sea ​​buckthorn bush
List of suppositories with sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids: names, instructions and reviews
Published 03/02/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 5 min · Views: Post Views: 2
Diagnosis of esophagitis
How to treat reflux esophagitis, medications and folk remedies
In all cases, treatment of esophagitis is complex. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the esophageal mucosa. Esophagitis manifests itself
What to do if hemorrhoids come out
Causes of hemorrhoids in women and men, treatment of the disease
Prolapse of hemorrhoids is a common symptom of complications in proctological diseases. What to do, if
Duodeno gastric reflux treatment, what drugs
Reflux gastritis develops due to the fact that the sphincter muscles begin to work in the wrong mode. IN
External and internal hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids in women: treatment with ointments
> Untreated external hemorrhoids can become complicated. For example, thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node occurs due to
Why cholecystitis is dangerous: what kind of disease it is and the best treatment methods
What is cholecystitis? Cholecystitis or inflammation of the gallbladder is a disease that occurs due to an excess of
The significance of diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma
Minor diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma
Diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma are a transformation of the organ tissue that arose during the process
stomach with gastritis
Symptoms of gastritis - diagnosis and treatment of the chronic stage of the disease. Tips for choosing a treatment method
Updated: March 4, 2020, at 16:02 According to statistics, approximately 60% of adults in
Causes of pain in the gallbladder
Where is the gallbladder located in a person, photo and how it hurts
How does the gallbladder hurt - symptoms in women Gallbladder diseases most often occur in
The most correct diet for gastritis, weekly menu with recipes
Diet for acute gastritis of the stomach: proper nutrition during the acute stage
The modern rhythm of life and proper nutrition are concepts that are most often incompatible, because workload
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