types of gallstones
How to determine the composition of gallstones
Home How to stay healthy longer? Author: Alexey Shevchenko May 07, 2020 12:00 Category: How to save
Is it possible to have cranberry juice, jelly and juice for gastritis?
Human nutrition directly affects health. Bad eating habits have negative consequences that develop gastritis.
Using Phosphalugel
Modern methods of treating chronic pancreatitis
Modern methods and methods of treating pancreatitis and pancreas Probably everyone quite understands that
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What juice is good for the stomach with gastritis?
Nowadays, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are becoming increasingly common. Minor health problems
Monastic tea for stomach and duodenal ulcers
If you are sick Often, when severe pain in the intestines occurs, people succumb to pessimistic moods
Headaches due to ulcers - which medications are safe?
Pain in the upper abdomen is the main symptom of a stomach ulcer. Most often it occurs
Possible consequences for various forms of gastritis
What diseases can chronic gastritis lead to?
Gastritis is a common disease that is often caused by poor diet, stress and heredity. Many
At this stage, hemorrhoids can be cured with conservative measures
Stage 2 hemorrhoids: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree are often diagnosed at the first visit to the proctologist, since this period
Treatment methods for nonspecific ulcerative colitis using traditional medicine
UC, or nonspecific ulcerative colitis, is an unpleasant disease. In a sick person in the large intestine
gastrointestinal tract
What can cause a sore throat and how is reflux esophagitis related to it?
Diseases and pathologies that cause pain The human esophagus has four layers (mucosal, submucosal, muscular, adventitial),
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