention of gastritis is important for every person, even if he is absolutely healthy. Preventing the disease is not difficult - it is enough to normalize the diet, daily routine, and provide the body with adequate physical activity.

The importance of preventive measures lies in the fact that they help to avoid dystrophic and atrophic changes in the gastric mucosa, because with gastritis, the digestion of food is disrupted, the glands that secrete gastric juice malfunction, and the walls of the organ become inflamed.

Classification of gastritis and causes of the disease

Knowing the cause of the disease is the basis for preventing the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa. In case of poisoning with microbial toxins, salts of heavy metals, acids, alkalis, the stomach is immediately affected and acute gastritis develops. Chronic gastritis is much more common. It lasts for years, moving from the acute stage to the remission stage.

The vast majority of diseases are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, isolated by Barry Marshall almost 40 years ago . The brave scientist first infected himself with Helicobacter, suffered a stomach inflammation, and then recovered by taking bismuth salts and antibiotics. Marshall was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005 for his revolutionary discovery in gastroenterology.

Almost 2/3 of the world's population are carriers of Helicobatera. Under certain conditions (decreased immunity, injury, chronic poisoning, poor diet, nervous stress), the bacterium begins to actively colonize the gastric mucosa.

The autoimmune type of chronic inflammation is inherited and involves damage to the stomach by its own immune defense factors.

Reflux gastritis develops due to the reflux of bile into the stomach due to gallbladder diseases.

Basics of preventative measures

A balanced diet is the basis for the prevention of gastritis.
To avoid the development of gastritis, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Product quality. Be sure to follow food preparation technology and hygiene rules during the cooking process. It is advisable to eat only freshly prepared dishes.
  2. Balanced diet. It is necessary to eat foods that contain sufficient amounts of nutrients. It is worth giving up junk food or at least minimizing its consumption. Fast food, fatty, fried, spicy, salty, smoked foods are prohibited.
  3. Meal regimen. In order for the process of digesting food to proceed quickly, it is recommended to eat in small portions, but often, preferably at the same time. The last meal should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  4. Don't overeat, especially in the evening.
  5. The temperature of the food should be optimal. Too hot or cold food causes irritation of the mucous membrane, which can lead to the development of gastritis.

Acute gastritis

Normalizing diet and nutrition will help prevent exacerbation of existing chronic gastritis.
To prevent the occurrence of this pathology or exacerbation of chronic gastritis, patients must follow a number of rules.

  • First of all, it is necessary to normalize nutrition. Eat more often, but in small portions, eat only high-quality foods. You should avoid foods that take too long to digest.
  • Alcoholic drinks and smoking can provoke acute gastritis, so such bad habits should be abandoned.
  • Be sure to follow the thermal regime. Fish and meat must undergo sufficient heat treatment.
  • Compliance with hygiene standards plays an important role in the prevention of acute gastritis. This will prevent the bacteria Helicobacter pylori from entering the body, which provokes the pathological process. Vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed before consumption. For the same purpose, it is necessary to promptly treat chronic foci of infection, including the oral cavity.

Chronic gastritis

Often, the chronic form of the disease develops as a result of improper treatment of acute gastritis. However, there are other factors that contribute to its occurrence:

  • occupational hazards (dusty premises, high concentration of chemicals in the air);
  • taking certain medications (for example, aspirin, ibuprofen and diclofenac);
  • frequent stress.

To avoid such a problem, you need to eliminate the above-mentioned negative influences, as well as follow the recommendations regarding the rules of a balanced diet.

If there is a need to use drugs that contribute to irritation of the mucous membrane, it is worth washing them down with alkaline liquids (mineral water, milk).

Prevention of chronic gastritis is extremely important, since this disease can develop into an atrophic form, which is a precancerous condition.

With this form of the disease, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations with a doctor 1-2 times a year.

Prevention of chronic gastritis

Acute and chronic forms of gastritis require different approaches to prevention. When diagnosing the disease at any stage, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • Maintaining physical activity . Too much and too little activity is thought to be equally detrimental to the health of the digestive tract. A passive lifestyle provokes the development of the disease, so physical exercise should be part of the daily routine and correspond to the state of health and capabilities of the body;
  • Avoidance of strong emotional experiences . In the development of almost all stomach diseases, the psychological component plays an important role. Patients with the chronic form are advised to reduce the amount of stress and emotional stress, at least at work. Plus, it is useful to undergo psychotherapy with a psychologist;
  • Be careful when choosing medications . It is necessary to limit the intake of drugs that have a detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa. These are almost all derivatives of aspirin, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, some broad-spectrum antibiotics. If you have to take pills, then you need to additionally include gastroprotectors in the therapy - omeprazole, Almagel, Venter and others;
  • Timely treatment of exacerbations . As a rule, gastritis has a wave-like course - relapses are replaced by remissions, which can be partly controlled. At the time of deterioration of the condition, it is extremely important to undergo competent treatment under the supervision of a gastroenterologist, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease in the future;
  • Observation by a doctor . In the chronic form, it is recommended to regularly undergo routine diagnostics - ultrasound of the stomach, X-ray examination and FGDS. This will help you notice the deterioration of your condition in time and take the necessary measures. In addition, you can consult with your doctor on nutrition and lifestyle issues.


Medicines can also be used to prevent the onset of the disease, but they must be prescribed by a doctor. Most often used for this purpose:

  • Mezim forte – promotes accelerated digestion of food.
  • Festal - normalizes the acidity of gastric juice.
  • Phosphalugel - used to reduce acidity in the stomach.
  • Motilak - accelerates peristalsis of the digestive canal.
  • Pancreatin – normalizes enzyme levels.
  • Rennie - prescribed for heartburn attacks.
  • Omeprazole - reduces the production of gastric juice.
  • Nolpaza is an antiulcer drug.

Photo gallery of medicines








Mezim forte

Drug treatment in the acute stage

According to diagnostic tests, chronic gastritis in the acute stage can be treated with medication using a combination of drugs:

  • pain and spasms are relieved with “ No-shpoy ”, “ Papaverine ”;
  • the destruction of Helicobacter pylori bacteria and treatment of consequences is carried out with “ Clarithromycin ”, “ Metronidazole ”, “ Ornidazole ”, “ Amoxicillin ”, “ De-nol ”;
  • restore damaged gastric walls with “ Dalargin ”, “ Methacyl ”, “ Biogastronom ”;
  • the motor function of the stomach is stimulated with Motilium and Domperidone ;
  • enzymes help digest food with “ Creon ”, “ Mezim ”, “ Festal ”;
  • reduce the level of acid dependence with proton pump inhibitors “ Omez ”, “ Lansoprazole ”, “ Kontrolog ”.

After measuring the pH level in the stomach, medications are prescribed to reduce or increase the production of hydrochloric acid. Eliminate its excess with Famotidine and Kvamatel . Normalize " Omez ", " Lansoprazole ", " Kontrolog ".

Folk remedies

There are many traditional medicine recipes for the prevention of gastritis:

  1. Half an hour before meals, 2-3 times a day, you can drink 5-10 ml of aloe juice. The course of treatment is 30–60 days.
  2. Squeeze the juice of two lemons, add 600 ml of olive oil and 250 grams of honey. Mix and consume one tablespoon three times a day.
  3. Grind 200 grams of fresh plantain leaves, pour 500 ml of 70% alcohol into them, leave for a week. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day, before meals.
  4. In the evening, pour 2 tsp of boiling water into a glass. flax seeds and leave until morning. Before breakfast, drink a third of the infusion. Take the rest throughout the day. The seeds can also be used to prepare jelly in combination with berries, fruits, and oatmeal.
  5. Potato juice has a good effect on the stomach. It should be consumed freshly squeezed half an hour before meals.
  6. Mix propolis with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take the prepared mixture one teaspoon before meals and wash down with 200 ml of clean water.

Traditional medicine in the photo


Potato juice

Flax seeds


Aloe juice

How to distinguish gastritis from a stomach ulcer

Not everyone knows how to distinguish between simple gastritis and gastritis. It is impossible to do this based on the clinical picture.

An endoscopic examination (FEGDS) or radiography is required.

The signs of gastritis and stomach ulcers are similar.

The differences are:

  • time of onset of pain;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • admixture of blood in vomit.

Gastritis and peptic ulcer have the same etiology. This makes it difficult to make a diagnosis. A distinctive feature of peptic ulcer is a decrease in pain after eating.

The reason is the enveloping of the defect with chyme, which reduces contact with the acidic contents.

Prevention of disease in children

Children are susceptible to developing pathology in the same way as adults. Therefore, parents should make every effort to prevent the development of an inflammatory process in the baby’s stomach. This can be done with simple recommendations.

Acute form

  • Prepare fresh food for your kids.
  • Avoid eating fast food.
  • Feed your baby at the same time every day.
  • Treat concomitant diseases of the digestive system in a timely manner.
  • Introduce complementary foods no earlier than the legal age.
  • Carefully monitor your child’s compliance with hygiene standards.

Chronic form

With this form, you should follow the nutritional rules, as well as:

  • Walk a lot in the fresh air.
  • Do not feed your baby in front of the TV.
  • Prevent possible stressful situations.
  • Treat chronic foci of infection in a timely manner.
  • Eliminate parasitic diseases, in particular helminthiasis, in a timely manner.

Medicines to prevent gastritis

You should not use only traditional methods of therapy, since only the attending physician can build an adequate scheme of preventive measures for a certain form of the disease. Thus, erosive gastritis with low acidity requires a slightly different approach than with increased levels. At the same time, the doctor will study the list of related problems.

For this form of gastritis, it is important to properly regulate acidity and restore damaged mucosa. At home, the doctor will recommend taking sea buckthorn oil, which heals erosions and is a preventive measure.

Sea buckthorn oil promotes healing of the gastric mucosa

Prevention of gastric and duodenal ulcers

The effectiveness of preventive procedures depends on strict adherence to instructions. Prevention of stomach ulcers involves the following actions:

  • review of the diet and comprehensive correction of the diet;
  • adhere to hygiene rules;
  • treat teeth to ensure thorough grinding of food;
  • normalization of acidity, as well as the balance between gastric juice and the protective environment;
  • reduction of mental stress, relief from stress, depression;
  • lifestyle adjustments and giving up bad habits, including restrictions on the consumption of coffee and other harmful drinks;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

This is the primary prevention of stomach and duodenal ulcers, which will help protect against the problem. Even in the event of infection, these measures will not be superfluous.

Prevention of complications of gastric ulcer

Gastric and duodenal ulcers often develop at a young age, and men are more susceptible to them. This disease affects 10% of the population, and another part is at risk.

The course of the disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and discomfort. If the process has become chronic, then prevention of complications of gastric and duodenal ulcers is extremely important and can significantly reduce the manifestation of the disease. This eliminates many restrictions and gives the sick person the opportunity to live a full life.

A special role is given to high-quality diagnostics and constant monitoring of changes. This is necessary so that the prevention and treatment of stomach ulcers is carried out as effectively as possible and does not cause harm to the body.

As with primary prevention, the list includes:

  • preparing a diet taking into account the clinical picture;
  • normalization of the daily routine;
  • reduction of mental stress;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • tracking stomach acidity;
  • fight against the pathogen.
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