Hypoplasia, aplasia or small uterus

Surely every representative of the fair half of humanity will agree that gynecological problems always cause serious danger, since many of them directly affect the process of childbirth. Therefore, all women should pay close attention to their health and regularly visit a gynecologist. It is noteworthy that some diseases are congenital, and modern ecology often leaves much to be desired. The most common reason why a woman cannot get pregnant is the so-called small uterus.


Experts, as a rule, cite mechanical injuries to the abdomen received in childhood as the most common reason for this diagnosis. In addition, from the age of 11, when the body begins to develop at the hormonal level, this organ may also develop incorrectly. Various types of diseases that arise at this age, including infectious ones, are also dangerous. For example, the most common tonsillitis often leads to the diagnosis of “small uterus.” Moreover, improper development of the reproductive system can be observed with a lack of vitamins or microelements, which is why proper nutrition in adolescence plays an important role. A small uterus is often formed when the ovaries are underdeveloped. They, in turn, are not able to produce the required amount of hormones, and as a result, the process of direct maturation of the egg is disrupted.

Little uterus. First signs

By what symptoms can a young girl suspect this diagnosis? Firstly, during the first mandatory examination by a gynecologist. The doctor will visually determine that the girl’s vagina is of irregular shape. In addition, tortuous fallopian tubes with the presence of lumens in them will also indicate the presence of the above-mentioned diagnosis. Often, scanty periods, irregular cycles, and severe pain during menstruation signal possible problems.

Little uterus. Treatment with hormone therapy

Experts say that the development of the uterus is directly influenced by the hormones themselves. So, if a woman lives a constant sex life, then there is a high probability that changes will happen on their own. Taking into account the fact that a child’s uterus, the treatment of which is often not started in a timely manner, appears due to a lack of hormones, therapy should be related specifically to them. Of course, in this case the treatment will be quite long, but, on the other hand, you will be pleasantly rewarded.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Doctors often prescribe special procedures for this diagnosis, the purpose of which is to improve blood circulation in this area. It is noteworthy that the uterus very quickly returns to its normal state with regular exposure to current or massage on the lower abdomen. It is important to note that in this case, you will most likely need a course of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body.

A small uterus can occur as a symptom in various forms of sexual infantilism and in hypogonadism.

What should those with a small uterus do? Is it possible to get pregnant in such a situation?

Causes of a small uterus

  • Hypogonadism is insufficient development of the genital organs due to low concentrations of sex hormones in the blood, starting from a very early age.
  • Genetic abnormalities and intrauterine developmental disorders of the uterus.
  • Chronic intoxication that occurs in childhood and prevents the genitals from developing normally. The cause may include alcohol, drugs, and some potent medications.
  • Lack of nutrition and vitamins.
  • Rheumatic diseases and chronic diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems.


The growth of the uterus can be impaired for several reasons. This is possible during the formation of organs (organogenesis) of the fetus or during puberty.

If hypoplasia or aplasia is detected, the reasons may be the following:

  • body constitution. In such cases, there are no disorders in other organs, the woman can conceive and bear a child;
  • pathology of fetal development. It is observed if during pregnancy the mother of the child suffered from infectious diseases, did not eat properly, or was affected by other toxic, psychological factors. Perhaps this affected the child and caused developmental pathology;
  • disorders during puberty . This is an important period in a girl’s development, so any stress, lack of nutrition and vitamins, as well as hormonal pathologies can lead to the development of hypoplasia.

Important! The number of women with hypoplasia, infantilism or aplasia is growing every year. This is due to changes occurring in the environment (increased background radiation, pollution), changes in adolescents’ lifestyle and diet. Along with such pathologies, dystrophy, anorexia or obesity are increasingly common in adolescents. This is very dangerous for girls, especially during puberty.


Symptoms of a small uterus

As a rule, a small uterus itself does not cause any problems for a woman.

She does not feel any discomfort and leads a normal sex life. But at the same time, difficulties often arise with conceiving a child or carrying a pregnancy. It is these problems that force the patient to see a doctor. The disease is detected when determining the causes of infertility or miscarriages.

In some cases, this defect in the woman’s reproductive system is accompanied by certain symptoms that the patient can pay attention to. May have dysmenorrhea

– painful menstruation and disturbances in general condition during them.

If a small uterus is a symptom of hypogonadism, then the woman will have other manifestations of this condition. This term characterizes a low level of sex hormones in the blood. This is usually a consequence of ovarian failure (primary hypogonadism) or pituitary gland (secondary hypogonadism).

Associated symptoms:

  • narrow pelvis;
  • underdevelopment of all genital organs;
  • a small amount of hair on the pubis and armpits;
  • male-type fat deposition - on the abdomen;
  • small size of mammary glands;
  • irregular cycles or amenorrhea.

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What is a baby's uterus?

The diagnosis of a child's uterus indicates that the woman's reproductive organ is small. It does not correspond in basic parameters to the patient’s age and hormonal level. With such a uterus, a woman cannot become pregnant and carry a child.

Various problems arise with a small uterus, such as:

  1. Decreased sexual desire.
  2. Changes in the duration of menstrual bleeding.

Infantility and hypoplasia are a set of conditions that are characterized by one common feature - underdevelopment of the uterus. In this case, the organ may have:

  • changed structure;
  • insufficient width;
  • small length.

Often the uterus is an organ 1-2 cm in size, its structure is changed, the main part is the cervix. In this case, we are talking about the presence of a pathology, which in gynecology is referred to as the uterus of a newborn.

General concepts of what a baby’s uterus is:

  1. An organ with a changed structure.
  2. Has not reached the proper size (determined according to the patient’s age).

When a girl is born, the size of her reproductive organ does not exceed 4 cm, but in the process of growth and maturation, the organ shrinks and decreases in size to 2.5 cm. Afterwards, the uterus begins to grow only when the girl reaches puberty. At this time, the uterus increases under the influence of hormones, its size reaches 6–7 cm, which is considered quite normal.

If for one reason or another during puberty the level of hormones does not change and remains stably low, then the reproductive organ does not develop enough. In other words, the uterus is growing, but this process is slow and very unstable.

As a result of a lack of hormones in the blood, the body is not formed according to the standard pattern, and problems with the ovaries and uterus may arise.

The extent to which uterine infantilism is expressed is determined by the results of the examination:

1st degree – rudimentary uterus, abnormal development of the uterus.

  • The most severe but rare form.
  • The uterus is extremely undeveloped, its size is no more than 3 cm (including the cervix).
  • No menstruation.
  • Treatment is practically ineffective.

2nd degree – underdeveloped uterus.

  • The size of the uterus is more than 3 cm.
  • The cervix is ​​three times longer than the body of the uterus, which corresponds to the period before puberty.
  • Treatment is possible, but must be long-term and regular.

3rd degree – uterine hypoplasia


  • The size of the uterus is up to 6-7 cm.
  • The ratio of the cervix to the body of the uterus is normal.
  • It often heals on its own with regular menstruation and proper ovarian function.

Treatment for uterine hypoplasia:

If at the stage of pregnancy planning there is a suspicion of a baby’s uterus, there is no need to despair! Perhaps the small size of the uterus is a normal variant due to your constitution, or the ultrasound diagnosis was not entirely accurate. In any case, further examination is necessary: ​​monitoring the size of the uterus on different days of the cycle, monitoring the growth of the endometrium, tracking ovulation. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then there is still a chance of pregnancy. The doctor will give the woman hormonal treatment. Progesterone and estrogens will increase the size of the uterus to such a level that it is possible to bear a child, and will also restore ovulation and physiological changes in the endometrium throughout the cycle. Positive results for uterine hypoplasia are also obtained by physical therapy - paraffin therapy, ozokerite therapy, the use of therapeutic mud, magnetic and laser therapy. These types of treatments are aimed at stimulating uterine blood flow. If diagnosed uterine hypoplasia is not treated, the consequences can be disastrous. In such a situation, there is an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage; and if pregnancy is prolonged until childbirth, then there is a high chance of weak labor and heavy bleeding in the postpartum period.

Is it possible to get pregnant if your uterus is small?

The female reproductive system is particularly vulnerable. And if any disease appears in her, then this poses a serious danger both to the health of the woman herself and to her unborn baby. Therefore, the fair sex needs to take good care of their body, take care of it and periodically check it with a doctor. However, no matter how careful you are about your health, some aspects of it still do not depend on you. Therefore, for many women, such a diagnosis as hypoplasia becomes surprising.

In simple terms - “little uterus”. Unless, of course, the girl herself stands out for her height, then, in general, there is nothing to worry about. But if, on the contrary, you are of average height, and doctors, when they say the word “small,” make a concerned face, then there is something to think about.

Treatment of a small uterus

Underdevelopment of the genital organs in itself does not cause discomfort to a woman

. This does not affect the quality of her life and sexual relationships. A woman may not be aware of her problem at all if there are no accompanying symptoms and she does not plan to have children in the near future. But when you try to get pregnant, the problem is revealed. Pregnancy either does not occur at all, or the woman cannot bear the baby.

The patient goes to see a doctor. After this, instrumental research methods identify the problem and the need for treatment arises. The main goal of therapy is the restoration of reproductive function with the goal of pregnancy and its completion with childbirth.

Features of treatment:

  • With 2 – 3 degrees of the disease – with a positive effect.
  • Complex – hormonal, physiotherapeutic treatment and taking multivitamin preparations along with a good diet.
  • Gynecological massage.

The prognosis for reproductive function depends on a number of factors: the woman’s age, changes in other organs of the reproductive system, and the level of sex hormones in the blood. In some cases, she can become pregnant naturally after conservative therapy, and carry the child to term with the support of doctors. If this is not possible, the woman is recommended IVF, and sometimes surrogacy.

If you have a small uterus and are thinking about pregnancy, contact the AltraVita clinic to find out about the possibility of conceiving a child. During the diagnosis, we will find out whether pregnancy and its completion with childbirth are possible.

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One of the reasons why women are given a low ability to get pregnant is a small uterus, or scientifically called hypoplasia. This is a condition of the uterus in which its size is smaller than required by standards. What to do if your uterus is small? We will consider the causes and methods of treatment below.

How to get pregnant if your uterus is small: pregnancy planning

Typically, women who have such an anatomical feature are worried about whether it is possible to get pregnant in this case, what to do, and what kind of treatment can be carried out.

If a woman is diagnosed with a small uterus and other problems of the reproductive system, then she will most likely have to prepare in a special way for the upcoming pregnancy. However, such preparation often does not provide for anything special.

In rare cases, to increase blood circulation and promote the growth of the uterine epithelium, a woman planning to conceive may be prescribed a special gynecological massage or physiotherapeutic procedures. Much more often, pregnancy planning with a small uterus takes place against the background of hormonal therapy. It usually happens that after a course of oral contraceptives, a woman becomes pregnant in the first or one of the next menstrual cycles after stopping OK. Together with other effects, hormonal drugs also contribute to an increase in the size of the organ. However, hormonal therapy for uterine hypoplasia can be prescribed only after a comprehensive examination of the woman’s health, because for some diseases that cause infertility, taking hormonal drugs is strictly contraindicated!

There are also frequent cases when pregnancy with a small uterus occurs only after vitamin therapy: as soon as the expectant mother takes vitamin and mineral supplements, balances her diet and optimizes her daily routine (lead an active lifestyle, but at the same time ensure adequate sleep and rest), the desired pregnancy occurs without any difficulties.

Causes of hypoplasia

The main possible reasons why the uterus has not developed to a normal state are injuries received in childhood or illnesses suffered during adolescence. In the period from 11 to 15 years, a girl becomes a woman, the active development of the female genital organs occurs, as well as the final formation of the uterus.

At this time, diseases that can affect the development of the body are dangerous. For example, even ordinary tonsillitis can have a negative impact on the reproductive system. Also, underdevelopment of the uterus can occur due to a lack of vitamins or malnutrition, so proper nutrition is simply necessary during puberty.

The uterus may not develop properly due to the fact that the ovaries are not developed enough. They cannot produce enough hormones, as a result of which the process of egg maturation is disrupted. A hereditary predisposition to a late onset of menstruation can also contribute to insufficient development of the uterus.

Any gynecological disease is dangerous for a woman, because most of them affect the possibility of becoming a mother. Therefore, women need to be more attentive to their health, not to neglect existing diseases and protect themselves from the emergence of new ones. But some diseases are congenital, and poor ecology leaves virtually no chance of being completely healthy. The ability to get pregnant is very important for any woman, and if the gynecologist makes a sad diagnosis, you should not be upset, but start treatment.

What to do if your uterus is small

One of the reasons why women are given a low ability to get pregnant is a small uterus, or scientifically called hypoplasia. This is a condition of the uterus in which its size is smaller than required by standards. What to do if your uterus is small? We will consider the causes and methods of treatment below.

Causes of hypoplasia

The main possible reasons why the uterus has not developed to a normal state are injuries received in childhood or illnesses suffered during adolescence. In the period from 11 to 15 years, a girl becomes a woman, the active development of the female genital organs occurs, as well as the final formation of the uterus. At this time, diseases that can affect the development of the body are dangerous. For example, even ordinary tonsillitis can have a negative impact on the reproductive system. Also, underdevelopment of the uterus can occur due to a lack of vitamins or malnutrition, so proper nutrition is simply necessary during puberty. The uterus may not develop properly due to the fact that the ovaries are not developed enough. They cannot produce enough hormones, as a result of which the process of egg maturation is disrupted. A hereditary predisposition to a late onset of menstruation can also contribute to insufficient development of the uterus.

Signs of hypoplasia

By what signs can a girl determine that she has a small uterus? At the first appointment with a gynecologist, this disorder will be identified, since the doctor will see that the patient’s vagina is of irregular shape, the fallopian tubes are tortuous with the presence of a lumen in them, and there are also other signs of developmental disorders. Scanty discharge during menstruation and an irregular menstrual cycle do not exclude the possibility that a girl has a small uterus. The doctor can also determine its condition based on the size of the uterus. In a woman of reproductive age, the size of the uterus should be: length from 5.5 to 8.3 cm, width from 4.6 to 6.2 cm, and the cervix should be from 2.5 to 3.5 cm.

Hypoplasia and pregnancy

Girls who have not given birth have smaller uteri than those who have already given birth to a baby. Also, the size of the uterus depends on the height and weight of the girl herself. The main problem that can arise with hypoplasia is torsion of the fallopian tubes. This can lead to an ectopic pregnancy. Although many women with a small uterus became pregnant and gave birth without any abnormalities. Before conceiving, a girl diagnosed with hypoplasia must consult a gynecologist about problems that may arise during pregnancy.

Hormonal treatment

Since the development of the uterus is influenced by hormones, a woman's uterus may become larger if the woman has regular sex life. Since the main cause of hypoplasia is a lack of hormones, treatment will be related to this. It may take quite a long time to restore hormonal levels, but the treatment is effective and after all the efforts you will be rewarded with a long-awaited pregnancy.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

For hypoplasia, procedures are often prescribed to improve blood circulation in the uterine area. The uterus quickly returns to its normal appearance if the lower abdomen is subjected to electric shock or massage. For hypoplasia, a special gynecological massage is prescribed, which consists of actively stimulating the reproductive organs by massaging the uterus outside and inside. During treatment, additional vitamins are prescribed that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Traditional methods of treatment

Before you start treating hypoplasia yourself using traditional methods, consult your doctor. Clay is used as the main massage component for the treatment of hypoplasia. It must be of natural origin, you can buy it at any pharmacy. The clay must first be sifted and diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. It is applied in a thick layer to the lower abdomen, after which either a piece of cling film or a regular plastic bag should be placed on top. The compress should be kept on the body for about two hours. The following procedure is repeated the next day with new clay. Typically, folk treatment of this type is used in combination with taking medications prescribed by the doctor. If you have been diagnosed with hypoplasia and you are wondering what to do if your uterus is small, do not worry, modern treatment methods will help you solve this problem and experience the joy of motherhood!

Signs of hypoplasia

By what signs can a girl determine that she has a small uterus? At the first appointment with a gynecologist, this disorder will be identified, since the doctor will see that the patient’s vagina is of irregular shape, the fallopian tubes are tortuous with the presence of a lumen in them, and there are also other signs of developmental disorders.

Scanty discharge during menstruation and an irregular menstrual cycle do not exclude the possibility that a girl has a small uterus. The doctor can also determine its condition based on the size of the uterus. In a woman of reproductive age, the size of the uterus should be: length from 5.5 to 8.3 cm, width from 4.6 to 6.2 cm, and the cervix should be from 2.5 to 3.5 cm.


The size of the uterus is of great importance when making a diagnosis. The thing is that the norm when making a diagnosis is determined in accordance with standard indicators.

How does the diagnosis process work?

  1. The doctor feels the area of ​​the abdominal wall, palpating the uterus, as a result of which its size and main indicators are determined.
  2. The doctor conducts an ultrasound, the study helps determine not only the size of the reproductive organ, identify its structure and condition, but also understand the parameters and possibility of reproduction.

Why is palpation inferior to ultrasound in accuracy? The fact is that examination through the abdominal wall does not provide complete information sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis. For this reason, if a patient is given a similar diagnosis, it is necessary to double-check it using ultrasound.

If the uterus is small based on palpation results, then it is worth doing an ultrasound examination using the transvaginal method. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the patient is placed on the couch;
  • A supersensitive sensor is inserted into the vagina.

The procedure is simple and safe; its implementation provides the maximum amount of information that allows the woman to make an accurate diagnosis, determine the size of the uterus and its structure.

An undeveloped uterus has significant deviations from the norm, many girls think so, but in reality this pathology is classified. That is, it has several types and everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Hypoplasia and pregnancy

Girls who have not given birth have smaller uteri than those who have already given birth to a baby. Also, the size of the uterus depends on the height and weight of the girl herself. The main problem that can arise with hypoplasia is torsion of the fallopian tubes.

This can lead to an ectopic pregnancy. Although many women with a small uterus became pregnant and gave birth without any abnormalities. Before conceiving, a girl diagnosed with hypoplasia must consult a gynecologist about problems that may arise during pregnancy.

Is pregnancy possible?

How the diagnosis of a small uterus and pregnancy is consistent cannot be said unambiguously. Moreover, many women with this pathology become pregnant and give birth to children. There are also those in whom pregnancy occurs, but is interrupted. This can be explained by the fact that the uterus does not have time to grow and therefore rejects the fetus, or there are other hormonal disorders. In such situations, a woman does not have to terminate her pregnancy. Because hormonal changes during pregnancy promote the growth of the uterus, and this is better than hormonal therapy.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

For hypoplasia, procedures are often prescribed to improve blood circulation in the uterine area. The uterus quickly returns to its normal appearance if the lower abdomen is subjected to electric shock or massage.

For hypoplasia, a special gynecological massage is prescribed, which consists of actively stimulating the reproductive organs by massaging the uterus outside and inside. During treatment, additional vitamins are prescribed that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Traditional methods of treatment

Before you start treating hypoplasia yourself using traditional methods, consult your doctor. Clay is used as the main component for the treatment of hypoplasia. It must be of natural origin, you can buy it at any pharmacy.

The clay must first be sifted and diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. It is applied in a thick layer to the lower abdomen, after which either a piece of cling film or a regular plastic bag should be placed on top.

The compress should be kept on the body for about two hours. The following procedure is repeated the next day with new clay. Typically, folk treatment of this type is used in combination with taking medications prescribed by the doctor. If you have been diagnosed with hypoplasia and you are wondering what to do if your uterus is small, do not worry, modern treatment methods will help you solve this problem and experience the joy of motherhood!

A small uterus or hypoplasia is a condition in which the small size of the organ leads to dysfunction. A small uterus can cause infertility or miscarriage. However, this diagnosis requires accurate confirmation.

The internal genital organs of the female body are formed at the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd trimester. It is believed that at this time the body goes through a critical period of development. Another critical period of development of the body occurs at the age of 11-16 years. Violations that occur during critical periods will affect the entire future life of a person.

If during the first critical period there are disturbances in the growth of the internal genital organs, this can later lead to uterine aplasia. Aplasia or embryonic uterus is a condition in which in a woman of reproductive age the size of the uterus is comparable to the size of the uterus of a newborn child. In severe cases, the uterus may be absent.

Disturbances in the growth and development of the internal genital organs during puberty can lead to uterine hypoplasia. In this case, a small uterus is observed, and underdevelopment of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and external genitalia is possible.

There is a dependence of function on structure, which means that a small uterus can cause infertility or termination of pregnancy in the early stages. If a woman has a small uterus, its size may not correspond to the norm necessary for a physiological pregnancy.

Small uterus - reasons

Infections, hormonal disorders, lack of nutrients and minerals, stress, excessive physical activity, lack of rest and sleep, serious illnesses during a critical period lead to disruption of the growth and development of the entire body.

Small uterus - symptoms

Symptoms of uterine hypoplasia:

  • absence of menstruation – amenorrhea;
  • painful menstruation – algodismenorrhea;
  • disturbances in the cyclicity of menstruation - dysmenorrhea;
  • decreased libido;
  • infertility;
  • recurrent miscarriage.

Hypoplasia of the uterus is often accompanied by a delay in general physical development.

Often this diagnosis is made on the basis of ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The normal dimensions of the uterus are considered to be: length 7-8 cm, width 4-5 cm, myometrial thickness 2-3 cm.

However, for an accurate diagnosis, gynecological examination data and the presence of characteristic symptoms are important. It is necessary to exclude other causes of infertility.


Small uterus (photo from the ultrasound machine monitor):

Ultrasound diagnosis is based on visual measurement of the size of the uterus on a device monitor. However, the method does not take into account the features of normal development. In women with an asthenic physique, the size of the uterus may be smaller than the statistical norm, but they do not have any problems with the female genital area.

What to do if a small uterus is diagnosed according to a radiologist? You should definitely visit a competent gynecologist. The doctor will examine you and prescribe tests.

During a gynecological examination, the detected low height of the uterine fundus may indicate a correct diagnosis. Tests for sex hormones can reveal the hormonal imbalance characteristic of hypoplasia.

Why should a small uterus be diagnosed to the exclusion of other pathologies? With subsequent hormonal treatment, if the cause of infertility is not hypoplasia, the condition may worsen. If the cause is a tumor, hormonal treatment will lead to rapid progression of the oncological process.

Uterine aplasia is diagnosed during ultrasound. The extremely small size of the organ, within 3 cm, makes the diagnosis quite accurate.

Small uterus - treatment

Treatment of hypoplasia is carried out with hormonal drugs. Gonadotropic hormones stimulate the growth and development of the internal genital organs and promote conception. Physiotherapy is widely used, based on the use of thermal procedures that stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

General strengthening treatment, vitamin therapy, physical activity and proper nutrition contribute to a speedy recovery. Some gynecologists recommend not having an abortion if pregnancy occurs. Pregnancy causes the uterus to enlarge, and the hormones produced in huge quantities by the body work better than drugs.

Uterine aplasia and extreme degrees of uterine hypoplasia are considered unpromising for any treatment.

Small uterus and pregnancy

The most frequently asked question among patients with this diagnosis is whether it is possible to get pregnant? A small uterus in itself is not an obstacle to pregnancy, unless there are hormonal imbalances.

However, small wall thickness, poor extensibility of the myometrium, and a small cervix can cause miscarriage due to uterine hypertonicity, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, and placental abruption.

In cases where hypoplasia is accompanied by hormonal disorders, pregnancy may be hampered by the lack of ovulation; low levels of hormones make implantation of a fertilized egg impossible.

And yet, you can get pregnant if your uterus is small. You can carry and give birth to a healthy baby. The most important thing is proper and comprehensive treatment, an optimistic attitude and good spirits.

Pregnancy with uterine aplasia is usually impossible. IVF and surrogacy can help a woman become a mother.

Every pathological change affecting the female reproductive organs affects the ability to become pregnant and successfully bear a healthy baby. One of these changes is a small uterus. In medical practice, this diagnosis is called uterine hypoplasia. It means that a given reproductive organ does not conform to generally accepted standards. Moreover, it has several varieties, occurs for certain reasons and has several symptoms. In any case, the pathology must be treated.


Treatment of hypoplasia

When observing the symptoms described above, the primary solution is to immediately contact a specialist for an examination, tests and a visit to the ultrasound room. Diagnosis of hypoplasia occurs through ultrasound examination and personal examination by a gynecologist. Be careful: the diagnosis of the radiologist who performed the ultrasound can only be accurate in the case of aplasia. Otherwise, only a gynecologist can make a final diagnosis. The fact is that the normal sizes of the uterus are only “dry” numbers that do not take into account the structure and parameters of the woman. Considering that the internal organs are proportional to the size of the body, only a gynecologist will be able to say whether the size of your organs is truly normal.

Depending on the degree of the disease, which is determined by the gynecologist, treatment measures are prescribed:

If aplasia is diagnosed, no treatment is prescribed. The fact is that this disease is a developmental anomaly, so, unfortunately, it is not possible to start a process that stopped even before birth. For women who want to become a mother, the only option is IVF or surrogacy. . If grade III hypoplasia is established, treatment is also almost never prescribed. The reason for this is the possibility of independent enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy or active regular sexual activity. If necessary, it is possible to prescribe external and internal massage, the purpose of which is to increase blood supply to the pelvic organs, which allows you to enlarge the uterus up to 2 centimeters. The procedure is performed by a gynecologist; it is not recommended to repeat the procedure yourself. . If grade II hypoplasia is determined, full-fledged treatment occurs, which often allows, after overcoming difficulties, to become a happy mother. The course of treatment is quite long, so when such a deviation is diagnosed, immediately begin its treatment.

The course of treatment itself consists of:

Hormonal therapy.

The development of the disease is caused by insufficient production of female hormones, the activation of which will begin the process of completing the development of the necessary organs.
Vitamin complexes
It is their lack that is the general “loss of strength” of the whole organism. Therefore, a correctly selected complex of vitamins allows you to restore the body and activate its internal processes thanks to new resources. ◦ Changing a woman’s diet
Changing the diet, which helps normalize metabolic processes, average body weight and saturate the body with useful substances, helps activate all internal processes of the body. ◦ Physiotherapy
Methods are used that exert a deep effect on organs through electric current and heat, ensuring improved blood supply to the pelvic organs, which is a fundamental requirement for increasing their size. ◦ Exceptions to termination of pregnancy if it occurs
This option is acceptable if the pregnant woman is in normal condition and there are no additional pathologies. In this case, the development of the fetus will naturally increase the size of the uterus without the use of additional procedures, and hormonal therapy becomes simply unnecessary, because During pregnancy, progesterone levels increase exponentially, which solves any hormone deficiency. ◦ Traditional medicine.
It is possible to use heat compresses, the purpose of which is to deeply warm up and start the internal processes of the body. To prepare a compress, you need to purchase natural clay at any pharmacy, sift it and dilute it with warm water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Apply the mixture to your lower abdomen and cover it with cellophane. The compress must be kept for at least 2 hours. The procedure requires daily repetition. But keep in mind that the use of this method requires consultation with your doctor.

Uterine hypoplasia is said to occur when a significant decrease in the parameters of this organ is diagnosed due to its underdevelopment. Synonyms for uterine hypoplasia are the following terms: children's or teenage uterus. It happens that uterine hypoplasia indicates a pathology such as sexual infantilism. The causes of this disorder are often pathology of the endocrine system: hormonal imbalance at an early age or treatment with hormonal drugs. In girls whose uterus is reduced in size, the monthly cycle begins to establish later, and menarche is delayed and occurs closer to 14-16 years of age. Eating disorders (anorexia, lack or excess body weight) often lead to hormonal disorders in girls, as a result of which the development of the genital organs slows down, and, as a result, uterine hypoplasia occurs. In addition, alcohol and nicotine intoxication, hypovitaminosis, nervous exhaustion, frequent infectious diseases, exhausting sports activities and constant mental fatigue play a role. The size of the uterus is not such a constant value. At the beginning of the cycle, as well as against the background of hormonal contraception, the endometrium significantly decreases in thickness, and, consequently, the size of the uterus is reduced. As the uterine endometrium thickens (and this happens immediately after ovulation), the size of this organ also increases. The most accurate idea of ​​the size of the uterus can be obtained using ultrasound, but this also has its own characteristics: transvaginal ultrasound shows larger sizes due to uterine tone, and with transabdominal ultrasound, on the contrary, the sizes are distorted downward, because a full urine bladder puts pressure on the uterus.

When diagnosing reduced uterine size, the doctor determines one of three forms of hypoplasia. The fetal (embryo) uterus is the most severe degree of hypoplasia; it is diagnosed when the length of the uterus is up to 3 cm. The uterine cavity is practically absent. The length of the uterus up to 5.5 cm indicates an infantile form, while the cervix and its cavity are related to each other in a ratio of 3:1. The length of the uterus up to 7 cm indicates hypoplasia of the teenage form.


The normal, physiological dimensions of the uterus are considered to be:

, in which:

  • The length is 70 millimeters.
  • The width is 40 millimeters.
  • The length is 20-30 millimeters.

Doctors allow slight errors in sizes, as they depend on many factors. For example, the number of pregnancies, the outcome of childbirth and the method of delivery. With a significantly reduced size, we can talk about the underdevelopment of the uterus, its infantilism. Increased size may indicate pregnancy, the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes.

Reduced size of the uterus may be due to congenital pathology. Its occurrence was influenced by the lifestyle and health status of the mother at that time. More likely it is:

  • Bad habits.
  • Use of medications.
  • Neuroses and psychological disorders.
  • Endocrine and hormonal disorders.
  • Lack of vitamins and macro-, microelements.
  • Genetic factor in the mother.

Similar reasons may explain acquired underdevelopment of the uterus. These may also include:

  • Heavy physical activity.
  • Prolonged neuroses and depression.
  • Anorexia and poor diet.
  • Infectious diseases and stable colds.

Moreover, uterine hypoplasia develops precisely in childhood and adolescence. It is not acquired after the body's systems have stopped growing. Therefore, gynecologists recommend monitoring the health of girls in order to take timely measures if complications arise.


The severity of the symptoms of a small uterus directly depends on the type of pathology. Sometimes it does not show any signs and is discovered by a specialist during an ultrasound diagnosis and gynecological examination.

There are three types of uterine underdevelopment:

Depending on the variety, it can be determined that the diagnosis of “small uterus” in some cases is combined with an unformed cervix. Moreover, the first type of diagnosis is caused by intrauterine pathological changes, and the other two are acquired after birth.

Certain symptoms can be noticed already in adolescence:

  • Prolonged absence of the first menstruation and/or its onset later than 16 years.
  • Painful menstruation, irregular.
  • Menstruation can be scanty, too profuse, short-lived.
  • Unexpressed or absent secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Underdeveloped mammary glands, narrow chest, narrowed pelvis, short stature.
  • Retarded physical development.
  • Decreased libido, lack of orgasm.
  • Frequent endometritis and other infectious diseases.

With this diagnosis, the following signs are also noted:

  • Unformed labia,
  • The head of the clitoris protrudes beyond the vulva,
  • Insufficient hair growth
  • Infertility,
  • Bend of the uterus and cervix sharply anteriorly,
  • Narrow and short vagina,
  • The vaginal vaults are weakly expressed,
  • The cervix is ​​conical, elongated in size,
  • The body of the uterus is reduced and flattened.

The diagnosis may also be indicated by ectopic pregnancies, their spontaneous termination, insufficient dilatation of the cervix during labor, and very severe toxicosis. Labor activity with a small uterus is weak.


Before prescribing a certain type of treatment, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations. They allow you to determine the cause of the diagnosis, make it correctly and select adequate treatment.

Diagnostic methods include
The main method of treatment, which allows you to enlarge the reproductive organ to normal size and restore the menstrual cycle, is hormonal therapy. Other treatment methods can improve metabolism and blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Additionally assigned:

  • Vitamin therapy,
  • Laser, magnetic therapy.
  • Treatment with mud and paraffin.
  • UHF therapy.
  • Gynecological massage.
  • Physiotherapy.

It is important to understand that with a diagnosis of stage 1 uterine hypoplasia, there is absolutely no chance of conceiving and carrying a child. The only option for women with this diagnosis is surrogacy. Especially if the ovaries produce eggs. With the other two types of pathology, the probability of conception and pregnancy is quite high.

However, the onset and carrying of pregnancy with a small uterus is always associated with great risk. It is caused by possible termination of pregnancy, complicated childbirth and its early onset. Therefore, experts strongly recommend planning a pregnancy with such a diagnosis, not remaining indifferent to their advice, attending routine examinations and promptly notifying about the presence of any alarming signs.

Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth?

A child's uterus and pregnancy, according to some gynecologists, are incompatible things, but today the situation has changed.

There are cases when it is difficult, almost impossible, to correct the situation. But there are cases when hormonal therapy and other therapeutic procedures will help a woman conceive a child, carry it to term and give birth.

So is it possible to get pregnant if you have such a pathology? If the reproductive organ does not exceed 2–3 cm in length, then the chances of conception are zero. Even with hormonal therapy, it will be possible to increase the organ’s volume by only a few cm, which is not enough for pregnancy to occur.

If the reproductive system is developed in accordance with the specified standards and only the uterus is smaller than the specified dimensions, while its length is not less than 5-6 cm, then with appropriate treatment the chances of conception remain.

Hormonal therapy will help enlarge the organ; if it is carried out in a timely manner, then pregnancy is quite possible.

If the reproductive organ is 6 cm or more in length, then even in the absence of adequate therapy, pregnancy is quite possible.

Hormones will only increase the chances of conception; some drugs of this class can be prescribed to women after pregnancy, for its successful completion.

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