Symptoms, treatment and consequences of Afobazole overdose

The drug Afobazole is a selective anxiolytic used in psychiatry.

It has a mild effect, so its use in the treatment of severe mental disorders is inappropriate.

One of the few drugs in this group that can cause minimal side effects. But, despite this, Afobazol is not intended for pregnancy, for nursing women, as well as for children and adolescents.

Which should you give preference to Afobazole, Persen or Novopassit?

“Persen” and “Novopassit” are natural herbal sedatives with an almost identical spectrum of therapeutic effects.
They are intended to relieve anxiety, as well as feelings of anxiety and other extremely psychologically unpleasant symptoms with manifestations that are associated with increased anxiety. “Afobazol” is a drug intended for the relief of severe anxiety, as well as associated unpleasant psychological symptoms and somatic manifestations, for example, pressure surges and extrasystoles with attacks of rapid heartbeat, and so on.

Thus, “Persen” with “Novopassit” relieve only psychological discomfort, and “Afobazol” additionally eliminates somatic manifestations associated with increased anxiety

In addition, Afobazol moderately activates the activity of the nervous system, improves memory and attention, practically without causing drowsiness

“Persen” with “Novopassit” can be recommended for use only for the purpose of calming when a person is suffering due to fear, anxiety, tension and other psychological symptoms of nervousness that are not associated with somatic manifestations. “Afobazole” is recommended for use in the event of the appearance of not only psychological symptoms of increased anxiety, but also against the background of somatic manifestations of this condition, for example, sweating, palpitations, extrasystole, surges in blood pressure, and so on.

Such conclusions can be drawn based on reviews of Afobazole. The instructions for use indicate that the drug does not cause drowsiness in patients, moderately activating the nervous system, so the medicine can be safely taken by people who want to lead an active lifestyle, drive a vehicle and negotiate constructively, solving complex problems. Against the background of annoying problems, the medicine allows a person not to “explode” over various issues and reasons. “Persen” and “Novopassit” are not suitable for solving such problems, since they only calm you down, but do not encourage you to solve any problem.

Afobazole and alcohol

Unlike most tranquilizers, the drug does not enter into dangerous chemical reactions with ethyl alcohol. According to the instructions, its principle of action does not suffer under the influence of alcohol, and the combination does not threaten intoxication or poisoning. Despite this, simultaneous use of substances can lead to negative consequences, so such experiments are best carried out with the advice of a doctor.

"Afobazole" can be taken after a feast, this will help relieve symptoms of withdrawal syndrome in the form of guilt, anxiety, and depression. The positive effect of the drug on the psyche is complemented by the physical properties of the auxiliary components of the drug, which prevent the absorption of toxins into the blood. For the treatment of hangover syndrome, it is recommended to take 10 mg of medication up to 2 times a day.

You can learn about other ways to combat a hangover here.

Combining medication with alcohol against the background of problems with the heart or blood vessels is unacceptable. The complex effect of substances on the body will aggravate the course of the pathology. True, in this case, the negative reaction becomes more the result of ethyl alcohol entering the body, rather than the interaction of products.

"Afobazol": compatibility with alcohol for neuroses

Some people try to alleviate their neurotic conditions by drinking alcohol. Alcoholic drinks actually slightly inhibit the activity of the nervous system, temporarily bringing relief, relieving the symptoms of stress or emotional overload. After some time, most patients require an increase in dose to maintain the effect, which leads to the opposite of the desired results. Ingestion of large amounts of ethyl alcohol leads to massive death of brain cells under the influence of toxins. This helps to increase the severity of the clinical picture of neurosis.

At the next stage of independent struggle with neuroses, most patients begin taking medications. Attempts to combine alcohol with Afobazol against this background will not give any changes in the condition. The effect of the drug, designed to activate the functioning of parts of the brain, will be inhibited by the inhibitory properties of alcohol. Such experiments are especially dangerous against the background of hormonal disorders in the female body. Despite the apparent absence of changes, ethyl alcohol will irritate the hypothalamus, aggravating the severity of the problems.

Side effects

Taking Afobazole can cause:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • allergies;
  • pain, dizziness;
  • increased sexual desire while eliminating anxiety;
  • high muscle tone that does not go away even after general stabilization of the nervous system.

Once you stop taking it, all side effects go away.

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug after the expiration date - 2 years from the date of release. In this case, the body's reaction may be unpredictable.

Allergy to Afobazole

The cause of this phenomenon may be individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug or its overdose, or an incorrectly selected treatment regimen. The allergy goes away after the patient stops taking the antidepressant.

Symptoms of a negative reaction:

  • rashes, dry skin;
  • itching and burning;
  • redness.

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic effect of using the medication manifests itself in the elimination of anxiety. Unlike benzodiazepine drugs, the drug does not affect the receptors of the same name in brain tissue. Due to this feature, the use of Afobazole is characterized by selectivity. The active substance of the composition affects only certain structures of the brain, suppressing anxiety, but without having an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. The intensity of the drug is still inferior to benzodiazepines, therefore, in the absence of positive dynamics, they begin to take “heavier” products.

The selective action of Afobazole allows you to achieve the desired sedative effect without accompanying reactions such as apathy, lethargy, and drowsiness. An additional advantage of the medicine is the lack of a relaxing effect on the muscles.

A course of taking the drug does not lead to memory impairment or decreased attention, or the development of addiction. Therapy is accompanied by a slight increase in the patient’s activity, improvement in his mood, and normalization of sleep. The use of the product can relieve the following accompanying symptoms of anxiety: increased sensitivity, muscle twitching, dry mouth, dizziness, sweating.


Instead of Afobazole, the following substitutes can be used:

  • Tenoten;
  • Novopassit;
  • Grandaxin;
  • Persen;
  • Adaptol;
  • Phenibut;
  • Alprazolam;
  • Amizil and others.

Afobazole or Tenoten – which is better?

Tenoten is a sedative that has an anti-anxiety effect, unlike Afobazole, which is a purely anti-anxiety drug. Tenoten has a pronounced sedative effect, so it is often used for depression. The drug can be taken when urgently needed, as it has a quick effect.

Tenoten is a homeopathic medicinal product with antidepressant, anti-anxiety and antiasthenic effects, the drug is available only by prescription

Tenoten does not cause drowsiness and has a minimal list of side effects.

Unlike Afobazole, Tenoten is sold in pharmacies only with a prescription from a doctor. The price of the drug is 215-250 rubles per package of 40 tablets. Tenoten is produced in Russia.


Novopassit is a natural drug that has a sedative effect. It is prescribed for anxiety disorders that are accompanied by mental stress. Unlike Afobazole, it has a muscle relaxant and hypnosedative effect.

A combined drug consisting of a complex of extracts from medicinal plants and guaifenesin, eliminates fear, mental stress, relaxes smooth muscles

Another difference between the medications is that Novopassit can be used to treat children over 12 years of age. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and syrup

The disadvantage of Novopassit is that it can cause allergic reactions much more often than Afobazole, so the drug should be taken with caution in patients with bronchial asthma

The price of Novopassit ranges from 230-670 rubles. The medicine is produced in the Czech Republic.


Grandaxin has a more pronounced anti-anxiety effect, unlike Afobazole. The drug does not cause drowsiness or addiction when used correctly. The active ingredient in it is tofisopam, which belongs to the group of benzodiazepines.

Grandaxin has tranquilizing activity, does not cause drowsiness, and does not have a muscle relaxant or anticonvulsant effect.

Grandaxin is prescribed for severe stress and severe anxiety. Unlike Afobazole, it can be taken by pregnant women starting from the second trimester. The disadvantage of the drug is a more extensive list of side effects. Grandaxin is produced only in tablet form.

The price of the drug is 400-850 rubles. Country of origin: Hungary.


Persen is a herbal preparation that has a sedative effect. It is prescribed to people suffering from insomnia and increased irritability. Persen is produced in the form of tablets and capsules. The medication makes it easier to fall asleep, eliminates excitability, but has a number of serious side effects:

  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • development of addiction;
  • decrease in the effectiveness of treatment a few days after the start of treatment.

Persen is made on the basis of plant extracts that have a mild sedative effect, calms, improves mood, relieves irritability and anxiety.
Persen only relieves unpleasant symptoms, but does not eliminate the cause of their occurrence.

Afobazole is considered a tranquilizer, relieving the patient not only of anxiety and depression, but also improving attention and memory

Persen's price is 245-640 rubles. The drug is produced in Switzerland.


Adaptol is used to treat heart pain not caused by angina. It is also prescribed for neuroses characterized by fears, irritability, depression and increased anxiety.

The drug does not have a hypnotic effect and has low toxicity. It is well tolerated by patients and is approved for use in children over 10 years of age.

The price of the drug is 600-640 rubles. Country of origin: Latvia.

Price in pharmacies

How much Afobazol costs in a pharmacy depends on the region of sale.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, you can buy the medicine for an average of 360-420 rubles (60 tablets).

In St. Petersburg, a package of tablets will cost approximately 370 rubles .

It is sold without a prescription from a neurologist, but this is not the reason for the use of Afobazole in self-medication; therapy should be prescribed by a specialist.

Features of application

Afobazole is often well tolerated by patients, but sometimes there are undesirable manifestations associated with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Patients experience:

  • headache;
  • allergies in the form of urticaria;
  • drowsiness;
  • myalgia.

But such symptoms often appear when the recommended dosage is increased. In recommended doses, the drug does not cause overdose symptoms. If the patient does not feel well, then he is injected with a 20% caffeine solution subcutaneously twice a day.

Afobazole does not reduce the body's reaction speed or affect attention; on the contrary, it improves these indicators. Therefore, it is prescribed to patients whose work requires increased attention.

Restrictions on use include pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that there is not enough laboratory research data on exactly how Afobazole affects mother and child. If a woman during lactation needs to be treated with this drug, she should stop breastfeeding her baby. The drug is also not prescribed to persons under 18 years of age.

It is important that the simultaneous use of Afobazole with anticonvulsants or anti-anxiety drugs (diazepam derivatives) enhances the effect of the latter and increases the risk of side effects

Patients taking Afobazole need to know that it can be combined with alcohol. In some way, the medicine helps to cope with a hangover. The product reduces the negative effect of alcohol on the body, since it somewhat reduces its adsorption in the gastrointestinal tract. This allows a person to drink more alcohol, which will then negatively affect the body’s condition, especially in the presence of chronic heart pathologies or endocrine system disorders. This effect should also be taken into account by people suffering from various types of psychoses. This leads to aggravation.

Therefore, you can take Afobazol if you have a hangover, and not with alcohol.

Is it possible to take Afobazole with alcohol information from the manufacturer

Many sedatives and tranquilizers are contraindicated when drinking alcoholic beverages. When combined, these substances cause a condition that becomes life-threatening. That is why consumers doubt whether Afobazol can be taken together with alcohol. To answer this question as accurately as possible, it is necessary to consider the drug from different angles of its effect on the body. First, you should refer to the instructions.

In the annotation, the manufacturer indicates that taking Afobazole is contraindicated for persons who are sensitive to the active substance fabomotizole. Also, the medicine should not be taken by a woman if she is pregnant or breastfeeding. The drug is contraindicated for children. In other cases, the medication can be used. To do this, the consumer does not need to see a doctor. You can purchase Afobazol at any pharmacy without a special prescription. From the information provided by the manufacturer, we can conclude that the drug can be combined with alcohol

The tablets do not have a negative effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and do not inhibit attention or reaction. However, not everything is as simple as it seems

What patients and doctors say

Various life circumstances always hit the nerves and provoke panic attacks, depression, and fear of the future. Not everyone can cope with depression and hysterics. For help in such situations, you should contact a neurologist. Many specialists prefer to prescribe the “mild” tranquilizer “Afobazol” to their patients. The drug received mostly positive reviews from doctors, although some consider this to be a placebo effect, despite the huge number of people for whom the anxiolytic returned good health and a stable emotional state. Patients suffering from a constant feeling of anxiety and prone to worry say that the remedy really helps and suppresses unpleasant symptoms if the case is not advanced.

Most patients who have used the drug note a rapid therapeutic effect literally from the first day of use. Panic attacks, which are often accompanied by tachycardia and spasms in the chest and throat, stop. A calm state allows you to correctly assess the situation and find ways to resolve problems.

Negative reviews are quite rare and are mainly associated with side effects. Some patients did not feel any changes in their psychological state for the better after taking Afobazol. An overdose of an anxiolytic is practically excluded if you fully comply with the neurologist’s instructions and do not exceed the dosage.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug quickly enters the bloodstream, being absorbed by the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, so it begins to act within a few minutes after administration. By the end of the first week of treatment, patients report stable signs of improvement. Further use of Afobazole enhances the positive dynamics. After 3-4 weeks from the start of the course, the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved. It persists for another 1-2 weeks after the end of use of the medication - the timing depends on the characteristics of the body and the intensity of metabolic processes.

The mechanism of action of the drug manifests itself well when taken systematically by suspicious, emotionally unstable individuals with asthenic personality traits. The chemical compound is non-toxic, so it can be used for a long time without risk to the body. The components of the drug break down into components that are quickly excreted from the body in feces and urine. The half-life of metabolites averages 50 minutes. Thanks to this, an overdose is almost impossible.

How to take the medicine

For the above conditions, doctors prescribe Afobazole as the most effective remedy. After all, taking it does not need to start with small doses and end by gradually reducing the dosage. You can also take the medicine for 2-3 weeks, see the result, then stop taking it if the expected result is not obtained. The therapeutic effect will be observed for another 2 weeks. This must be remembered so as not to overdose on a tranquilizer when using another drug of this group.

The doctor prescribes 10 mg of medication. The daily dosage should not exceed 30 mg, divided into three doses. The course of using the medication is one month. According to indications, the doctor can double the daily dose of the drug, and also extend the use of the drug for up to 3 months. It is necessary to ensure that there are equal intervals between doses. This ensures a stable effect of the drug. Afobazole tablets should be taken whole, not crushed or chewed. Drink with a small amount of water. Sweet mineral water, milk or hot drinks are not suitable for this.

You should not expect an immediate effect after taking the medicine. A special feature of the drug is its ability to accumulate and only then exert a therapeutic effect. After the first dose, the medicine will begin to help after 4-6 days. After a month, stop taking Afobazole. If a repeat course is required, it can be resumed after 4 weeks.

It is worth noting that Afobazon does not help with depression, since it is not a severe tranquilizer. It helps with moderate nervous disorders, and depression is a severe mental disorder. Therefore, for treatment to be effective, the doctor prescribes stronger medications.


In case of an overdose of Afobazole, the consequences are manifested by the onset of a sedative effect - suppression of consciousness due to taking medications, in which there is no excitement and irritability. May be accompanied by excessive drowsiness. At the same time, a decrease in skeletal muscle tone is not observed.

If undesirable effects occur due to exceeding the dose of the drug, you can use a 20% caffeine solution in 1 ml ampoules to return the condition to normal. Administer by subcutaneous injection 2-3 times a day.

You should consult your doctor about how long you can take Afobazole. But you should not continuously use the drug for more than 3 months. The duration of the required break is determined by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition.

Is it possible to replace Afobazol with Phenibut?

The drug "Phenibut" refers to nootropic medications derived from gamma-aminobutyric acid. Able to cope with tension, worry, anxiety. Promotes the activation of mental abilities and helps to concentrate. This occurs due to improved blood supply to brain tissue. The product is non-toxic and completely safe. It is eliminated from the body within 3 hours after administration. Despite some positive aspects of the drug, it is less well tolerated by patients and often causes undesirable consequences and addiction to the system, unlike Afobazole.

Experts do not recommend using a nootropic drug for more than 6 weeks, so as not to cause addiction. The medicine has a stronger anti-anxiety effect (according to patient reviews) than Afobazol.

Price is of no small importance when choosing a drug, and Phenibut can easily be called an affordable medicine compared to the latest generation anxiolytic (cost is about 120 rubles). It is worth considering that during treatment with this sedative it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages.

Phenibut and ethanol have the same effect and inhibit the functioning of the central nervous system. Quite often, the drugs Afobazol and Phenibut are prescribed for the treatment of chronic alcoholism, when the patient suffers from memory impairment, loses interest in life, and experiences withdrawal symptoms.

Compared to Afobazol, the contraindications to the use of Phenibut are somewhat expanded

The drug, according to the instructions, is taken with caution for peptic ulcers and liver pathologies. Under strict medical supervision, a sedative is used in the treatment of children under 8 years of age.

During pregnancy, the manufacturer advises against using the product, since there is no data on such studies. If there are symptoms of an overdose (drowsiness, vomiting, low blood pressure), it is necessary to urgently rinse the stomach.

Analogs are cheaper

The most popular analogs and substitutes for Afobazole:

  1. Tenoten . Has a homeopathic composition. The advantage of Tenoten over the original is the form of the drug not only for adults, but also for children from the age of three. Prescribed in the treatment of neurotic disorders, anxiety, insomnia against the background of psycho-emotional disorders.

The average cost for 40 tablets (for pediatric and adult forms of the drug) is 240 rubles.

  1. Adaptol . Latvian anxiolytic used for neuroses, unreasonable feelings of fear, irritability, emotional instability. Can be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation (at the discretion of the attending physician).

One of the few analogues that costs more than the original. 20 tablets can be bought for about 720 rubles. In addition, Adaptol is released strictly according to a prescription from a neurologist.

  1. Persen . The drug Persen is based on natural ingredients, which is its main advantage over the original. It can be prescribed in the treatment of anxiety, neuroses, and insomnia not only for adults, but also for children from the age of twelve.

20 tablets of a sedative can be purchased for an average of 270 rubles.

  1. Phenibut . The drug Phenibut is the most inexpensive analogue; 20 tablets can be purchased for about 120 rubles. It is used in the treatment of severe mental pathologies and is dispensed strictly with a prescription from a neurologist. It has many severe adverse reactions, so the therapeutic course must be accompanied by constant medical supervision.
  2. Novopassit . The drug Novopassit is another analogue based on natural ingredients. It is a mild sedative and is used for insomnia, stress, increased fatigue, and nervousness.

If we compare Afobazol and Novopassit , which is better, patients prefer the original. Novopassit is classified as a lighter sedative that is unable to cope with moderate psycho-emotional disorders.

The approximate cost for 10 tablets is 230 rubles. The method of use of the presented analogues and substitutes is selected by the attending physician for each patient individually.

Afobazole is a high-quality, modern anxiolytic used in the treatment of psycho-emotional disorders of mild to moderate severity.

Despite the fact that it is sold over-the-counter, it is strongly not recommended to use it for self-medication.

Which remedy is considered better than Afobazole?

In medical practice, the concept of “best drug” is not used; doctors prefer to use the term “optimal”. The fact is that for each specific person in a specific situation, one, or at most two, means are best suited. It is those drugs that are most effective in a given situation that are considered optimal.

It is important to understand that the optimal medications for each person will be different. Moreover, even for the same patient, different drugs may be optimal in different situations.

Thus, it is simply impossible to calculate the two “best” drugs that would be ideal for everyone, without exception, for any form and variant of anxiety. That is why for some, Afobazol will be the best remedy, while others will need a different drug, which will be an ideal option for them.

According to reviews and instructions for use, Afobazol is an anxiolytic with a moderate effect, which helps many people relieve anxiety. True, some patients note that its effect is not enough for them, since anxiety is not relieved, and the emotional state does not approach the required one. This category of patients prefers to use anxiolytics with a more powerful anti-anxiety effect. Such drugs include the following drugs: Phenazepam, Diazepam and Lorazepam.

The above tranquilizers are also classified as benzodiazepines, which have a pronounced anti-anxiety effect, which, however, is combined with a feeling of drowsiness, lethargy and depression, which is absent in Afobazole. It is precisely these powerful tranquilizers that rumor usually says that they put a person into a “vegetable” state, in which, along with anxiety, the desire to do anything disappears. The following medications occupy an intermediate position between powerful benzodiazepine drugs and Afobazol in terms of the intensity of the anti-anxiety effect: Chlordiazepoxide, Gidazepam and Oxazepam.

Among the listed medications, Gidazepam is often used to relieve anxiety, which is considered by many people to be better than Afobazol. In addition to these medications, there are quite a large number of drugs that have an anti-anxiety effect, but, as already reported, the “best” drug should be selected individually.

Mechanism of action

Afobazole has a special mechanism of action on the human body, unique only to this medicinal product, which significantly distinguishes it from analogue drugs. Disruption of the central nervous system activity is a direct consequence of a person being in a state of constant stress.

Stressful situations can completely destroy the structural configuration of nerve cells at the membrane level. As a result of the destruction, a process of inhibition of the activity of the central nervous system occurs, accompanied by the severing of connections between the receptors of the membrane of nerve cells and the inhibitory mediator gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

The therapeutic drug Afobazol has a targeted effect on the internal protein forms of nerve cells - sigma receptors. This is a neural repair complex called the “repair kit” of the nerve cell. People say that “nerve cells do not recover” (c).

This is far from true. As medical scientists who conducted research in the field of genetic engineering at the end of the twentieth century proved, nerve cells are capable of recovery, but in very limited quantities and over a fairly long period of time. That is, to restore complete calm to a patient with psychological disorders, a large amount of time is required. The therapeutic drug Afobazole helps to significantly reduce this gap.

Other medications intended to relieve stress or unreasonable anxiety syndrome, as a rule, cause depression of the central nervous system, leading to constant drowsiness, inability to concentrate, inattention, and decreased performance.

Thus, ordinary tranquilizers seriously affect the normal course of the individual life cycle. Moreover, many tranquilizers can cause addiction to the drug and complete dependence on it. Therefore, they are not prescribed for a long period of time, no matter how strong the positive effect they have.

Afobazole what kind of medicine is this

This is an anxiolytic drug that compares favorably with most other sedatives and anti-stress drugs. Let's figure it out, Afobazol - what kind of medicine it is that improves well-being, but at the same time does not cause any lethargy and other reactions that many other tranquilizers are “famous” for. To put it simply and more clearly, this drug does everything to force the body to use not drug doping, but its own forces that protect the nervous system.

Before taking Afobazole, you need to understand that this medication is not addictive, does not cause “withdrawal syndrome”, and does not disrupt the usual rhythm. That is, it copes only with its main task, does not affect all other areas of the body’s life, or does it minimally and quite harmlessly.

What is Afobazol needed for?

The modern world is not ideal. It is full of stress and irritants that do not have the best effect on the nervous system. Some people know how to cope with emotional stress on their own, but there are also those who cannot cope without the help of special equipment.

What Afobazol treats:

  • stress;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety.

After taking this drug:

  • tension disappears;
  • mood improves;
  • Many people's ability to work increases.

Afobazole - what does it contain?

The main active ingredient in the drug is fabomotizole dihydrochloride. In addition to this, the medicine consists of:

  • potato starch;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • medium molecular weight povidone.

Popular question: Is Afobazole a medicine or a dietary supplement? It arises because most of the specialists who come across the product are sure that it is not very strong and works very selectively. At the same time, many patients admire how quickly and simply Afobazol helped them solve all their problems and feel relief. Be that as it may, manufacturers declare their product as a medicine and ask not to confuse it with a simple dietary supplement.

Afobazole - indications for use

Before taking Afobazole, it is worth understanding in what cases its use is justified and advisable.

The spectrum of action of the product is wide. Afobazole is an over-the-counter drug and experts recommend using it for:

  • insomnia;
  • adaptation disorder;
  • general anxiety disorders;
  • withdrawal syndrome that develops in people who abuse alcohol;
  • various neurasthenias;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • combating nicotine addiction;
  • asthma;
  • obvious premenstrual tension syndrome;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • oncology;
  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmias.

Afobazole - contraindications

Although this medicine is considered harmless, even it has some contraindications for use.

It is not advisable to drink Afobazol tablets if:

  • hypersensitivity to any one or all components contained in the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • as well as children who have not yet reached adulthood.

Afobazole - application

As with all other medications, it is best to consult with a specialist before you start taking Afobazole. The medication is available in the form of tablets of 5 and 10 milligrams. Pills are sold in blisters and jars. In order for them to have an effect and help faster, you need to take the pills, following all the instructions and recommendations received from the doctor or described in the instructions.

Afobazole - dosage

The decision about how much Afobazol you should drink is made individually in each case. The required amount of a substance is influenced by various factors - from the moral and mental state of the patient to his lifestyle and environment.

Standard dosage:

  1. A single dose of 10 mg is considered optimal. In this case, you will need to take up to 30 mg of Afobazole per day.
  2. In especially severe cases, the dosage is raised to 60 mg.

If you take the medication correctly and follow all directions, no side effects should be noticeable. If the norm is exceeded, an overdose may occur. The symptoms of this condition are very similar to the signs of intoxication. In addition, a strong sedative effect develops, and patients can literally fall off their feet from drowsiness.

Afobazole - dosage regimen

Since each patient is unique - with his own problems, his own immunity, characteristics of the nervous system - the treatment regimen must be selected individually for everyone.

In most cases, taking Afobazole consists of three tablets - one three times a day. The remedy will work better and more correctly if you take it after meals and not on an empty stomach.

Afobazole - course of administration

As with the dosage regimen, the duration of treatment is selected for each patient separately. On average, it ranges from 2 to 4 weeks. Particularly difficult patients with serious problems have to take pills for up to three months. After this, you need to take a break and consult your doctor again so that he can evaluate the changes and give further recommendations.

It is important to understand that the effect of Afobazole is not felt immediately. It has a cumulative effect. That is, you will notice positive changes only after a few days. So if the effect is not immediately visible, do not despair, panic and look for alternative treatment - this does not mean that the drug is not suitable for you, you just need to wait a little, Afobazol will manifest itself.

Afobazol – compatibility

In addition to other advantages, this drug has another undeniable advantage: Afobazole and alcohol do not interact in any way. That is, while taking pills it is not necessary to give up alcoholic beverages. True, at the same time, manufacturers and experts recommend not to abuse alcohol and use it wisely, because ethanol in large quantities harms the body, regardless of whether it interacts with medications or not.

If the patient is simultaneously taking Carbamazepine, then he should take into account that Afobazole significantly enhances the anticonvulsant effect it provides, so the dosage will need to be changed. When “meeting” Diazepam, the sedative causes a potentiation of the anxiolytic effect, which does not have the best effect on cognitive abilities. The patient experiences drowsiness, problems with composure and concentration. The best way out of this situation would be to reduce the dose of Diazepam.

How should I take Afobazol?

This remedy should be taken after meals. It must be swallowed whole and cannot be chewed or bitten. The tablet should be taken with some regular still water.

It is optimal to take the medicine 10 milligrams three times a day, maintaining approximately equal intervals between doses. With this regimen of administration, the one-time dose is 10 milligrams, and the daily dose is 30. The duration of standard treatment, as a rule, is from two to four weeks, after which it is necessary to interrupt the drug. After four weeks, you can again take a course of therapy with Afobazol. We will consider patient reviews at the end of the article.

If necessary and solely under the supervision of the attending physician, it is allowed to increase the dosage of the medication to 20 milligrams three times a day, and the duration of continuous treatment to up to three months. True, any increase in dosage of more than 10 milligrams, along with a duration of use of more than four weeks, should be carried out only after consultation with the attending physician

It should be borne in mind that Afobazol can be used in repeated courses, but it is important to maintain an interval of at least four weeks between them

Contraindications for Afobazol

Taking the medicine is prohibited in childhood; it is not recommended for use in patients under 18 years of age. Doctors also warn women against using the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Contraindications to the use of the medication:

  • allergy to the components of the drug, their intolerance;
  • galactose intolerance;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • poor absorption of monosaccharides.

The final decision on the possibility of taking the drug is made by the attending physician. In some cases, the listed prohibitions can be ignored.

Overdose and side effects of Afobazole

Speaking about a possible overdose of the drug and side effects, you should consider cases when Afobazol is not recommended to be taken. Afobazole is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the drug, as well as during pregnancy. During lactation you should also not take Afobazol.

Often after the birth of a child, a woman develops an anxious feeling (this is due to changes in hormonal levels). In such cases, Afobazole can be prescribed to young mothers, but breastfeeding should be stopped while taking the drug, since during lactation the active substance of the drug enters the child’s blood and can negatively affect his fragile nervous system.

Afobazole should also not be taken by children under 18 years of age. In case of an overdose of the drug (significant non-compliance with the prescribed dose), intoxication of the body is possible, which will manifest itself in drowsiness and sedation, but without increased relaxation of the body muscles.

Side effects of Afobazole include allergic reactions associated with increased sensitivity to the substances contained in the drug. Rarely, a headache may occur that goes away without additional treatment and does not require treatment.

Reviews from doctors

I recently became acquainted with Afobazol after visiting a neurologist. Regular stress at work led to insomnia, for which the specialist recommended Afobazol. Before starting therapy, I carefully studied what the drug helps with. One of the areas of action of the tablets is the normalization of sleep-wake patterns.

In the first days of taking the pills, I didn’t notice any special changes. Improvements began on days 6-7. I began to fall asleep quickly, my sleep became sound and long. In addition, I noticed an improvement in my overall emotional background, was less tired at work, and stopped getting irritated by various little things.

After the birth of my child, I began to experience a postpartum crisis. When I realized that I couldn’t cope on my own, I turned to a neurologist. The doctor said that it is advisable to wait until the end of the lactation period and then begin therapy.

As prescribed by the doctor, I started taking Afobazole, three tablets a day. The neurologist immediately warned that the effect of the tablets is cumulative, that is, the result will not be noticeable immediately.

Since I was in a serious psycho-emotional state, the therapeutic course was long - for three months. I feel much better now and fully enjoy motherhood. A good drug, and there were no side effects from it.

In general, patient reviews are positive. A small percentage of patients complain of headaches, occasional dizziness and allergic reactions.

Afobazole is a new generation selective anxiolytic used for mental disorders of mild to moderate severity. Requires strict adherence to dosage, depending on the patient’s diagnosis.

It is strictly unacceptable to use the medicine for self-medication; how to take Afobazole should be determined by the attending physician depending on the patient’s condition.

Therapy with Afobazol gives positive results in the treatment of 96% of patients. For severe forms of the disease, I prescribe complex therapy in combination with other antipsychotics.

The advantages of the drug include good tolerability by patients and a minimal number of adverse reactions, which occur in no more than 20% of patients.

Neurologists speak positively about the effect of the drug, so they trust it with the health of their patients.

Instructions for use of Afobazol tablets for adults

Stress is the body's response to various negative factors. Stress contributes to the release of the hormone adrenaline into the blood, which in small quantities can be useful, but when released regularly it becomes dangerous to health. In addition, during stressful situations, overexcitation of brain neurons occurs, disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses, which subsequently leads to the death of nerve cells.

The results of stress include constant anxiety, fear, increased levels of irritability, tearfulness, emotional stress, decreased concentration, decreased performance, and memory impairment. Regular intake of Afobazol helps restore the nervous system and eliminate the negative effects of stress, while the most competent answers to the questions: how to take Afobazol, how to take a course of Afobazol

and many others can be given by a doctor, but in the instructions for use of this medicine you can find recommendations for the optimal treatment regimen.

How to take the Afobazole course correctly?

According to the instructions, "Afobazol" is indicated for use in adults not only with various anxiety disorders, insomnia, adaptation disorder, but also with such somatic diseases as asthma, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, irritable bowel, as well as oncology and dermatological diseases.

The optimal course of taking Afobazole is 2-4 weeks, but in some cases the doctor may increase the duration of use to 2-3 months. Answer to the question: how to drink Afobazol - before or after meals,

also contained in the instructions. It is recommended to take 10 mg of Afobazole three times a day after meals, and sometimes, as prescribed by a specialist, the daily dose of the drug can increase to 60 mg.

The principle of action of the drug Afobazol

The modern rhythm of life depletes the resources of the nervous system, the structure of receptors in the brain changes so that the body is no longer able to independently protect itself from stress. In such cases, Afobazol comes to the rescue. The main active ingredient of this drug is fabomotizole, which restores receptors in the nervous system and prevents damage to neurons.

The action of “Afobazol” includes an anti-anxiety and stimulating effect, thus not only eliminating the feeling of anxiety, including constant bad feelings, preoccupation, but also reducing or completely eliminating irritability, helping to overcome hypersensitivity, anxiety, fear, and insomnia.

In addition, taking Afobazole allows you to cope with symptoms of anxiety disorders such as muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal problems. The treatment also helps eliminate the feeling of dry mouth, dizziness, and sweating (which are associated with constant stress). At the same time, concentration and memory are restored.

When starting treatment with Afobazole, you should pay attention to the fact that the first effect of the drug can be noticed only after 5-7 days, and the maximum effect is achieved by the end of 4 weeks of use

It is important that Afobazole does not cause drowsiness, absent-mindedness, muscle weakness, and does not form addiction or withdrawal syndrome. After finishing taking the medicine, the effect of the active substance stops after 1-2 weeks.

After finishing taking the medicine, the effect of the active substance stops after 1-2 weeks.


The composition of the drug includes:

  • potato starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose;
  • povidone.

The main active element is morpholinoethylthioethoxybenzimidazole dihydrochloride.

It stops the process of membrane-dependent changes in the ligand-dependent ion channel of the nervous system. This allows you to inhibit nerve impulses controlled by the main neurotransmitter of the brain.

It has an anxiolytic effect and a moderate sedative effect.
It does not have muscle relaxant properties, as a result of which there is no negative effect on concentration and memory. With long-term use of Afobazole, the substance morpholinoethylthioethoxybenzimidazole dihydrochloride does not cause dependence and is not accompanied by “withdrawal syndrome”.

The action of the drug is based on a combination of anti-anxiety and mild stimulating effects of morpholinoethylthioethoxybenzimidazole dihydrochloride. A course of taking Afobazole allows you to:

  • reduce the severity of anxiety or lead to its complete elimination;
  • eliminate the feeling of unreasonable fear, constant worries, negative premonitions, panic attacks;
  • reduce irritability, nervousness, fearfulness, anxiety, tearfulness;
  • normalize the ability to relax and rest;
  • restore the optimal sleep-wake cycle, overcome insomnia;
  • eliminate negative muscular, vascular, respiratory, and gastric phenomena that occur due to stress;
  • reduce vegetative reactions that accompany a patient with nervous overstrain (dizziness, increased sweating, a feeling of dry mouth and sweaty palms);
  • eliminate cognitive disorders (difficulty concentrating, remembering a large flow of information).

According to clinical data, a positive effect when taking the drug is observed after a week-long treatment course.

Afobazole or Adaptol

The sedative "Adaptol" belongs to the group of anxiolytics and has the same therapeutic effect as "Afobazol". Use is indicated for neuroses, emotional instability, stress of various etiologies. Helps reduce cravings for nicotine and improves tolerability of antipsychotics.

Clinical trials have confirmed the positive effect of the drug on mental activity. "Adaptol" also improves reaction speed when controlling various mechanisms and does not cause drowsiness during the day. The active ingredient of the drug is mebicar (one capsule contains 300 mg). Does not cause dependence or addiction.

The product is prohibited for use by children under 10 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Side effects (dizziness, weakness) develop only when the recommended dose of Adaptol is significantly exceeded.

Many patients who first took Afobazol and then Adaptol noted that the sedative effect of the latter was weaker. Afobazole really has a pronounced anti-anxiety effect. He is able to cope with the symptoms of a panic attack, overcome feelings of fear and eliminate autonomic disorders (dry mouth, sudden dizziness). It makes sense to take the Latvian analogue only in mild cases, with minor neurological disorders.

Release form and composition

Afobazole is available in tablets. This is the only form of drug production. Blisters with tablets made of aluminum alloy and transparent plastic are placed in cardboard packages, as in the photo.

Each of them has:

  • the shape of a flat cylinder with a chamfer;
  • color – white or creamy.

The main active ingredient is morpholinoethylthioethoxybenzimidazole dihydrochloride. Its amount depends on the dosage of the tablet - 5 or 10 mg. The auxiliary components that provide the structure are:

  • medium molecular weight povidone;
  • potato starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

How to take Afobazol

The instructions for the medication are an important document that every patient should read before starting to use the drug. According to the annotation, the tablets are taken after meals. The optimal single dose is 10 mg. If necessary, the attending physician can adjust this value. Depending on the diagnosis, it varies both less and more. Drink a sedative 3 times a day at approximately the same interval of time. The maximum duration of use is 3 months, after which you need to take a break.

For a short course of treatment, you can purchase the drug in a cardboard package of 10 or 20 tablets. It is also available in cans of 50 and 100. This volume is best used if long-term therapy with Afobazol is necessary. The price starts from 280 rubles. and depends on the dosage of the active substance.

The results of using the product appear at different times. In some patients, an improvement in their emotional state is observed already on the third day of treatment, in others - a little later. The drug is well absorbed from the intestinal walls and is quickly eliminated from the body.

Indications for use

The use of the drug is advisable in the following cases:

  • for generalized anxiety disorders, neurasthenia, adaptation disorders;
  • for sleep disorders (up to chronic insomnia) caused by anxiety, nervous tension;
  • with neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • with premenstrual tension syndrome;
  • with alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • with “withdrawal syndrome” after quitting smoking (makes it easier to endure a stressful state, facilitates the process of giving up a bad habit).

Can be used in complex therapy for patients with somatic, oncological, and dermatological diseases.

First aid and overdose treatment

What to do if there is a drug overdose? The patient is given first aid and a team of doctors is called.

How can I help you:

  1. Gastric lavage is performed to quickly remove the medication from the body. The patient is given a large amount of clean water to drink and a gag reflex is provoked. Repeat several times.
  2. In case of an overdose, it is recommended to give the affected person some kind of sorbent to drink - Activated carbon, Polysorb.
  3. Strong coffee will help cope with drowsiness and apathy. It is allowed to use instant drink.
  4. After an overdose, a person needs to drink plenty of fluids to reduce the effect of the drug and speed up the removal of the drug from the body.

After providing first aid, you must visit a medical facility for examination. Signs of an overdose may not appear immediately, but after some time.

There is no specific antidote for Afobazole overdose. In case of severe poisoning, the injured person is placed in a toxicology department, where various procedures are carried out to restore the functionality of the body.


  • Introduction of saline solutions,
  • Using glucose solution
  • Prescription of diuretics,
  • Using drugs to normalize the functioning of the cardiac system,
  • If respiratory function is impaired, caffeine is administered at a concentration of 20%.
  • Various vitamin complexes are prescribed.

After an overdose, the patient is constantly under the supervision of a specialist and remains in the hospital until complete recovery.

Symptoms of intoxication

Signs, the presence of which becomes a reason to suspect symptoms of Afobazole overdose in a person:

  1. The patient sleeps more than 10 hours a day. This is hypersomnia - excessive continuation of sleep. The person is mentally inactive, in a state of somatic lethargy, indifferent to what is happening.
  2. General weakness. Severe fatigue or lack of physical strength to perform any movements. The patient complains of fatigue after light physical activity, feels a loss of strength and weakness, and is looking for a place to sit or sleep.
  3. Lethargy. Poor concentration, slow speech, decreased reaction speed. The patient is indifferent to any event or irritant, indistinct sounds are heard in conversations, often falls silent while looking at one point or abruptly changes the topic of conversation during conversations.
  4. Vague phrases. Incoherence of spoken sentences, disordered speech.
  5. Rapid or shallow breathing, tachypnea, presyncope. The person breathes heavily and quickly, sometimes the breathing gives way to quiet, shallow breathing. The patient complains of dizziness, rolls his eyes, and may fall sharply and lose consciousness.

Common symptoms of Afobazole overdose are individual intolerance to the drug and headache. There is a tendency for negative manifestations to multiply after taking the second tablet - from a mild skin rash to anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema, from pain in the temples to the development of migraines.

Other consequences of poisoning:

  1. Signs of arterial hypertension accompanied by rapid heartbeat. The symptom is replaced by a sharp drop in pressure and a slowdown in pulse.
  2. Gastrointestinal disorders: nausea, vomiting, cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea.
  3. Cramps, chills.
  4. Drowsiness, loss of coordination. In the absence of medical assistance - deep fainting.

If you suspect a deterioration in your condition, call a doctor immediately.

Feedback on the use of Afobazol

I took Afobazol for the following purposes:

  1. Reduce tearfulness and normalize mood (emotional instability not only interfered with my life, but also affected the psychological health of the family).
  2. Reduce anxiety. Stress, problems at home and at work, minor troubles caused anxiety and panic for no reason, tears and fear, which I could no longer cope with on my own.
  3. Overcome insomnia. Thoughts about problems and their solutions did not allow me to sleep, and I fell asleep in the morning, waking up several hours later, not allowing my body to rest.
  4. Coping with suspiciousness and a series of bad premonitions. Health problems caused thoughts of serious illness and thoughts of death.

The first time I bought Afobazol was to cope with stress, tearfulness and the bitterness of loss due to the death of a close relative: the pills did not help me with this. The pills did not dull the pain, I cried every day and could not concentrate.

The side effects of the drug in my case were not limited to those indicated in the instructions, and therefore I had to stop taking the medicine.

I took Afobazol twice with an interval of four years, and both courses turned out to be ineffective, bringing more problems than benefits:

  • Increased irritability. I didn’t like everything: the smell of clothes, the child’s behavior, the cat’s cry, the sound of the washing machine. Even my own reaction to those around me irritated me, and I could not cope with this without stopping the medication.
  • Headache. Unreasonable, accompanied by nausea and not relieved by taking painkillers.
  • Tearfulness. There were more tears than before taking the pills: I could cry when I looked at a toy or heard a familiar song.
  • Increased appetite. During the first week of the Afobazole course, I was worried about my reluctance to eat: a cup of tea and a piece of bread per day was enough. But on the eighth day, my appetite increased: I wanted to eat constantly, without thinking about my figure and excess weight.
  • Changing taste preferences. Strange combinations (cheese with orange, kefir with dill and ham) did not interrupt the desire to eat, but the usual food caused disgust.

I did not combine taking the pills with the use of other drugs, so I attribute the negative effects to the use of an anxiolytic.

General information about the drug

Afobazole is an optimal replacement for antidepressants and tranquilizers. The absence of side effects when used, addiction effects and withdrawal symptoms are the distinctive features of the drug.

Significant advantages of Afobazole are its low level of toxicity to the body and the possibility of use in complex therapy.

Also, long-term use of Afobazole is not accompanied by drowsiness, irritability, lethargy and deterioration in a person’s standard of living. The medicine is widely used among doctors and patients, and can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Drug group, INN, scope of application

Afobazole refers to selective non-benzodiazepine drugs with anxiolytic properties, derivatives of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (does not apply to benzodiazepine receptor agonists). The INN of the drug is Afobazol.

The drug is widely used in psychiatry and neurology, in general somatic practice for symptoms of depression, psychopathological disorders and in cases of pathological anxiety, which can occur in the form of attacks or be constantly present.

General information about the drug

In cases of anxiety attacks, the patient complains of panic attacks, autonomic dysfunction of the body, and the development of social phobia. In the chronic form, persistent depressive and stressful conditions, as well as adaptation disorders, are most often observed. To treat these cases, if long-term drug treatment is required, doctors use Afobazole.

Release forms and prices for the drug, average in Russia

The medicine can be purchased in the form of beige or white round flat tablets. They are produced in quantities of 10, 20, 25 pieces in plates and 30, 50, 60, 100 pieces in plastic jars. Most often sold in quantities of 60 pieces per jar. The country of origin of the drug is Russia. Average prices for Afobazole are presented in the table.

A drugCityPrice
Afobazol, tab., 10 mg, 60 piecesMoscow372 - 499 rub.
Afobazol, tab., 10 mg, 60 piecesSt. Petersburg401 - 478 rub.



After oral administration, Afobazole® is well and quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax in plasma - (0.13±0.073) μg/ml; Tmax - (0.85±0.13) h.


Afobazol® is intensively distributed throughout well-vascularized organs; it is characterized by rapid transfer from the central pool (blood plasma) to the peripheral (highly vascularized organs and tissues).


Afobazole® undergoes a first-pass effect through the liver; the main directions of metabolism are hydroxylation at the aromatic ring of the benzimidazole ring and oxidation at the morpholine fragment.


T1/2 of the drug Afobazol® when taken orally is (0.82±0.54) hours. The short T1/2 is due to intensive biotransformation of the drug and rapid distribution from blood plasma to organs and tissues. The drug is excreted primarily in the form of metabolites and partially unchanged in urine and feces.

Tenoten or Afobazole?

Tenoten is a sedative with an anti-anxiety effect, and Afobazole is a purely anti-anxiety drug. This means that Tenoten has a more pronounced anti-anxiety and sedative effect compared to Afobazole and can help with anxiety combined with depression. Afobazole with anxiety and depression will be an ineffective remedy because it does not have the necessary effects.

In addition, Tenoten has an immediate effect, so it can be taken occasionally as needed. But the effect of Afobazole develops only after 5 - 7 days of use and the drug is intended for a course of use, so it cannot be used occasionally when you need to quickly calm down and relieve anxiety for a certain amount of time until the situation normalizes.

Also, many people note that Afobazole can cause drowsiness, which does not happen with Tenoten, so if you need to be in good working shape, it is recommended to take Tenoten periodically.

The disadvantages of Tenoten compared to Afobazole are its higher cost and prescription from pharmacies.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
F10.3 Withdrawal stateAlcohol withdrawal syndrome
Withdrawal syndrome
Withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism
Alcohol withdrawal
Alcohol withdrawal
Alcohol withdrawal state
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Post-withdrawal disorder
Post-withdrawal state
Hangover syndrome
Withdrawal syndrome
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Withdrawal state
F17.3 Withdrawal condition caused by tobacco useWithdrawal syndrome when quitting smoking
Nicotine withdrawal
F41.1 Generalized anxiety disorderGeneralized anxiety
Generalized anxiety disorders
Anxious reaction
Anxiety neurosis
Phobic neurosis
F41.9 Anxiety disorder, unspecifiedSevere anxiety
Neurosis-like symptoms
Neurosis-like disorders
Neurosis-like conditions
Neuroses with anxiety symptoms
Neuroses with anxiety
Neurotic disorders with anxiety syndrome
Acute situational and stress anxiety
Acute situational stress anxiety
Acute anxiety attack
Depressed mood with elements of anxiety
Psychopathy with a predominance of anxiety and restlessness
Sharp anxiety
Situational anxiety disorder
Alarm state
Anxious delusional state
Anxious delusional component
Anxious state
Anxiety neuroses
Anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders in neurotic and neurosis-like conditions
Anxiety states
Anxiety syndrome
Chronic neurotic anxiety
Sense of anxiety
F43 Reaction to severe stress and adaptation disordersAdjustment disorder
Stressful condition
Stress disorders
F43.2 Disorder of adaptive reactionsMental adjustment disorder
F48.0 NeurastheniaAsthenic form of neurasthenia
Astheno-neurotic condition
Asthenoneurotic disorder
Flu of young workaholics
Yuppie flu
Neurasthenic disorders
Neurasthenic conditions
Neurasthenic syndrome
F51.0 Insomnia of non-organic etiologySituational insomnia
Situational sleep disorders
G47.0 Disturbances in falling asleep and maintaining sleep [insomnia]Insomnia
Insomnia, especially difficulty falling asleep
Long-term sleep disturbance
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty falling asleep
Short-term and transient sleep disturbances
Short-term and chronic sleep disorders
Short or shallow sleep
Sleep disturbance
Sleep disturbance, especially during the falling asleep phase
Sleep disorders
Sleep disorders
Neurotic sleep disorder
Shallow, shallow sleep
Shallow sleep
Poor sleep quality
Night awakening
Night awakenings
Sleep pathology
Post-somnia disorder
Transient insomnia
Problems falling asleep
Early awakening
Early morning awakening
Early awakenings
Sleep disorder
Sleep disorder
Persistent insomnia
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty falling asleep in children
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty falling asleep
Persistent insomnia
Deterioration of sleep
Chronic insomnia
Frequent night and/or early morning awakenings
Frequent awakenings at night and a feeling of shallow sleep
G47.8 Other sleep disordersKleine-Levin syndrome
Minor sleep disturbances
G90 Disorders of the autonomic nervous systemAngiodystonia
Vasovegetative manifestations
Vasomotor dystonia
Autonomic dystonia
Autonomic dysfunction
Vegetative lability
Autonomic-vascular disorders
Autonomic disorders
Vegetative-vascular dystonia
Vegetative-vascular disorders
Vegetovascular dystonia
Vegetovascular disorders
Vegetative-vascular dystonia
Neurocirculatory dystonia
Neurovegetative disorders
Neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type
Primary neurovegetative syndrome
Autonomic dystonia syndrome
N94.3 Premenstrual tension syndromeSevere premenstrual syndrome
Menstrual psychosomatic disorder
Menstrual syndrome
Premenstrual tension
Premenstrual condition
Premenstrual period
Premenstrual syndrome
Menstruation syndrome
Z60.0 Problems associated with adapting to lifestyle changesAdaptation
Correction of daily biorhythm
Adaptation disorder
Adaptation disorders
Normalization of biological rhythms
Adjustment disorders
Adjustment disorder

Afobazole's analogs

There are many known sedatives, including those prescribed by prescription - for example, Grandaxin, Phenazepam, but you should be extremely careful when taking them due to other active substances and the mechanism of action on the central nervous system. Adverse reactions may occur, which are much more common than with over-the-counter medications, which is why they are prescribed only under the supervision of a doctor, and special attention should be paid to contraindications to their use. Often, when choosing a drug, an important indicator is the ability to drive, maintain concentration and speed of thinking - in this case, you should choose Afobazole.

When is Afobazol prescribed?

The use of a sedative is especially important for people suffering from a constant feeling of uncertainty, suspiciousness, and violent emotional manifestations in response to negative life situations. As part of complex therapy, it is prescribed to patients with bronchial asthma, hypertension, chronic insomnia, and oncological pathologies.

Taking Afobazole is mandatory for the following problems:

  • neurasthenia and neuroses;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus (autoimmune disease);
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, lichen);
  • coding for alcohol addiction and smoking;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • anxiety;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis.

The drug can be used during periods of increased anxiety, for example before taking exams or when changing jobs. For each patient, an individual treatment regimen and dosage of the drug “Afobazol” are prescribed. Analogues of the drug contain other active ingredients, but have the most similar therapeutic effect. Only a specialist can select the optimal drug for therapy after first examining the patient.

Signs of overdose

An overdose of Afobazole occurs when the time of consumption of tablets is not observed or the permissible daily intake is exceeded.

The concentration of the substance in a large volume has a depressing effect on the nervous system, causing a malfunction in the functioning of the body. Overdose often occurs when using a medicine that has expired. A dose of the drug taken with alcohol can be fatal! Self-medication always provokes negative consequences that threaten the life and health of the patient.

Symptoms of Afobazole overdose:

  • There is muscle weakness, accompanied by apathy in mood;
  • Speech defects and difficulties in pronouncing words appear;
  • High sleepiness during the day;
  • Slow reaction to external stimuli;
  • Weakening the function of the respiratory system;
  • Severe pain in the head area;
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Deep fainting.

If signs of intoxication are detected, further consumption of the substance must be immediately stopped. Call an ambulance or go to the clinic yourself to consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs and substances

Pills1 table
active substance:
fabomotizole (fabomotizole dihydrochloride)5 mg
10 mg
excipients: potato starch - 48/48 mg; MCC - 40/35 mg; lactose monohydrate - 48.5/48.5 mg; povidone medium molecular weight (polyvinylpyrrolidone medium molecular weight medical, Kollidon 25) - 7/7 mg; magnesium stearate - 1.5/1.5 mg

Tablets: white or white with a creamy tint, flat-cylindrical, beveled.

Tablets, 5 mg or 10 mg. In blister packs, 10, 20, 25 or 30 pcs. In a polymer jar, 30, 50, 100 or 120 pcs. Each can or 3, 5 or 10 contour packs of 10 tablets, or 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 contour packs of 20 tablets, or 2 or 4 contour packs of 25 tablets, or 1, 2. 3 or 4 contour packs of 30 tablets. in a cardboard pack.

The drug has a single dosage form - tablets. The dosage has two options - 5 and 10 mg. The manufacturer of the drug is Russian pharmaceutical company. Due to the domestic origin of the product, its price does not “bite”, unlike the prices of many imported sedatives. The medicine is provided with an annotation that provides instructions for use.


Afabazole has a complex composition, including an active substance and a number of auxiliary substances. The main substance is 5-ethoxy-2-[2-(morpholino)-ethylthio]benzimidazole dihydrochloride, which is a derivative of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, an anxiolytic with a selective effect. The tablets also contain other components:

  • potato starch
  • microcrystalline cellulose
  • milk sugar
  • povidone
  • magnesium stearate

Afobazole contains an active substance - a derivative of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, which is classified as an anxiolytic with a selective effect. The remaining substances do not have a direct effect and are classified as auxiliary.

Available in tablet form of 5 and 10 mg. Manufactured by pharmaceuticals. Packaged in a cardboard box containing 3 blisters of 20 tablets each. It also contains instructions for use, including the mechanism of action, dosage and description of the drug.

You can buy Afobazole at any pharmacy without instructions, which indicates its moderate effect on the nervous system and the absence of addiction with prolonged use. Since this is a domestically produced medicine, the price in rubles for a package of 60 tablets of 10 mg each ranges from 250 to 380 on average.

Should I take Persen instead of Afobazole?

"Persen" is a plant-based sedative. It contains mint leaves, lemon balm, and medicinal valerian root extract. Natural origin has a positive effect on symptoms of anxiety, irritability, and promotes normal sleep without attacks of daytime sleepiness. When choosing “Afobazol” or “Persen” for treatment, it should be taken into account that the effect of the first is milder compared to a synthetic anxiolytic.

A plant-based sedative can be used in pediatrics under the strict supervision of a physician. "Persen" improves attention, calms and helps cope with insomnia. Can be prescribed in complex therapy for vegetative-vascular dystonia, withdrawal syndrome of potent medications. As a preventative measure, it is recommended during periods of constant stressful situations.

A specialist must choose between two sedatives. In milder cases, it is sometimes sufficient to take a herbal sedative. If the situation requires “serious” medications, the patient is prescribed Afobazol. Contraindications to the use of “Persen” are high blood pressure, pregnancy, children under 3 years of age and individual intolerance to the components.

Pharmacological group

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
F10.3 Withdrawal stateAlcohol withdrawal syndrome
Withdrawal syndrome
Withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism
Alcohol withdrawal
Alcohol withdrawal
Alcohol withdrawal state
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Post-withdrawal disorder
Post-withdrawal state
Hangover syndrome
Withdrawal syndrome
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Withdrawal state
F17.3 Withdrawal condition caused by tobacco useWithdrawal syndrome when quitting smoking
Nicotine withdrawal
F41.1 Generalized anxiety disorderGeneralized anxiety
Generalized anxiety disorders
Anxious reaction
Anxiety neurosis
Phobic neurosis
F41.9 Anxiety disorder, unspecifiedSevere anxiety
Neurosis-like symptoms
Neurosis-like disorders
Neurosis-like conditions
Neuroses with anxiety symptoms
Neuroses with anxiety
Neurotic disorders with anxiety syndrome
Acute situational and stress anxiety
Acute situational stress anxiety
Acute anxiety attack
Depressed mood with elements of anxiety
Psychopathy with a predominance of anxiety and restlessness
Sharp anxiety
Situational anxiety disorder
Alarm state
Anxious delusional state
Anxious delusional component
Anxious state
Anxiety neuroses
Anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders in neurotic and neurosis-like conditions
Anxiety states
Anxiety syndrome
Chronic neurotic anxiety
Sense of anxiety
F43 Reaction to severe stress and adaptation disordersAdjustment disorder
Stressful condition
Stress disorders
F43.2 Disorder of adaptive reactionsMental adjustment disorder
F48.0 NeurastheniaAsthenic form of neurasthenia
Astheno-neurotic condition
Asthenoneurotic disorder
Flu of young workaholics
Yuppie flu
Neurasthenic disorders
Neurasthenic conditions
Neurasthenic syndrome
F51.0 Insomnia of non-organic etiologySituational insomnia
Situational sleep disorders
G47.0 Disturbances in falling asleep and maintaining sleep [insomnia]Insomnia
Insomnia, especially difficulty falling asleep
Long-term sleep disturbance
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty falling asleep
Short-term and transient sleep disturbances
Short-term and chronic sleep disorders
Short or shallow sleep
Sleep disturbance
Sleep disturbance, especially during the falling asleep phase
Sleep disorders
Sleep disorders
Neurotic sleep disorder
Shallow, shallow sleep
Shallow sleep
Poor sleep quality
Night awakening
Night awakenings
Sleep pathology
Post-somnia disorder
Transient insomnia
Problems falling asleep
Early awakening
Early morning awakening
Early awakenings
Sleep disorder
Sleep disorder
Persistent insomnia
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty falling asleep in children
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty falling asleep
Persistent insomnia
Deterioration of sleep
Chronic insomnia
Frequent night and/or early morning awakenings
Frequent awakenings at night and a feeling of shallow sleep
G47.8 Other sleep disordersKleine-Levin syndrome
Minor sleep disturbances
G90 Disorders of the autonomic nervous systemAngiodystonia
Vasovegetative manifestations
Vasomotor dystonia
Autonomic dystonia
Autonomic dysfunction
Vegetative lability
Autonomic-vascular disorders
Autonomic disorders
Vegetative-vascular dystonia
Vegetative-vascular disorders
Vegetovascular dystonia
Vegetovascular disorders
Vegetative-vascular dystonia
Neurocirculatory dystonia
Neurovegetative disorders
Neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type
Primary neurovegetative syndrome
Autonomic dystonia syndrome
N94.3 Premenstrual tension syndromeSevere premenstrual syndrome
Menstrual psychosomatic disorder
Menstrual syndrome
Premenstrual tension
Premenstrual condition
Premenstrual period
Premenstrual syndrome
Menstruation syndrome
Z60.0 Problems associated with adapting to lifestyle changesAdaptation
Correction of daily biorhythm
Adaptation disorder
Adaptation disorders
Normalization of biological rhythms
Adjustment disorders
Adjustment disorder

Afobazole is a sedative that reduces anxiety. The use of Afobazole does not lead to dependence on the drug, even with fairly long-term use. The drug does not have a negative effect on memory and concentration, and does not reduce muscle tone, which is confirmed by reviews of Afobazole. When taking Afobazole, no withdrawal syndrome is observed, that is, if the drug is abruptly stopped, the patient’s condition does not worsen.

According to the instructions, Afobazole has a dual effect: it relieves anxiety and provides mild stimulation. Reducing anxiety and nervous tension leads to an improvement in both the mental and physical condition of the patient. The effect of the drug, aimed at reducing anxiety, allows you to eliminate the symptoms (muscular, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal) that are present in somatic disorders. The frequency of autonomic disorders (sweating, dry mouth, dizziness) also decreases.

The use of the drug helps improve memory and concentration, which is confirmed by positive reviews of Afobazole.

Positive dynamics of the condition are observed 5-7 days after starting the drug. The maximum effect occurs after 3-4 weeks and lasts for another 1 or 2 weeks, depending on the metabolic state of the individual patient. Afobazole helps patients who are worried about suspiciousness, increased vulnerability, emotional instability, and lack of self-confidence. The good effect of using the drug is also proven by positive reviews of Afobazole.

According to the instructions, Afobazole is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and has a high degree of binding to blood plasma proteins. The drug is quickly eliminated from the body, which reduces the likelihood of an overdose of Afobazole.


I think each of you has sometimes experienced stressful situations in which it is absolutely impossible to cope without auxiliary medications.
Such a period in my life has come to me, but I came across Afobazol in time, which my friend recommended to me. Good day, my dears! My name is Natalya and I am 42 years old. I am married and have two sons. I have been working as an accountant in a large company for 15 years. I love my job very much, but due to my profession I am not without stressful situations, and besides, I have enough worries at home. Lately I began to notice that I was in an absolutely depressed state, similar to depression. I lose my temper with my children over trivial matters, and have rows with my husband. And then there’s the change of boss and staff reduction. In general, everything somehow came together and I was on edge.

I love my family very much and I know that it comes first for me, but being left without work was scary, so I was worried. Sons need to be taught, and this is a lot of money. At work, during my lunch break, I got into a conversation with my colleague and she recommended Afobazole to me, she says that even during the session it helped her out perfectly. I have never heard of such a drug and, to be honest, I have only taken valerian a couple of times in my life, in the most critical situations. I have a very negative and cautious attitude towards any sedatives, but it was necessary to take action, otherwise I could be left without a family and without a job.

Naturally, I did not immediately buy this medicine, but decided to find out as much information as possible about it: composition, side effects and principle of action.

I went through a difficult divorce with Afobazol

Hello everyone who reads my review!
Hope it's useful! In order not to languish, I’ll write right away - the pills work. Not immediately, after about a week, but the effect appears. The lack of quick effect is more than compensated by the duration of action of the tablets. After the course, the effect is felt for 1-2 months, it all depends on the degree of effectiveness with which you get on your nerves :))

I wrote the main thing, now I’ll hit you in particular. Read review Hello everyone who is reading my review! Hope it's useful!

In order not to languish, I’ll write right away - the pills work. Not immediately, after about a week, but the effect appears. The lack of quick effect is more than compensated by the duration of action of the tablets. After the course, the effect is felt for 1-2 months, it all depends on the degree of effectiveness with which you get on your nerves :))

I wrote the main thing, now I’ll hit you in particular. Afobazole was recommended to me by my cousin, she works as a doctor. I needed it after a difficult divorce from my husband. I had tried different sedatives before, mostly what I saw on TV (victim of advertising, yes) :), but to my disappointment, there was no effect other than drowsiness. I took Afobazole 30 mg per day, i.e. one tablet 3 times a day. I read somewhere that it was supposedly addictive - nothing like that, after a month I calmly stopped, no withdrawal symptoms - nothing but a feeling of calm and tranquility :)). After all the red tape with the divorce, I went on vacation to consolidate the effect. This was three years ago. Since then, about twice a year I drink a monthly course, it helps me always keep myself in control and be as collected as possible. Side effects: the instructions contain a minimum of them; it is stated that there may be allergic reactions or headaches. Neither one nor the other showed up. I generally tolerate medications well.

Well, as a result, Afobazole really works, but it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult with specialists.

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Video: doctor’s reviews of the drug Afobazol

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Intoxication from pills

Doctors usually prescribe afobazole for the following conditions:

  • malignant neoplasms,
  • malfunction of the cardiovascular system, which is accompanied by arrhythmia,
  • insomnia,
  • increased anxiety,
  • when stopping the use of alcohol or cigarettes,
  • pronounced premenstrual syndrome in women.

Taking the drug together with drinking alcohol is very dangerous. Even a small amount of a sedative drug in combination with alcohol can be fatal, as it can provoke irreversible damage to the central nervous system. Combining alcohol with afobazole is especially dangerous for people suffering from heart failure, chronic diseases of the urinary system, and endocrine system disorders.

Intoxication with afobazole is manifested by a pronounced sedative effect and increased drowsiness. At the same time, muscle tone and motor activity decrease.

It is important to remember that this drug has the ability to accumulate in the body, so the first symptoms of an overdose may not appear immediately. Often a person doubles the dose prescribed by his doctor because he does not observe a quick sedative effect. In this case, it must be remembered that a pronounced effect appears only after some time. An overdose of afobazole has serious consequences, including death.

An overdose of afobazole is extremely dangerous if the patient is taking certain medications in parallel. Severe intoxication can be provoked by a combination of increased doses together with the use of tranquilizers, antipsychotics, sedatives, and antidepressants. The consequences can even manifest as cardiac arrest.

If the body responds to the drug with an allergic reaction, an overdose can lead to severe anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema.


The drug Afobazol belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of anxiolytic drugs.

The possibility of nausea, vomiting and stool disorders cannot be ruled out. In rare cases, a side effect of taking Afobazole is a headache, which does not require specific treatment, dosage changes or discontinuation of the drug and goes away on its own.

Afobazole has no effect on the depressive effect of ethyl alcohol and the hypnotic (hypnotic) effect of sodium thiopental (a drug for ultra-short-acting inhalation anesthesia).

Potentiates the antiepileptic effect of Carbamazepine and enhances the tranquilizing effect of Diazepam.

The drug Afobazole is a sedative. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves irritation and helps you sleep. Treat various mental disorders.

Medicine made in Russia. Differs from benzodiazepines - there are no severe side effects. Drugs of this type are available in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. Afobazole can be purchased freely - no prescription is needed. Used during mild nervous disorders. More severe lesions are preferred to be treated with other effective drugs.

Drug with medicinal properties:

  • Relieves nervous anxiety, feelings of fear, anxiety;
  • A high concentration of calcium cations has a negative effect on nerve cells - the drug blocks their influence;
  • Stimulates areas of the brain, helping to improve memory;
  • Increases the efficiency of people engaged in mental work.

The medicine does not have a short-term effect. A single pill will not instantly relieve stress. It will take several days of treatment to restore mental health and normalize sleep patterns.

They prefer to recommend the medicine to people prone to depression. A strong emotional reaction can cause complications and negative consequences for a person. But the substance is not capable of stopping an aggressive, panicky state. You cannot prescribe a dosage for treatment on your own.

Allergic reactions are possible.

Rarely - headache, which usually goes away on its own and does not require discontinuation of the drug.

Afobazol® does not interact with ethanol and does not affect the hypnotic effect of thiopental. Enhances the anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine. Causes an increase in the anxiolytic effect of diazepam.

Dosage of the drug and methods of its use

According to the instructions attached to the drug, Afobazol tablets should only be taken orally. It is advisable to do this after eating.

The dose of the drug is selected individually. As a rule, it depends on the course and severity of the existing disease. At the initial stage of therapy, the dosage of the drug "Afobazol" should be exactly 10 mg (calculated for one dose). You should take no more than 30 mg per day.

Depending on the course and severity of the disease, the dose of the drug can be increased to 60 mg per day. But this is only if the minimum dosage does not give any effect.

Typically, the course of treatment with Afobazol is about 2-4 weeks. But in case of urgent need, the treating doctor can extend therapy up to 3 months. Also, the doctor has every right to prescribe a repeat course after a short period of time (after 1-1.5 months).

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